The i Of microbes (inicro-organin visible [ isms) is a mighty host, Anny ) vvliich indeed no man can Bombar. Invisible to the uakod eye, the poisonous part oí tliis army is tbc cause of four-fifth8 of all the dlseases of tlio. human ïainily t lic.v destroy more Uves than war, famine, flre, murúter mul siiipwreck combined, and they ciciuaiiy abbreviate the average term ui iiiiinun lift by thxee-fourths. The way to relieve the lnnn.Mii body ol thaae microbes 18 i" take Swlft's Specifte. When tliis medicine iets well uní the system the poisonous germ must leave hè cannpt oxist iliorc, i henee he seekfi an exit through the porea ot the skin. Atter he departa (i contlnued use of the Specific wïll iorce out the poison, and the patiënt i.s well. Treatise on Blond and Skin Dis. malled free. BWIFT s'i;CIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga.
Ann Arbor Argus
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