The Problem Solved - An Unrivaled Blood Purlfier. Gentlemen: It affords me pleasore to state that niy wlfe has received greater beneHt trom Hibbard's lïlu-uüi.!ir ÊSyrup thau from any medicine gira has ever taken. We have used wix bottlcs, and flnd it to be tlie besi family remedy and tlie greatest blood piirifler liuii we hare ever used. It is truly all it is claim:d to be by lts founder. You cannot vfcoinincnd iL too hig'hly. Yoni-s truly, FKAXIC WALLACE, West ÏA'ba.non, Ind. &old by all di-ugg-Lsts. Propared only liv Tho Charles WriJght, Medicine Oompun-y, Detroit, Mieii.
Ann Arbor Argus
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