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North Lake

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Crowded out last week. Miss Lucy Webb has the la grippe. Mrs. Thomas Sharp, of Perry, is vlsiting relatives at this place. Mr. Geo. Webb is now finishing his commercial course at the Cleary Business College, Ypsilanti. S. A. Mapes, accompanied by Misses Matie and Rose Glen, att-iided the cantata at Plainfield last Tliursday evening. , Mr. Ed Brown returned last week from North Dakota. The weather is so severe that all work has been stopped, with wheat abor.t haf threshed. The writing class is very much interested iti its work. There have been 22 members enrolled. Prof. Mapes intends to start another school this week. There was no preaching services last Sunday. Rev. England is novv taking his vacation, visiting his parents, and will officiate at the marriage of his sister. Wm. Seacor was injured last Friday morning by a falling tree, which severed his scalp to the brain. Dr. Palmer dressed the wound and at present he is doing well. The question for debate at the next Lyceum is: "Resolved, that Circumstances make the Individual." Mrs. W. H. Glen and Miss Clara Wood, chiefs.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News