: I I 5L SB H 1 L r? ? h -I ir1 w I I t S2 : 2 1 H gg, Cj H.H B S-ÏB U ai U off M H g l % si H s y 5 o i i 5 td i i M 1 1 m ir. EBERBACH &. SON. AND PHARMACISTS. No. 12 South Main Street DEALEKS IN M edicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuflsi. Artist's and Vax Flower Matenale Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc. PDRBttH&UpRS Special attcntion paid to tne turnishine; of Physicians, Chtjmists, Schools, etc., with philosonluca] and Chemical Apara tus, Bohemi:in Chemical Glassware, Porceluin Ware, Pure Tïeajrents, etc. PhysicJaiis' PreAcriptio'is C;Lrefully Preparad at aII houra. AUCTI01TEER. Charles KingsSey, Live stock and general auotloneer. Twcnty irs' experlenoetn Oakland County. Referonoes glven, ü' deslred. TERMS REASONABLK. Address me or lo;ivc word at my bousé. 46 S. ÜNIVERSJTY AVENTE, ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Ann Arbor Argus
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