The i Shows that all epidemie, enGenn demic, and eoiïtagious dirheory ) seases are produced by minute infpcting germs or microbes, peculiar to ach disease, whicli" enter ,the system. It being a well settled ïact that any rtómedy which would kill 'the germ or microbe would destroy 'the life of the patiënt, it lias been iound that to force out these gcrms is the only safe relief from thcir ravages, fn this way Svrtffs Speclfle haa for 00 years been curing blood and skin 01eases. It forcea out the microbes through the pores of the skin, and soon senda out the poison which they may have left. In this way the di.sease is cured, and the general health of the patiënt ie built up. Treatiee on Blood and Skin Disensos malled free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta, Ga.
Ann Arbor Argus
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