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One of the largcst clothing house in New York city lias failed for $500,000. The ntire stock ha been brought to Detroit, Micb., by order of court, and will be closed ut at retail in eight days, by a well-known ietroit firm. On account of this great failure the immense building at No, 157 Jefferon avenue, between Woodward and Griswold, si.xth door west from Woodward, fifth oor east f rom Griswold. Detroit, has been hired by the asslgnee expressly for this great bankrupt assineo's sale. The stock onsists of uearly L5U0, 000 worth of fine lothlng, etc. The entire building will reniain closed until Wednesday. Jan. 20, at 9 a. ni., when this greatsale will begin In the m-uense building, 157 JetTerson, between Voodward and Oriswold. Below we quote a few prices, in order to show what extraordinary bargatns will be offered. Men's heavy winter overcoats, $1.08, posiiivKly worthS9.50; you raay keep this coat homo ilve days, and if it is not worth Sö.50 eturn the same, and ne hereby agree to eturu the $1.88. Men's heay ulsters Ï3. 75. posltlvely wort' $15, or your money reunded. Men's Whltney chinchilla overcoats, Í5.25, positively worth Í20 or your uonoy will be returned. Men's -'Koyal" standard Kerseys, slik and siitinlined, 87.91), positively worth f2d ; you tuay keep this coat home flve riays, and f not wortli 128 return the saine and your money will be rofunded. Meu's Hbbed diagonal suits, $2.8!, wortta $12.50. Meu's Enslish worsted cutaway suits, S7.99, valued atí20. Yon have same privilege on these sutts as on above mentioned garmeuts. Men'3 Melton cassimere pants. worth $3. for 98c. Men's all-wool cheviot pauts (25 styles),S1.4 9. wortü $5. Boys' cape overcoats, X, worth $4. Boys' pants (5.000) at 19c a pair. Boys' suits, $1.25, worlh $4.50; good wooleu socks, (ie par pair, worth 40c; fine embroidered suspendéis, 9c, worth 00 c; fine heavy red flannel underwear, 8Tc per sult, wortU?3.50; men's hats. 9c, worth $3.75(all hapes); boys' hats, 15c, worth 1.50, and 30,0ü0 different articles we cannot mention liere. It will pay you to come a hundred mllea to Tisit thls great sale, lf you value inoney don't miss it. Everything sold as adverised. We ad vise you to cut tuis out and brln It with you, so you get exactly he goods mentioned here. This sale wlll positlvely commeuce on Wednesday, Jan. 0, at 9 a. in., in the immense building, 157 fefferson avenue, between Woodward and Griswold, sisth door west from Woodward, fifth door east from Griswold. Detroit.Mlch. N. B.- liailroad fare paid to all purchasers of $35 and orer. There is no such hute as religious ïate, and no such love as Clnistian ove.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News