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g " WOKTH A GUINEA A BOX." ! S ö VsRCT) áomc peple make : S VávfnT idoIs out of old-fash IÍTÍ [Cj ined remedies,and by i l&3L rTrlij their use subject tfaem'' ''j"""''- se Ivés to sacritice and , p.piF-fc--'''' and evcn torture. But iEECHAM'S n wJ are PríliseJ a" over ' ! (ji 1 2 the world as they are a S i j ■■■■ painless and effectuah' ; "CffledyforalIBlllous I)Iarderur!lne! $ C '(?m We:ilt Stomuch,Inipulred . i íion, Chnntiputlon, Dlsordered I.lver, ' S ■ J Niok ílenduche. They have no equal. j ! ' í all drugists. Price ZB cents a box. ' ', New York Depot, 365 Canal St. 30 , . WANTED, FOR SALE. ETC. 'pwo FAKMS FOH SALE OR KENT One ■ contHins 1U0 aeres, the 01 240 aoree. Soil, miprovements and bulldiiure exoellent. Tenns easy. Priee very low. Enijuli-e ol' .1 . Q. A. Sessions. Ann Artxr. 1-3 POH RENT OU ON SHAHES.-My farm of 450 acres, oí which 260 sores ia plowed land. Situiitcd on the base Une between eb sierami Hamburg. Inqulre on the fann of Urg. John Ounlavyor oí Thomas G. Wal lace, Seotlon :H, Norilitléld. t-78 riUVO NEW MilchCows for Sale. James C. Alien, 2 miles Dorth oí City. 1O8T- On Sundav eveninjí, between Hang sterfer Blockand M. C. depot, a rol] of bilis amountlng to about Í30.00. Kinder will reeeivo libera) reward by leavlng them at tbc .irgus oflice. 1 FOH SAIjE- Three now and desirablehouses cheap. D. A. Pray, oilice C. H. Kline, City. 72-74 FOK Pive aeres on West Hurón Street. Qoood house, barn, orcbanl. Beauti ful location. Will sellon easy lerins. Applj to or address E. I). Davif, West Hurón Ann Arbor, Michigan. 70tt' F'OR 8ALK- 4 Horses. 3Cows, 3 Wagons, 1 Doublé Carriaga. 1 Buggy, 1 Koller. 1 Horse Rake, 1 Drill. ' Pionghs, 2 Dracrs, 2 Cultivators. 1 Cutter, 1 Bob Sleigli. 2 Doublé Barnesa, 2 Sinirle Harnees, taquire at " Manu's Drugstore, Ann Arbor. TOtf GENTS WANTED.- Gentleman or lady, in -"- every city, and village in Michigan, where not represented, fo buy and sell oiir fainous Orjrans, Symplionias, Pneumatic Symphonys (Self-PlayiDg Organs), etc. For nnr Organs, catalogues, or an agency, only addresa our State Agent, N VanDorwerken, Manchester Mich. THE WILCOX & WHITE ORGAN CO Please mention thls paper. WANTED- A girl to help a pants-maker. Wagner & Co., 1 South Main St. 04tf ,,. Y farm at Scio of 200 arcres for sale. I ' have no boya that wil) work the ranch, andlamtoold to íarin. 1Í not sold before the flrstoï March next it is to rent. Geo. A. Peters. (I2tf rpü RENT- Home, just outside of west city J. litnits. Jnciuire at 72 S. Main street. FOR SALE.- Farm of foriy acres at Whitmore Lake. Mich. Good house. Five minutes' walk trom Tiotels and post- fflse. Excellent oil. Apply to Walter L. Taylor, 0 Broadway, Ann Arbor, Mich. .W-tf NN ARBOR NÜRSERY- Fruit ana orna" mental trees. Peucfa and pi-ar a spocialty. Grape vinos, berry olants, etc. Price Ion-. Jacob Uanzhorn, head of Spring Street. HENRY RICHARDS, Dealer in all kinds oí HARS WOOD, MM, FBrCE P93TS, Maple Flooring, etc., also Fine and Sh.ingles. ALL, KINDS OF FIK E WOÓD. PRICES as LOW as any dealer in the City. Agent for ÏJo. 9 Detroit Street ANN ARBOR, - - MICHIGAN FREDERICK KRAUSE AUCTIONEER. Willattend to all sales ou short notlce at reasonable charges. For further particulars cali at the Ahqus office. t $ $ t il] I the Larffest Gold Mine . UlñflMrH Mí the LargestSilver Mines. JHoaiUfli m sË3SJSBïLr ïas Extensive Qrazing Banges, Fine Timloer Belts, Wide Agricultural Valleys. Is larger than New England, New York, Peansylvania, New Jersey and Delaware couibined. The Great Northern Railway is the direct, line rom St. Paul and Miuneapolis to Great Falls, i Monarch, Neihart, Barker, Helena, Butte and other Montana points. Apply to your home ailway agent for tickets over the Great Norhern. I do not wish to blow into I FND them, but merely whisper that ■ the Red River Válley offers line induceinents for home seekers, MF as also the entiro región ulonu the Great Northern Haihvay through Minnesota, North Da[ OUR kota and Montana. For Mapa, Gulde Books, etc., apply to F. 1. Whitnky, G. P. Si. T. A., t. ''ARS Paul, Miun., or to your nearest railway agent. In some States the THE YOUNG ratio is two and ofn lv ten three to one in vniiun , favor of the men. tuuinu WOMEN, The best route f rom MEN St. Paul, MinneaplvltlN n olis, Duluth and AOcnilT GO West Superior to AKtuul , the Northwestern THFRF ur r c T I and Pacific States is mtnl1 ïcoi. Vja the Great NorNnw thern Railway. NÜWl Farms can be had in Minnesota and North Dakota on erop Nand other plans to suit purchasers. No failure of erop in twelve years of settlement Large yields of wheat and other jen staples. Fine stock región. it.ll Good schools and churches. Healthful climato. Great Markets with in easyreach. Fanns ÍIVFR Pa' tor lrom the pioeeeds of II uil one crOp_ Highest prlces paid for products. The Great Northern Raiiway has three Unes ALLEY through the Valley. Address """" ' W. W. Braden, Land Commissioner, St. Paul, Minn., for particulars. ABOUT A GREAT COUNTRY. Maps and publleations sent free, and letters asking intormation abo ut travel and settlement in Minnesota, theDakotas and Montana anawered by P. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A., Great Northern Railway, 8t. Paul. Tickets to all pointe in the West. Lowest rates to the Paclnc Coaet.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News