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W THE "ACMÉ" Ir ígricultural IP=JL H BOIL-ER. For Cooking Feed for Stock, Heating Water ,' and Generating Stearr _u_ MI , for Various Purposes (BOB MI For Descriptlve rirculai ■JU and Frico List, address tln, HBIBSuK miimifact nrer, lB3fmfrm C. H DICKINSON, Kala '■ 'in--sSS mazoo, Mich. wim:, herz, S'ü.4 W. WASHINGTON ST. House, Sigs, Qrnameual and Fkesco Painter, gildinir, calcimininp, plazinp and paper nanking". AU work it done in the beat style and wnrranied to íríve satisfaetion. REPOliT OF THE 00NDITI0N OFTHE mwiï k mm m - AT- ANSÍ ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At the clone of business, September 25, 1891. RESOURCES. Loan? and discounts $249, 7ó7 93 Bonus and Jlurtgagus 87,746 07 Overdrafts 2,891 ;m Furniture ;ind flxtures. ;í,('00 uu Expenses and interest paid 2,597 02 Duefrom Washteuaw Co 27 578 82 Bülsin traDüit..' 4,869 50 Duefrom banks in res3rve ciiles 2tl, 78264 Cash and cash items 18,753 Vi Total.... $423,587 14 JLIABILITIES. Capital ítock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus funil 10,000 0 Uudivided proflt 12 059 58 Deposita 351,527 50 Total $423,587 14 STATE OF MICHIGAN. J Oounty of ushtenaw, ( I, Frederick H. Belsxr, Cashier of the above naüHil &oleinnly ewear th:it tbe above statement is true lo tue beet of my knowledge and belief. P. H. Bklser, Oasliier, Subscribed and swoTn to before me this lst day of October, 1811. Wili.iam W. Whedon, Notary Public. COBRBOT- Attest. AMUBO8K KEARNEY.") Junius E. Beal, vDirectoi-s. Chas. E. Gkeenk, We Have on Hand an Elegant Assortment of SoLON PaLMERS Finest Perfumes. We can suit your Fancy in Cut and Decorated Bottles and save you 25' MANN BROS., DRUGGISTS, 39 S. Main Street, - Ann Arbor, Mich. H. KITJRJEDGMËT No. 6 West Ann Stbbit. miHAUEAWEUÏE, In the rear of Edward Duffy'e grocery store. Hack to all traine, day and nigbt. Orders for tralng, porties, weddings and funerals yrompUy attondcd to. Telephoae, 106 Ann


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News