nirat í umin BAKERY. GROCERY AND FLOÜK AND FEED STORE, We keep consuintly or. hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, o. For WTiolesale or Betail Trade. Wc shall also keep :i supply ot OSBORxVE'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift & Oo.' Best White Wheat Flour, Kye Flour . Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Fjed, &o., &c, &c. At Wholesale and Retail. A genen] stock ol ÖHIOOERIES AND PUOVISIONS .■onstantly on hand, which vvll he sulil on as reasoriiihlc terms ae at any other hoiue n Ihc city. ISfCash y.iu) (or Bittter, Exan, and Country rroducfl vneraiiv. t30TJnods Di'HvfTi ' rn ftnv par! of thf cuy with Riuifiy & Soaljolt. DR I V TF 11 3 F"AÖ? -DISEASESOFTHESKiN Speciaüy aud Skaiful!. Ko Pntont Slerti-!n Fraiid, ( Ii;lt " rIwir '"'nd, Ko'oniiHiiriir ii.htitntl'ake. ■ A ' ,"" ilnnl No Klectricftl i!iiiniLa, ) ,, ■■ l ïk-ucst Purpoae. Over twentyyears ooi ivo Bo-pltal and Sanitar luni experience TfaouanÜM of Imppj, uratefuL cures, eïtendiDg tntoevery Ktate In tne Union tS If you areintcrested investieatcv You will purely be pliiaxfd and mai i mirpctaod. Writs fuily. Inquire freely. a valuable tnwtlra on Dissasos of a Vrivute NctMiw, confldcr.iial aud free. SEND FOR Iï. .ddreas or rail on DR. O. J. n HANNA. JACKSOX, MICH.
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