A Man
-- -- ■- - r - r V F ÜNAOQtTAÏNTED WITH THE GEOGRAFHY OF THE COUNTRY, WILI. OBTABH MDOH VALUABLE INFORMATION FHOM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISUMoTSÍF!G RfilLWflV, Peona, La Salle. Mohne, Bock Island, in ILLINOIS-Davènport, Musoatíne Ottumwa Oskaíoosa, Des Moines, Winterset, Audubon, Harían and Counoil Bluffs, in IOWA-Mmneapolis and St. Paiü, in MINNfesOTA-Watertown id Sioux Falla in DAKOTA-Cameron, St. Joseph and Kangas CityTÍS MISSOURI-Omaha, Pairbury and Nolson, in NEBRASKA-Horton Toneka Hutchinson, Wichita, Belleville, Abilene, baldwell, in Kansas-Pond Ceik' Hennessey, Kinffflsher, El Reno.in the ÍNDIAN TEBRITORY-and Denver Colorado Sprmgs, Pueblo, in COLORADO. FREE liecliiiin? Chair Cara to and from CÉicago, Caldwell, Hutchinson and Dodge City, and Palace SllePingr Cars between Chicago, Wichita and Hutchinson. "Traverses new and vast áreas of rich farmin? and lands, affordmg: the best íacilities of intercommunication to all towns and cities east and west, northwest ana southwest of Chicago, and Pacific and trans-oceanic Seaport3. MACN9FICENT VESTIBULE EXPKESS TAINS, Leading all competitors in splendor of equipment, wariced by 3team from üie locomotivo, well ventilated, and free ft-om dVist. Through Coaches. RS Bwf6 d PlnmP Cars daily between Chicago, ïes Moines! Council Bluffs and Omaha, with Free Reclininsr Chair Cars between ChirtO?l)envriCt?1?ra5,Sr'nss and Pueblo, via St. Joseph, or Kansas hííí-S sPlf?nd.id Diningr Hotels (furniehing meáis atseasonable í3. ?Aí?5eí0or Mlsgrl River. California Excursions daily, with CHOICE OF ROUTES to and from Salt Lake, Ogden, Portland, Los Angeles and San S"?11 TLe SIRE? LIÍ?? to níirom Pike's Peak, Manitou, GardeS Qrande-s óf Colora1doam Cltles' Minin& Camps, Sanitariums, and Scenio VIA THE ALBERT LEA 8SOUTE, SoJIfPressTrains daily between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul. K} í?PU(íS RecllJ1Jí? Chair Cars (FREE) to and from thosepoints ana WÏÏÏ cS8 CltK' ,.Thr?ug}i Chair Car and Sleeper between Pepria, Spirit Lako ?Ít,S rVX &a"8.,via Rock Island. The Favorito Line to Pipestone, WaterGrZndsthe Northwe6 SUmmer Beaorts and Hunüng and Fishin „ï1? SHORT LINE VIA SÉNECA AND KANKAKEE offers facüities to tI , a w?en Cmcinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs, St. Joseph Atch:son. Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis and St. Paul rm„Li Sa,'1618' MaP8. Folders, or desired information, apply to any Coupoa Ticket Office in the United States or Canada, or addresa "t"u JOHN, JCN SEBASTIAN, General Manager. CHICAGO, ILL. Gen'l Ticket & Pass. Agen,
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News