Weak, Nervous Men
JSSs YOU.who have heen liumbuged by th ■ Iretrlc Belts," " Fellow r ut. f ■i..iJ r. - frei," "Crcu." 'Vucuum," "Nervine,"" I -,,■ i :M HílíÜnRifi P Cure,"qi;u.ks.an,]!,ohvefoundyour8elf aroivL. dHI IIUWUriilBH, Dg worse auii iro;w. Voo. who have given np Í-. rflÖf V ; r, ; - de8pair. pajire. ' ! uui nonmed; there is no l, ; E" J? tiikÏS'kü ii'ÍbVi'I; "P' "'"' SVf: ''"' csltl'í! THKBK IS Wl .'. ( - JW TIIfcKK IS A tUKE ! No matter wbat you have taken or who has C %n?l andsemfforBooMfre.) OJIA pCtPrjll mnd ..tlon iflrt faal -'"i iv3.ï,i "fi"?il ■&" OütílíLÜrUL fort,Ter.'exprlíi,f. J ABK. ;jL. .HKOSIt DIMiASfóof either aex Villfuilv and successfully treated and, ,j li,;fcl a fare ín;rtee5 in every curable C!VS' MjirrledmeoorilioieabODt lo. U bSkJI S nl."rr? wh? dread their weakutiss or iuc-apacity. or whose blood ia loaded S W& withimpurities traaamissible to offspring, sbould mS' consult the eelebrated Dr. Clsrke at once. TDFITUrilT I -rf.v.TVTioii dentiaL Medicinea ent ererywbere, secure from I tJUblli cd 18Ö1. exporore. A friendly letter my akl yoo and direct you to health. Addresi DR. F. D. CLARKE. Merrill Block, cw.w,,4tí a,,A, Detroit, Mfch.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News