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The Arm Arbor Courier is in (leep grief,...

The Arm Arbor Courier is in (leep grief,... image
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The Arm Arbor Courier is in (leep grief, because the Second Michigan district is not represented on good committees, as might have been the case had Allen been returned, as he, being an experienced member, would have been placed on important eommittees. Rest easy, neighbor, and don't borrow trouble, as it is haid to repay. Gorman may not be quite so conspicuous on dress parade, but he is a major general in a tariff fight, and li is vote declares the tariff is a tax; in this, the Second district iscorrectly represented, and it made no mistake in changing Allen for Gorman. The worth of a congiessman is in his vote, neighbor, and not in his committee assignment. Tbrough Gorman the Second district is recognized in legislation; tlirough Allen it woulil have been ignored. - Adrián I'ress. Ir is very exasperating to the members of the local press club, to the citizens of Ann Arbor, and to the University authorities, who are endeavoring to créate a favorable irnpression upon the state editors gathered here, to see an attempt being made by a few "cranks" to counteract all that they are doing by the distribution of an injurious pamphlet entitled, "Ann Arbor, the University and Saloons." This pamphlet contains an address by Mr. Steere, which has for its object the creation of a sentiment in favor of a five mile law. We do not wish to be understood as placing ourselves on record either as opposed to or in favor of this law. It is not n our province to take a stand upon either side of a question of this kind. ]?ut we do most strenuously object to anumberof the statements made in the article, because som e of them are exaggerated, and some absolutely untrue. Then, also, it is extremely injudicious to place this warped and distorted statement before the state editors at this time, particularly. We do nat know who is responsible for the move. We are informed that the Students' Christian Association is back of it, but we are unwilling to believe that any University organization would be guilty of such an unwise, not to say foolish, act. We sincerely trust that the state editors will not leave Ann Arbor with the impression that this city is infested with dens of infamy and schools of vice, for such is very far from the case. If there was the slightest basis for Mr. Steere's charges, there would be no cause for this protest, but it is because the article is so manifestly unfair and exaggerated that the p'ress of the city wishes to denounce it as an attempt to inflame the prejudices of the visiting editors. Ordinarily the vaporings of temperance and other fanatics are little heeded, simply because all their statements of socalled existing facts are exaggerated and highly colored, with the mistaken idea that they will thus have more effect. As the representative of the students of the University, we enter a protest against Mr. Steere's charges, and we assure the visiting journalists that the statements contained in the article which accuse the students of all sorts of vices, are very far from the truth. Ann Arbor is one oí the best governed cities in the state. As the mayor stated on Tuesday evening, its pólice department is ridiculously small, and this in itself is sufficient evidence that the disorders complained of in this article are highly exaggerated. The town and the students invite the most careful investigation óf these charges and feel confident of the results. -


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News