A Newspaper Fake
The Fivc Press on Monday contaiin'il a Mg newspaper "fake" ov ratiifi publisfoes the visiouary utter anees of Arthur J. Swptt, a former resident oí tiliis city, in regard to. t !v nmrder of young Deunison tiere n 1890. The statements o,.]it-iind in tJhe artiele are Iiighly setnsational and tended to cause considerable discussion until later reporfcs from this city siiowed up the oí die artlcle; The Tree Press correspo'ndence was as ïolhows: "Jackson, January 11.- (Special.)- Osi t;he niglit of November 12, 181)0, a scrimmage took place at Aun Arbor betweeii eeveral hundred studeuts and a oí tile nuiinbiM-s of Coinpany A, MicMgaiJ State Troops. The most sL'riO'iis outcome was t ii: fatal injui-y of Irvlog J. üennison, a student, who was au innocent onlooker. The details oí this aifair are well known througihout the state, but all attempts to secure the acrest and pubishment of the gullty party have lailcd, a'nd the matter lias been appareaitly lost sight of. Now, ho wever, it appears that the case is being worked up, and apparently the evidence is very strong. One oí tli e members of Company A, who, by the way, was not one of the inany apreeted at the time, shortly afterwards left for Seattle, Waá. Before leaving, he, it is said, imbibed too freely on several occasions and talked. One of ,the mem of the company told Mm m one occasion tilia t if he lid not keep quiet he would "squcal." He visited the diouse of líate Shafer, and t'here fdiowed a watch he claimed belonged to Dennison. Tliis was seen by Mate and a nunibev of the inmates. He also told how he had ehibbed Deuniteon, and tbat wben hto vtotitn frfl I his hand eaught Deuniaon's wateh cha in. puiling tlic watch f rom his pocket. Seeing the watch was a riñe gold om-, lic appropriafed it. it is tated tiiat Dr. Vaugtian, oï the medical faculty, and Charles I!. Whitman, rallroad commissioner, have been working upon iw case. Mr. Whitman was n Jackson last week and'it lias been learned tliat his main object was bo conier wlta Artliur J. Sweet, of tli e Michigam ('nitral, concerning recenl developments. AVlion Denaison's elottilng was removed it wa-i iound tliat his watch (hai:i was 'ln-oki-ii. and watcli was never recovered. T3ie naembera of Com pa.ny A. it is stated, knew about the facts va the cas.', bat were averse to exposing the guilty party and had il mot been for Ms owit boastfulness he unifetit oever Ihave been known. Mr. Sweet li.as worked up the evidtmce and claims to know whcre to pat his hands on him. A wqnisition will at once be 'obtained and the culprit bronglht beek trom Seattle ioi: trial. Two of the WO-men, who win be among the main wttnesses, are noiv residente of Jackson, oue ol Uhem havinc; since married." The use oí th( Qames of Regent WhitmaJi and Dr. Vaugihan would lead to the cooclusión tliat there might bc trutih in the article, but both of the.se gentlemen deny that they know anyttiilng about it at all. Mr. AVhitman says 'that wliil at Jackson one ilay last week, u man wbiam hu didn't k'now stopped iiim and told him the substanee of the above report. Mr. Whitman told the man that he kuew notiliiiiii' oi the matter, and advised Iiim to (■(immunicate with I'rosecuting Attorney lchman ií he knew anytliinu1. lustrad o' doing' tliis, Sweet desiriJig newspape? notoriety, gave the matter to the prees, thxie givlng the iuurdcrr:-, il' the clue is worth niiyt.hing-, an opportunity to know, that he wae discovn-ed and naki' liis escapt'. Another faeï that .shows ui) the "fake" is that nobody connected with the case Is aware that Deanisoo's watch was stolen. Nojie of the ofticers, President Augell Dr. J. C Wood, wlio was a relative of Denndson, were aware of this f act nor was anytüin' said about it at the iuquest The i'liaiu-is are that this, iike the other statements in the, article, i P'urely the pesult of a.n imaginativc farain.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News