E. E. BEAL. GEO. H. POND. BEAL & POND (Sucoes8or8 to A. DeForest.) Insurance Apcy! Kepresenting Only FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES, COVERIKO Fire Insurance, Stcam Boiler Insurance, Plate Olass Insurance. m - - Lowest Ratea, Honorable Adjustment and Losses Promptly Paid. . i The patronage of our Frienda and the Public jjenerally is sollcited. Office In the Courier Building. MRS. C. H. JONES, HlllimülE IEH1KGR! Fourth St. Opposite Court House ■ihping and Cutting a Specialty! Mme. Kellogg's French Tailor System used. Perfect work giiaranteed. Instructions in cnttingby the Kellog Frenoh Taylor System STiven. MARTIN & FISCHER. PROPBIETORS OF THE WESTERN BREWERY, ANN A.RBOB, MICHBrewers of Pure Lasrer Beer. (bnnn SXj-AZR-Y and tommisvby UU. Kion to Agents, Men and omen, wwwi Teachers and Clergymen to introduce a new and popular standard book, MARVELS OF THE NEW WEST A new Agent sold 70 in one week. Agent's proflts Ü136.50. Over 50 orginal engravings. 10,400 copies sold in one week. Exclusive territory. Endorsed by the greatest men of our country. Agents thoroughiy instructed. Apply to The Henry Bill Publishing Co-, Norwich.Conn. piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, for the followinR Flm Class Companiea, representing over twenty-eight Millioa Bollare Auseta, issues polieie at the loweet ratea Etna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of Phila 3,118,713,00 Germaniaof N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N.Y. 4,065,968.00 London Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1,774,505.00 Phenix,N.Y 3,769,036.00 "Special aUcntion given to the iniuranee of dwellings, schools, churcbca and public buildinyi ia termt oí three and ü ve reara -, . - ,
Ann Arbor Argus
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