Local Brevities
James Browo, B ragrant, was arrested Tuesday eveaing. .Thu offieers of Welch Post, ;. ,. I were nstallcd Friday evening! 'i"ii ■■ iiimiiai meeting of the Ann Ai MoTwiay evenlng, P. L'. I.ord, of Coldwater, has pui chaísed the grocery store of Warne & 6k)ü, on Ann street. Tlhe social of the Foley Guild at Giiaittgcr's (hall, Wednesday evenlng, was a very pleasiun-t affair. Invitations are out for i Jarg reeeptlom .to toe glven by Mrs. Jolu Biu-s, next Monday evening. Xo rehenrsal oí fche Chora] Cnioi was held Tucwday evening, on account of tshe meeting in Dnlverslty Hall. A slight fire occurred at the house 0i J. Austin Scott, oa "VVashtena-sv avenue, Tuesrtay morhing. No d.-iniage. A number of Ana Arbor people went to Deti-oit, Tuesday, to atiiwid the recit.nl oí l'aderi'wski, the PolisOl pianist. Geo. T. Stimson now Jias a younglady member oí Ms family, who, wheu ehe is old enoagh, wül addreps him as papa. The' ntertainment od' the Aun Ai'bor Ldght Iniantry wlU hv givefl ut the opera (hoaise, Tueaday evening, Jan. 2Gth. The Wolveriaie Cyclers give tlioir second tuniual masquorade ball on Thursd'iiy evening, January 28th, at the palaciiwink.' Marshall Pcase liL-s beea choen to lead the chcir at St. lUidvi'w'n churcli, and Oaoar G-arrdscm will aiCtHaa orneiinji.st after thia. The co'UJicü coiumittee on sewerag has decided to reeominend to the council that a voto on thi.s subject be called for Feb. 15th. Tihe Woiman's Ueague will meet in the DWvensity Ohajpel, Satu.rday a.'t&rnocm, 'it 4 o'clock. 'Jlrs. Dr. Angel] will lead the drscussaioin.. Martin Olark, of Washington street, dus received frojn Ch-attatiiooga, Teuin., a fani -a ispéeles oí sweet potato, 15 juches in elrcumferenee. The studeiits aro happy. The fa;ulty bas consented to allow a bóxing and exhibition for the benefit of the Athletic Associatiooi. The 100 names necossary for the guarantee iund of t'he Sshool of Music have been secured and the subscribers will meet at the coiuieil chamber thla evening. Honse titieves st-ple a iliorsd, cutter, iiai-ness and i'obes from tflie barn oí Albert Btacss, of Lodii, last iiigtit. Mr. Blaess o'fers $75 for Uw. recovery of the property. There is good ice on Uiie rlver now and no of another ice faniine. Out ieialers expeet to couninence cutiting iuta few days if tñc weatíher continuas favorable. The aiinual address befo-re tJi; S. C. A.', dellvered at Univemty Hall, Sunday fveninig, -was a seholarly effort and well dfllivered. The öioral Union ïunifehed the musi1. Th Argrus inïo'i-maiu in regard to Üie by the suprema oourt of a reiheaxing in tltie Oornwel'l-Swiit caist; iwas In error last week. Xo decisión has yet been glveu. John W. Oood-speed, fche popular morchaait of tdlis city, was married at Clarlistoiii, Tuesday, to Miss Agnes E. "Walter, of tjiat place. Tiie Arsu.s exteiuls its cougratulations. At the Unity Club on Monday evening aiext Dr: Charles S. Mack will gfive a biographical eketcli of Swedcaiboa-g and Mr. W. J. líussey will read a paper on tlie Meteoric Hypottisia The date of tue Light Infantry entertaknnent ia Jan. 26th. Nearly every ;paper lias given a different date, but this is the co-rrect one and the opera Jiouse has bewi booked for tliat night. Everyouie will be vvidUiiii ■l'1' n imvitatiom to tlie I)i hu party in (Februiary. Some diseerning hoetreseta have looided (■ invito Cheir guests to iuraiüi iimusement tlicmselves and (O'ühe.j-s iby aaauiming öh cliai-a.cter iu Diekfai best ölllted to each one. Wit(h OostumcH aawl duiractcrs well carrled onit tfiio e"ëaing ou wüich the piwty is 'held caamot fail to be a most entertaiüïng one. The ("nioii Shaclfi VaU Co. .■ui:l the Aan Arbor Bn'tter and Oheese _',,. have botili Ried. thelr anoual reporta Wlth t'he onumt.v elèrfc as required by law. The reporta tfliow both compantee to be !n a prosp 'roña eondition. 'i':'' .■iimual meeting ..: the Washteiiaw Mutual Pire Cnsúrance Oo., was held Wednesday, üie oíd direetors and offiera beimg i-e-electea. TOe financinl report ae givèn tn another column of the Argus waa rëad and adiopted. Theiiext attractïon In tho Students' rcture A-ssociation courèe wil! le onc of the most ente.rtahiiiiüf- Bill Nyeuid A. P. Burbank, two of Ameriea'.s 'bi-st: hümorlsts. Tfoey wilü bc at Dnlveréity Hall, Saturday évSiing, Jan. 28rd. E. V. Joinmm, as attoraey L. Rliode, (lias sottled the suit brought agalnst t-hiO Postal Tclegraph Co. by Mr. lUiodo tllie va.lne of a hors.: which was kállñd by a ahock from a wihicih ha.il fallen, to the ground. He ï-Pt-oiveil $70. The annual convocatiou oï the G. and Chapter of Royal Areli Masons oí Michigan will be held at Detroit next Tiiesday and Wednesday. Among those who expect to atteiid from V.U City ,are 1!. F. Watts, Z. Koatli, K. H. (Cuthbert, r,. C. Goodrich and W. ' W. Watts. ■There will 6e a. meeting at the council etoalmber iiiis evening at 7:30 o'clock of adl the subscribers to the guairantee fuixd of the Sclhool of Muslo. The object of tllie meeting i.s to desigmate two mcmbrau from th aubscribers who wiM be placed oi ihe board oí direfetors of the school. The isympathy of the entlre community ihas gone out to Sheriif Dwyer in the loss of bis ïïttle daughter, Francs,, who died Wednesday moj-ning f on) liphtheria. She was but six years of ,age and a great favorltu. Mrs. Dwyer ís suffering from the same dièase, a.ii;l au older daughter luis just ecovcred from it. The animal electton oi directore of ii e First National baak lmld TuesIny imorning, resultad in the choiee )ï the tollowlog: P. Haidi, Wm. :McIreery, .1. M. Whcclci-, Jas. Clemewts, Mases Seabolt, e. il. lüfinnonii, H. Soulf, H. ('ornwcll and E. I). Klnae. r.iic directors elected P. Baeh, presdent, and .T. M. Wihêeler, vioe-pres(ll'll! . Tlie public gemerally is invited to he dedicatory exercises oí tile ncw Uniiversity iiospital to bo held at üni'ersity Hall, 'liet AVednesdaxy evenng. An addreee will be given by Dr. V. ÏJ. Gi'hoii, medical director U. S. Xavy. and sihort addresses by Gov. Wlnaos, Mayor Doty, Regent Draper and Pres. Angell. The new hospital will be open to visitors from 1 to 5 . im. oí the same day. . Number 11 of the '■Contributions 0 American Educational History," ssued by the bureau oí education oí he Interior is a "Kistoo-y oif Hig"her 2dfatioiii in Michigan." by Professor Aaidrew ('. McLauglhila, of tlie cha ir f history i t'he University. Èight h,apteis are devoted to tile U. oí M. nd forra a valnaWe addition to he records oí our Htate, it being relete with lieretoíore unpublished acts. Mrs. Dr. Flavius M. Wilder, of Chiiü,o. .wh o is in the city in attendance pon ;her sick father, tlie venerable ). B. Brown, o? S. Main street, reelved a telegram Wedmwday, anauncing that her husband had been vot and tostantly killed. Dr. Wilder was Miinuiicmed to attend a patiënt, nd a.s !he entered the homs', "he patiënt, wiho wasinsane, shot hlm. r. was very well and favorbly known Iwre and had many Ann rbor (frieinds. He was a gradúate f the l'niversity. W. W. BI&5S met with a ratlier ftei-ious accident on Saturday. He homgfat that his furnace fire had ome out and putting in some kindling oitired a litttle kerosene on it. He umed toget a match, but there was 01 ncexl oí itt. There was fire in tlie urnace wiliicJi ignited the oil and an xplosion took place wtoich sounded ïke Mie roar of a cannon. iThe lamee rulled through the door and truck Mii Blies full rn. the face and wi his ihands, burning him badly. He ■ad (tlie presemee of mind to clase his yes and tdiey were not injured much. His eye-lahes, ■eye-bi'ows, mustarfhe aind a lai-ge share o,ï what Iittle hair Mr. Bliss lid have waa burned off md iliis face and arms blistered badly. Ie Ï8 gettimg around all right now, aoid says tlhat be dloesn't ask for any sympaWiy as 8ie lantt entitled to it. Win: J. Ju.t, lormerly in the lumber ■bustoegs ia üiis city, was examlned :by a conimittee appointed by Judge Klime an-d óc tliei) va 0:11111. ndation ádtnitted to the Waebtemaw connt.v bar, tihis week. TIn Aun Water Co. has 1,350 water takcrs and 26 1-4 miles of street ïnaiais üii whieh there are 123 iire hydramts. Fiftcen water motors and two elevators in use. Water meters are being put ia ior the large wat-er msusners.- WashtenaAV Time. The ïoUowlBg oifieers o( the Bethlehm Suaid.y Sjüiool were eleeted, Wednesday evening: Emanuel C. Eprimg, euperintendeut; 'Mias iljitilda ffoumaum, socretary; Jolin ileyer, treasürer; Wm. Henme, librarían. Padere.wsUi, the great PolisJi pianist, who ereated ach a sensatiou in Imisieal cireles ia Detroit, this week, by liis wonderful playing. will appear in liniversity Hall, Feb. 15th, under the auspiees oí the Uïiiversity Musical Öociety. Wm. F. Pardon, who removed to this city ïrom Monroe a couple of years ago, died at his home on Detroit street, Tuesday morning, another victim of the (irip. He was 40 years ol age. The funeral was held Wednesday aftfirnoon. The t'r.ivC. week ie Feljvuary there will bo 'ii-li ia Hawris Hall a "Fe.sfiT.ii oí Daffl."' Each ïay of tlie week will he r()resented by a bootJi in wilii'lh wSll bo articula for s.tle apptöpriiate to that dny. Asiilo fiom l!he nvsieiul thihgs aneettag the ueeds of vieiry houseJieelper tfliüre will be artlcles Iil avt needlle work, for the tiidiow.meiut of the house. Entertainjntiits giveu eacJi evening during the Featival will be varied aad attractive.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Dr. Flavius M. Wilder