Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price
(cpïls Bek Heaáftche and roliovo all ibo trouu! de&t to a bilious Btateof tho (ysttii, eu v i . .. Dlzsdness, Nausea, Drovrsinoss, ïlstnu [.[;'.' etting. Pain in tho SMo, &o. While tb.clrioo4 yamarkable success bas boen nboiü ta oircto(J teeeaache, yet Carter's Llttlo Pilla urs Wjua-Uy valuablo in Constipation, ciu-ing and pr&Tenting thisannoyinccomplaint.whild thiyaleo corrocialldiBordersortheBtomacli.etimulatotbö liïor ud rcgulato tho boweK EvoniL'tliej m.j HEAD ! Ach they wonia be ultnost iiricaiess to tliogo wöa ■ni&rtromthiBdi3tre8singcoiai)laint;butfortuBfltoly theirgoodnessdoes notend Uere.andthosa Who once trythemwillfind theaelittlo pilla valuablein o many waysthat thoy wiU not bo wilJtag to do without tuoin. But af tor ollsick lic.-.i J ACHE ' Ja the ban ef so many lires tliat hcre Is wbera iemakeourgreatboast. Our pilla cura itwhila otters do not. Carter1 Líttle Liver Pilis are rery sntall and very easy to tako. One or two pilla make a uu, o. They are strictly vegetablo and do not gxipe or porga, but by tiieir gentle action ploaae all who nsetbem. InvialsatL'Scents; flvo forti. SoM by droggiats eerjvhate, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO.. New York.
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