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lOFFICIAIi.l Council Chnmbcr. Ann Arfoor, Jan. J:Ui, 18Ö2. Regular meeting:. Council met and was cal] -l o order by Pi y. Roll called. Quorum present. ■ nt. Aids. Winea, AllmendiD a.nil Renborg- 8. Minutes oí previo meeting ipprov ! cd. [TIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Tlie followlng bill v,-;ts )resentel to the oooincil: The City oí Aun Axbor To Peter I'acquettc, Dr. To laiuls on Felch strect - - $75. If tJiis Kwm i ,[aid I parpóse to nukc ao ïurtluT claims .tO1 that part of my lot on N, Main st., which was lately apprwpriated by the street committoe auil strpet ooinmissioncr. PETER PACQÜETTB. December 24th, 1891. Reierred to finance coinmittoc. A qult-olalm deed fro-m tlie helre of R. S. Smith to the city ot Aim Vrbor, for the extensión of Huron st. castcrly from the old cemetery to Observatewy st., was, received anl reierred to atreet committee. BEPOETS OF STANDING COMMITTBBS. FINANCli. To (he Common Counúl: Your committee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the following bilis uiider consider;itin and would recommend tlieir allowance at suins stated. CONTINfiENT FUSD. W, J. Mil Ier, salary 6 68 E. B. Norri, " .--- Ö 00 Jacob H. Stark, janitor, salary 8 33 Anti Arbor Demoerat bid notice t 20 Bailey &Dow, repaiis. etc 5 70 Prof. Chas. E. G reene, plans and proflles of main sewer !) 00 Dr. W F. lireakey, two nio's. salary.. :i7 .10 Dr. John Kapp. six mos salary 75 00 William Cleaver, Janitor fith ward enirine house VI 50 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., Clerk's office -. 2 00 Ann Arbor T.-H, Electric Co., Btreet lig-hting - 5 45 W . J. Miller, expresa and freight char. 'i Ui Total $ WA 50 WjtTER FUND. Ann Arbor Water Co., six mo's. bill for öre hydrants, 123 hydrants 3,675 OC STREET FCND. ï'elson Sutherland, salary, 66 66 Sehuh & Muehlig, supplies 4 00 J. O'Brien &Co., supplies 1 57 Miller & Sou, supplies 1 5C Esslinger & Bro., supplies 3 65 J. Drake, labor (50 M. H. Murnhy, labor 2 85 Michael Williams, labor 26 25 Willis Clark, labor 18 16 Michael Kenny, labor 10 50 Wm. Nimtz, labor 7 35 George Schlimmer, team ing, etc 5 50 Michael Heary, teaming and snow ploughing 7 80 Daniel Crawford, teamiug 7 70 Kmil liaur, teaming 7 00 Nelson Sutherland, horse and cart IS 60 John ilcHugh, boow ploughing 1 50 J.Bessinger, " " 150 Patrtok MoCabe, " " 1 5(i Henry Waklvon, " " 150 John Carroll, ' ' " 1 50 Henry Marsh, " " 1 50 Geo. Weeks " " l 50 M. Nagle, " " 1 50 Henry Alger, labor -' !SJ ïotal 199 52 PIRE DEPARTMKNT F0KD. FredSipley, salary 00 00 C. A. Edwards, Balary 50 00 LouisHoelJe, salary 45 00 Henry McLaren, salary 45 00 Charles Carroll, salary. 40 00 Morgan Williams, salary 40 09 Max Wittlinger, salary 40 00 Alexander D. Imus, salary 40 00 Herman Kim, salary ._ 8 00 Kobert Hoss, salary 8 00 Louis Weinmann, salary 8 00 John Kinney , salary 8 00 Sam McLaren, salary 8 00 Schuh & 10 35 Dr. J.A. Dell, services 1175 (jeorge Jedele, hay 19 47 Aun Arbor Engine and Boiler Works, casting 1 70 E. B. Preston & Co., polish and white waste 26 54 E. B. Hall, coal 30 75 Mrs. B. Keam, washing 4 00 Kinsey & Beabolt, supplies 31 08 Total ï 535 64 i-'itnd. James 11. Murray, salary 65 00 David Collins, salary 50 (X) Noble C. Tlue, salary 50 00 Total ï 165 00 POOK FUND. Fred Sipley, salary 10 00 Mis. Evans, aid. 6 00 MissSbaw, aid 3 Of Ed. Duffy, groceries _ 4 9i John Goetz & Son, groceries 2 68 L. Gruner, 3pair shoes 5 70 W. F. IiOdholx, groceries 10 25 Willlam H. Mclntyro, . . !) 4k O'Hara&Boyle " " a 83 C. KiDsey, " 8ti Klnsey & Seabolt " (05 J. Werner, " ti '?5 C. W. Vogel, meat 48 G. W. Snow, hack to county houso 1 25 J. Kapp, sawing wood 8 25 Total $ 85 03 RECAPITULATION. Contingent Fund % 893 50 Street Pund i.. J99 50 Fire Fund 535 64 Pólice Fund _ ". 165 00 Poor Fund 85 02 Water Fund 2,675 (10 Total J4,55;{ 6 Respectfully submitted. E. G. Mann, Louis P. Hall, Williah Hek,, Tinance Com. Aid. Kitson moved that the report be accepted and adopted and warrants ordered drawn for the same, which motion prevailed by a yea and nay ote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mann, Herz, Martin, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, ïaylor, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley- 10. Nays- None. Supplementair report- Contingent Fnnd: Ann Arbor Gas Co., 6 months bilis, - - - $90.15 Street Fond: R. Kcarns, repairs - - - $1.30 Fire Fuiul: R. Kearae, horse shoeing, - $13.05 Aid. O'Hearn moved that the supplcmentary report be accepted and adopted and warranta ordered drawn :or tibe same. Wliich motion prevalled by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas - Alde. Manu, Hwz, Martin, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, lall, Kiteon, and Pres. Cooley- 10. Nays - Nome. A petitioa oí John G. Tice, claimng $35 bedding, carpeta and „- io.sti-o.v.-(l t prevent the spread { diphtlieria. Beceived and referred to the (in imittee. BTREETS. The ciiaJrmaJX of the (Street commit tee aeked tor iurtlier time to report on the widening of Summit Street, ■ whicli wae graated. -p() ;!i[. ('oranion Council: PARKS. Your oommáttee on parks and the city attornoy to whom was referred Uiè resol uti on of Alderman Manu, riilating to the oM cemcter.y groundfi and snggeetíng its use for private purposes, beg to report that they have iiad the matter under consideration ind firul tJmt Kuch grounds were doeded to the city expreasly for alghway ;,,.(1 public park purposes only. ooittinittee are of the opinión n view oí eueh iact that good ïaith (Iemands thai siich grounds be used inr sueh or like public purposes only. If the pVoJeetai-a of the School óf ■Mu.sic shall be Buccessful in their very laudable purpoee, añ3 cause to be ereéted an ornajnental and suitable tniilding, yoair eommittee bes leave to exprees a hope that a way may be ionnd for its location on or near the cemtor of euch grounds, and the bal,-Liice oí such grounds 'be made into an igrecable park. All f which is respectfully submitted. A. H. FILLM0EE, FEANK O'HEARN, L. P. HALL. Tiw report was aecepted and adoptod. l RBPOKTS OF Sl'ECIAL COMMITTEES. The eommittee om eewers read a report which on motion of Aid. Hall, was aecepted and ordered spread up011 the report. ' KEPORTS OF CITY(OFKH EHS. PITY TRBASUEÉB'S EEPOBT FOK TUK UONïH KNDINO DECEÏUi-EIt 31, 1891. do tlw. Chnunon Coundl of the City of Anti Arbor : Balance ovordraft as per last report S8,4Tü.fil MONKY KBCE1VKI). (oiUingent Fund- Chlet öipley, eale of beneh ? 1-50 Clerk Miller, lioenses. . 4.U0 5 jO Street Fund- Commissioner Sutnerland, eervices 23.40 ; Saddler, stone from División street 55.40 78.80 Pólice Fund- ■. Jlarshal Murray, l'ees 4.35 Tolal 9 88.T5 $8,381.76 MONBY DI6UURSKD. VontinpentFund ïl,0r3.36 Street Fund 690.91 Kiremen's Fund 488.75 Pólice Fund 186.50 Voor Fund 285.94 Water Fund Cemeiery I'und - Poldiers' Relief Fund 2S.0O Total 8,76948 1 ALANCE ON HAND, ,'ODtinííint Fund ov, erdrawn $4.125.22 '.-streot Fund 8,:tll.77 Firemeu'8 Fuiu] I,ol7.41 i'oliceFund ai.(i:; ■oorFund - 738.14 i umi 9Ü4.71 Oemetery Fund 62.83 Soldiere' Relief Fund. 541.40 [Jniversity Hospital Aid Hond Fund 840.00 Delinquent Tax Fund 882.38 Bog'i'axFuud 100.00 Total $3,241.18 814,383.40 Total orerdratts $11,14123 Bespeetfully submitted, S. w. Bkakes, City Treasurèr. Ann Arbor City, December 31, 1891. Ann Abbor, Míen., Jan. 4, 1892. To the Common Council: During the month of December, sufticent taxes were collectecl by me as ■City Treasurer to balance the overlrafts of the city, to pay $11,000 to the treasurer of the school board to him to balance the overdiafts 'm the school f umi. and to leave a balance of $40,249.17 in the bank. Respectfully submitted, 8. W. Beakes, City Treasurer. Ann AitaoR Savikos Bank, ï , Ank Ahiioh, Mich., Jun . 4, 18SK. i 'T Uw Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: This wili certify tliat S. W. Beakes, City Treasurer, has on deposit the sum tf forty thousand two hundred fortyine and seventeen one-hundreths dollars ($40,249.17). Chas. Ií. HiscöcK, Cashier. The report of the city elerk, marshal and poor superintendent were end and placed on file. MOTI0N8 AND EESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Martin. Whereas, It appears frota au examinatdon that the present outlet of the university server is a nuisance in tliat the sewage is nat carried oif ly tJie curront owi3ig to the pipe not ■Kit being sufïiciontly extended into ttic ri xvr, tüerefore, Resolved, That the city elerk be directod to iuform llio Board of EeH'ntss of the coiKlition of this sewer .lid to request them to extend the Bewer to a place whore the current wlll properly earry ofï tin; wwage. Which ivsolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as io'.low.s: Yea.s - Aids. Manu, Herz, Martin, Jüllni(w, O'Hoarn, Feyguson, Taylor, Hall, Küson, aüd Pree. Cooley-lO. Xuuc By Aid. Hoi-k. Resolved, Tliat the sum oï $14.30. paid by ('lias. Speller, om aa over-aslent, bc rciunded and a warrant od'clcred drawii for the same. Which rosoJution prcvailod )y a yea 1 ■'! nay vote as follows: Yvas -Aids. Mann, Herz, Martin, PlUmoi-e, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Hail. Kitsooi, and Pres. Cooley- 10. Nays- None. By Aid. Kitson. flesolved, That the board of public works be requested to report to this cmuiiil at its next regular meeting, Öie muubcr of street sign.s needed tor tho city, a.nd au estímate of the Oost of the same. Il r.solir,io'u pr vailed. By Ahí. Taylor. I! That the claim of L. F. andjj. 1'. Alber for $1,000 dainages lor raising tlie grade beiore ilieir shop om Detroit st.. be referred to the city attarney witu insti-uctions to report on the same at the next Regular meet Ing. Which resoluticwi pretallefl. Aid. Hall moved tliat the vote by ■wiiich the sewer report was ordered spread upon the minutes be réconooneidered. Which inotioin prevniled. Aid. Hall moved that the report be referred back to the sewer committee. Which motion prevalled. On motion the adjourned. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News