Heinzmann & Laubengayer
Elevator and Farmers' Customs Mili Where we aj-e prepared to do all kinds of grinding on short notice. Elerator near T., A.. A. & N. M. K. R. I 'calerá in FÏoïiPjr Faeá ai)d Wood Baled Hay aad S1iew. Gil Cake Meal. Fertilizeos sijlú. XiSisid Piasters. We are also agenta for Chas. Pillsburys & Co. Best PateiU Flour. We guarantee Pillsbury's Best to be the choicest flour made in the United States, taking all its qualities into account. lt will yield frora 40 to 60 pounds more bread to the barrel than flonr made f rom winter wheat. It requires more moisture in mixing and the bread will keep sweet and moist for several days. ASK YOUR GROCEES FOR IT. We have always adhered to a high standard for our product. We say to you frankly at the outset that we do not attempt to follow competition prices to the point where quality must: be sacrificed. We are anxious that onr goods shall have the reputation of being good rather than eheap. Our aim is to serve our customers so well that we shall gain their entire confidence and permanently retain their trade. HEINZMANN & LAUBENGAYER. Ofiice and Store, No. 9, W. Washington St.
Ann Arbor Argus
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