Report Of The Condition
- OF - TE m lili Ml, -Of- ANN ARBOR, MICH., At Aan Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at the close of business December 2nd, 1891. resources. Loans and 'liseounts, $314,225 fil Overdrafts, ---- 3,220 itj U. S. Bonds to secure eirculation,..-. 2ñ,000 no )ther stock, bonds and mortfrafres, . . '.200 OU Due l'rom approvetl reservo aent,. 53SIK .11 Duo from State Bank and Bankers,.. T.fiST 43 Proraiums paid 4.S0O 00 Real estáte, f urnituro and flxtures,. . 13 950 00 üurrent expenses and taxes paid - ;!,!") (;" Checks and other cash items 67;! 24 Hills oí other National Banks. 3,812 00 Fractional Currency nickels) --- 151 5 Specie (including gold Treasury notes) -■- "joj '; Legral-tender notes, 3,67!) uu Redemption ïnnd with U. S. Treasurer (6 per cent of eirculation)... 1,125 40 Total 478.688 fiO LIA1ULITIES. Capital stock paid in, $100,000 00 Surplus rund,. - 17.000 00 Other undividod proflts ?.? National Bank notes outstanding, ... 22,500 00 Dividendsunpaid 40 00 individual Deposits subject to check W,:; Z Demand certiflcates oí deposlt 95,54101 Certiüed Cueek 180 "0 Total, $473,028 60 STATE OF MICHIGAN, I Count.vof Washtenaw, f I.Sidney W. Clarkson, Cashierof the above named solenmly swear that the above statement is true to tho best of my koowleoge and belief. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to nefore me, this sixteenth day of December, 1891. JOHN Q. A. SESSIONS, Notary Public. CORKECÏ- Attest : JOHN M. WHEELER, ) HENKV CORNWELL, Directors. VM McCREERY.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News