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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1 A. MAC LACHLAN, M. DDlsoases of ihe K E, EAR, NOSE and THKOAT Ofllce in Hangsterfer Bloek. Kesideuce 26 S. División Street. Hours: 1 to 5 and 6:3O to 7:3O p. m. ELIHTT S. 3PO2ST3D. JUSTICE OF THE Ï"EACE And Notary Public. Conreyaacinif dono and REAL BSTATfi bousrht and s nd on commission. Patronage soliciten . No. 6 N. Main tjt. ATTORNEYS. 1. CKAMER. s, CEAMEB. CRAMER & CRAMER, ATTOKNKYS AT I,AW. Office: Front room over First National Bank, ANN ARBOE, MIUI1. f B.NORK1S AïTORNEY AT LAAV. Does a general law colloctlon and conveyancng business. A moderate staare of yourputroaage respectfully solieited. Ofllce ia the Oourt HOuee. p ft. WILLIAMS, Attorasv at Law and Pension Claim Attornev, MILAN, MICH. Conveyancing and C!ollections. DENTISTS. r OUIS P. HALL, DENTIST. Office South State street. Over Shechan's Uook Store. Houra 9 a. m. to 13 and 2 p. m. to 5 p. ra. tV W. NTCHOLS D. I)., DENTIST. In the olrt St. Jamos Hotel Bloc. Teetb exteactcd wltbo-i paiu uy the uee of vitalize! air. C. NICHOLS. DEMTI9T f,ateoï Nichols Bros. Over Adams's Hazaar No. 13 South Main street. TRUCK i STQRAGE C. E. GODFREY. Residence and Office, 46 Fourth Ave., North. Teleplione 82. jrf BÍSALSS . - . V , 'I 'rt I ■ , , ' ) 1 m ui m fit rom Pears and Grapes a Specialty fraf, Ornamental Trees a.m Flowers From Elwanger & Bany. Order Early by Mail. SYRUPS, MEDICINAL WINES RASPBERRY SYRÜPS, BONESET., DANDELION AND OTHER DOMESTIC GRAPEWINES Prepared Espeeiaüy for Invalids. &T Pure Plymouth Rock Eggs._ E. BAUR, West Hnroaa St. Estáte ot Leonora Kelly. CTATEOF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenuw. es. At a session of the Probate Court for ihe County of Waahtenaw, holden at thu Probate Office in the cítv of Ann Arbor, on Mouday the líth day oí Jaiiunry iu the year one Mïuusaud eigbt hundreri and niuety-two. Present, -K Wilfard lïabbitt, Jiiclgo of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Ijeonora Kelly, incompetent. Elizaoetb L, Kendall.the guardianof said ward, comea info court and repiva in te that sbe 3 ïiow prenarcd to reinier hur finai account as such guardián. Thereupon it is ordered, thatTuesday the Stil day of February next at ten o'clock in tht furenoon, be assined for examining; and allowing such account a,nd that the next of kin oi said ward and all other persous intereated in eaid estáte are required to appear at a session of saifl court, then to bc holden at the Probate Office in the city ot Ann Arbor, in ani Í county and show cause, if any there be, why the said account shonld not be allowfd. And it is further orderert, that said guardián give notfce lo the persons interested io said tstate ot' the pendency of said account and tlie hearing theref, by causiní a copj of tbia order to be publiöhed in the Ann arbor ARGU3ta newspaper printed tind ''ireulatiDg in aaid county, three successivc weeks previous to aaid day oí hearing. J. WILLAttD BABBITT. [A írnecopy,] Jadgeof Probate, Wm. ü. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Ernst G. Haarer. CTATEOF MICHIGAN, UOUNTY J of Washtenaw, ss. Ata Bession of tbe Probate rourt lbr the (Jouniy of Washicnaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city oí Aiiii Arbor, on Mondivy, the 11 th day of January, in the year one thouaand eitiht hundred and ninety-two. Preiu, J. WiUnrd lïnbbitt, Judfie of Probate In the inattir of" the state ol Ernst G. Haarer, deceased , On readinund filimr the petition, duiy vrifled, of JobnJtttoii Kn:ipp, praying that a cej talo iust rumei.l now on hk-inthis cotirt, poTportlsg Lo be ibe lust wlll and testament of s id iloc.aed in iy be admllted to probate and tbat aduiiuistraUoDOfaaid eatate muy be grauled to himéelf. iJifl Fxecutor in said wíll jiamed, or to eome other Bulfrable person. Thereupon it is otdered, that Tuesday, the iMli d3 of February noxt, at ten o'ciock in the forenoon, be asaigned for tbe hearing of s;iid petition and that the devisees, legatef s, and heirs t luw of sald di and (iU other persons loterested lu said stat e are required to appear al a Besston or enid couïtftbeu tobe holden al the Probate (Jtlïce in Ihe city oi A ni; Arbor, and Bfaow canse ir any tbere be, wb ibeprayerof the petïtioner h hou ld not be granted: And i is furtber or detedtl i inner rivt noticetotïie p nte rest ed in said estáte of tbe pendeucy oí said petitioD and tbc hearing thereof ry causiug ;. oopy of fhitt order tobe publlshed ra the Ann Akbor AfiOUS, ii newctpaper pnntei and Pironlati d In Ltnty, three BUCC4 saive weeke previoua to said dav ol Itcari i J.WXILAKDBABBTTT, [A truc copy-1 Judge of Probate. Wm. (i. Doty, Probate Reuister.


Ann Arbor Argus
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