Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY : kjol Washtenaw, w. Kotire la horeb; given, I thatbyim otder ol' tlic Probate Uourt for th , County of Witshtenair, made on the Uth da; o( Januftry, A. l. 1892, Is muntha dat ■ I ■ we re allo editora to preew iheu lunn . , against the estáte oTLmnora Kelly, late ol saldi county. decessed, and thatall crudltors of said d are icqafred to presan! their claims to , said I'robiite Court, iit the' Ottlce In the cityofAnTi Arbor, forexamlnation anoVallowanoo. ( on or bclore the lltli rtav of July next, and j tnatmch olaima will boluraid iietore said fourt i on Mnday, the Utu daj of Anril, and on i , Monday the Mth dny of July, next, ai i ten o'olock in the torenoon ofeaeh ol said days. j , Dated, Ann Arbor. Jannarj U. A. 1. 1SÍÍ2. J. W1LLAUD BAHIUII', Judge of Probate. ■ hstate of Thomas Culhnane. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY OF ' Wiistuonaw. ss. Ata ncssion ol' the Probate Court. for the Countv i Washtenaw, ' den ut the Probate Oitice in the City of Aun Arbor, on Tuesday. the 5tb lay of January, in the year one thousand elght liuudrcd and ninety-two. Present, J. WlUard üabbitt, Judue of Probate. lu the matter of tlie estáte of Thomas CulliDaiic deoeased. on rendlng and flllng the prtition. dnly eri fled, of Cl orgeC Page. admtnlstrator wlth the wlll anoexed, praj Ing that he muy bc lioeneed , to sell the Real Estáte whoreof said deoeased died siezed, topay legaoles, Thereupon it is ordered tbat on Tnpsday, tho second day of Februury, s1 in o'clook in the forenoon, be asslgned for the baaring of said petition, and that the devíseos, legatees and betrs at law of said deoeased, and uil other persons Intereeted iii said estute, are required to appear at a 'session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Anti Arbor, and show oause, il' any there bo, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granled. 'And it is f urther ordered that said administrator give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Argus, a newspaper prlnted and olrculating in said county, three successivo weoks previous lo-said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT. Judge of Probate. LA true copy-1 Wit. G. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte ot Donald Mclntyre. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ol Wasbtenaw, fis. At a sentón of the Probate ('ourt for 1 ne (Jouniy ut, holden at the Probate OlUce in the city o' Ann Arbor, on Wedncsrlay, the SOth day of December, lu the year one thousand eifiht liundred and Dinely-one. Present, J. Willard Babbllt, Judge ot Probate In the matter oftlie estáte of Douald 51cIntyie, incompetent. Edward [). EOnse, the uardinn of suid waid, comes into eourt and representa that he is now prepared to rcuiltr lus firiKl account as Buch guardián. Tlieroupon it isortltred, that Monday, the 25th day of Jaouary, uett, at teu o'clock in the forenoon, be unslgned lor examinhig and allowin sueh accoint, jtnd 1 bat th.' üext ol kin of snd Ward, and all other persons iuterested in paid (fi!nle are required t.o appear at a sí1!0Ii of said oourt, tiien to be holden ut tbc Probate Office, in the city of Ana Arbor, in said county andshowcause f any there be, why the sakl account sliould nut be allowed. And it is lurther ordered that said guardián give notice to the persons lnlerested in said estáte, ot the pendency ol said aceouut aud the hearing thereot, Dy causing a copy of this order to be publihed in tho Ann Akbok Akgüs a uewspaper print ed andcirculaU ing in said couniy three sucecssive weekb previous lo said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, (Atrue copyj Judge of Probate. Wm.G Ooty, T'robate KegiRter. Estáte of Donald Mclntyre. STATE OP MICHIGAN. C0UNTY of Waahteuaw, s. A t u sphbiod of the Probat Court for the Oounty of Wiishicnuw, holden at tbr Probite Om'ce. in the City of Ann Arlior. or Saturday, the idth day óf De'eraber, in the jear onethousaud eight hundreu uud niuetyone. Prwent.J. WilUrd Hubbitt, Judreof Prolrate. estáte of Douald Mclntyre docoased. On reading Hnd fliinpr tile pptit.ion, duly vcriiied. of Anna E. Mclntvrp, praylllg that a certain ïnsirumrat now ..n file iu thi (O'jrt, porportlng t.) l) the will nnd testaiueut of said dic-'ased, may be adrattted to probate, and that admiuistration of snlit estáte may be grantec to Edward 1). Kinneand llenry S. Dean, the exeontors iu said wiil naniedor, to pome otlit-r eunable person. Theoupill it is ordered, that Momtay, tt.e 2 th day of January nixt, at ten O'clock in the foTPnoon be asierned tor the hearine ol said petition, and tha the devisera, legatetB and beirs-at-law of snid decoased, aud all oitier ptnun8 inleit-sted in nid i-state. arp required to aii)ear at b Bflasion of said court th d to be holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and r!i"w cause, if ;uiy there 1, why the prayer of thr: petittoner stiould not be ffranted: A.ik( it is turthe.j ordered that piiid iietitioner give noüce to the persons tnterested in paifl ehtatiiof thp !endoncy oi aaid petition, and the hearing thereof. by caüsing acopyofthia order to be published in the Ann Aubor AB008,anewBpaper printed and circulated in sftid county. three successive weeks previous to ha'd day of hearing. J. WILLARD BAHRITT, A true copy.] Judgp of Probate. Wk. Q. Doty, Prubate ligistt-r. State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw. The Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, In Chancery. Emtna Mathews. eomplaitiant, vs. John Mathews, deiendant. Washtenaw County, as. Upon dueproofby aiïiduvit that John Mathews. defendant iti thV aboveentitled cause, is eouceuled within the State, and thatproeesscannot be served upon him. on motion of Oamer & l.'ramer, POlicitors for Hip oomplainant il is ordered that the said defendant, John Mathews, do appen.r and answertbe bill ot' coniplaint flled la the said oourt withiu three inonths after the date of this order, else the said bill ot complaint shall be taken as confesseu, and further, that this order be published within twenty days from this date in the Ann Arbor Argus, a newspaper publtsliert in tho soidCouniy of Washtenaw, and be published therein once in each week for twelve weeks in sucoesslon. Sueh publieation, however, shall uot be uecessary in dase a copy of this order be served on the defevdftnt personally at least twonty days before the tiine Uerein presoribed for bis appearame. Dated this Ülst day of December. A. T). 1891. E. D. KINNE. CRAMKR & Craukk. Circuit Judge. iSolioitors for Complainant. Real Estáte For Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the Estáte of Thomas Keedle deceased. Notie U hereby glven that in pursuanceof an order jrianted to the undersijfned administrator of tho Estáte of said f Thomas Keedle decoasod by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw. on the 32nd day of December, A. D. 1891, there wL. be soki at Public Veudue. to the hjgheet bidder, at the East front door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor in the County of Washtenaw in said State, on Monday tho 15th day of Febniary A. D. 18ÍI2, at 10 o'clook in the forenoon of that day (subject to all eucumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the death of saM deceased) the following descriled Real Estáte, to-wit: The West huif of the North half of the West half of the South-East (ïuarler of section Number twenty six (26) in the township of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan. w ILLIAM K. CHILDS, Dated Doe. 2ü, Administrator Real Estáte for öale. CJTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF O Washtenaw. ís. In tlie matter of the estato of Benjamin IJ' yor, deoeased. Notice is hereby glven, that in purenance of ; nn order granteii to the andersffirned execuj tor of the last will and teetunaent ef said deoeased by tbe Hou. Judge of Probate fot the i County of Waahtenaw, on the twenty-niutli i day oí Si ptember, A. I. 1891, there will be sold at public vendue to thahigheat bidder, at tbe [roni door of tbe Court House in tho city i of Ann Arbor in the ('oumv of W ashtenaw, in said átate, on Monday, the first da] of Febin.ii .. A. I). 1K, at eleven o'elok in the forenoonóf that day (subject to all enonmbrances by moi'tgag-e orotberwlse existlngat the time ol the gaid Bale the lollofl sorlbed Keal#EBtate, to-wit: Tbe West half of : the Southenst and the Eact half l' tbe Southq rarterof 8ect Ion 1 hi'ee to, iri the ïownsbipof Aun Ari'or. Washtenaw County, Mich iffiiu. Also a pleceof land In the Southwbst I corner ')l i he i':it hall' of the Northwest quarItev of paidw tt',n which ik1 iut '■ , ■ way.iunnli ■ described plece ol land uiug about ore acre more or loss. CHARLES A. PK1 "I!. Ex ei
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News