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Estáte ot John R. Clancy. STATE OP MICHIGAN, ÜOUNTV of Waahtenu ' ss. Atasession of tlie Probatft c.iri tor it;.' , (5 of Vsbl.:naw, hoMi'U al the Proiiate Ofttiw, lii llie cltv ot Aun Arbor, n VVednesday.thc biith dayof Jaoary n the yuur an Ibouqaud p .' uic ilreil ano uiuety-two. Preaent, J. Wiliard Bubbitt, Judgpof Píchate. In the matter 01 tös eslute of Juhn R. Claney dcceascd. On readlag aml tílin üie petitian, dulv verified, ot Margeret R, i''v praying ttiat a oertala insinimeni pow on ole m ilus Couri, puj)rting t" be 1 1;, wi 1 and testament nf su Id duceasetf ma'beHimittcd loprobnte aud tiiat adaiinlstrutionwiihllie will tnnexed ofsnid muy be grantrd (o hereelf, there bel g no e locutor iu said a v i 1 1 utunodov losóme oihex suitAble person. Thercupon it ip ordured, ilrnt Mon ny, tb 1-t day ol !' bruarj mxt at 10 o'clock In the furenoun, beanlicned for the hoarini; ofssiri IKjiition aud that the devlseea, legstee nnñ heira at law ni saifl deceaaed, and all ottier pernos! intere!") in said estáte, ure nn.inrvd to iivpfar ala ■enion o' aaid court, tbeu to be holdoa ut tbe Probate ortici' in the ulty of Aun Arbur. and show caus.-. it auy tinie W why t h f tmiyer of Iha pt(tloner skould not be (jranU-d And it t lurtlier orrtcrr.i that said petitiooOI give notice to the persons interesten id said enlate ni ihe perdenoj ot ;.! petition and the lieacinu tbereof] by Raueánjg a copy of thisorder lo be publifihed Ín uigAnk Abbor Anou8auewftn. utart nml luieiilatcd in sald conoty, Uirea ■ucerauiT vwks prertotiH toain'd day of hearing J.WILI.AKD liAiüïI 1 ; (A trae copy) Judgeol irohate WtLLUM UDoTf, Prooate K lsler. Estáte of James W; Waugh. STATE OP MICHIGA.N, COÜNTY of Washtrnaw, 88. At a aession o f the Probiilo ( onrt tur tha County oi Wásbtenav, holden at the Probate OUice in the City of Ann Arlior, on WcdnusdHy, theSOtb dHyol Deceinbei in the year one thousand eigbt huudred ud niuetyoue. Present. J. Willard Babbitt, Judue of Probate. lo the matter ol the enlate ot Jumes W. Waush, dooeaed. Alfred Dar-nport,the alniinistrator of suid estáte, comes luto conrt and representa that he i now prepnred to reiulcr hia tinal accouot a such adtnlnistrutor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, tbe 26th day of January uext, at ten o'elock m the torenoon, be aireigned lor eyamining nnd allowitiK Buch account, and thai the hi-irs at law of saiel deceasod and ll other pernoim ÍDterented in naid eslate, iré rtquirnd to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate OtfaVe, in the city of Ann Arbor, in j-aid county, and show cause, if any there be, whv the s UI ocount sbould not beallowed. And it 'is fu rt hei oi thai '.lid luïmiintiator give notiee to the pRrbOinj ' rUi rested In aaid estáte, ol the iiendenoy ot saló aocouni,:iinl ihehearlng thereof hv causinga cofty of tlns orderto bc publlshed In the Ann ruoh Aitias.ii new8paiir i. ïinii il and clreulating'lnaald'-eesucceJ-sive wei lts pievious to s:dJ d.y of heuriüg. J. WILLARD BABBITT, (atruecopvi lude ofprobote. WiluamCJ üotv. Probate Resrlster, Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw. aa. Notiee 3 hereby giïeu, that by an ornerot the lrob-ite Court for the Conatyof .!shicnw, made 011 the lUh day of Deciratter A. D. lêölj six months trom that date weiealuwed forerediiors to preaent lhir olalmt affainat the eurate of Alvan Kuniing, lüte of said county deceaaed, and Ihat all creditors ol' eaid deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court at the Probate oltice in the city of Ann Arbor, for examinatiou and allow.. nee on or belore tbe lOth tlay of June next, and that sucll claims will be heard hefore said Court, on ïhursday the lOth day or Mnrh aod on Frlday the lOth dny of June ne.xt, at to o'clocit in the lorenoon of eacli of aid days. Dated, Ann Arbor. December lOth, A E. 1891. J. WILLARD BABH1TT, Judgeof Probate. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY J of WiishleDaw. The undersiuned having been ippointed hy the Probate Court for sakl (County, commissioners to rpceive, exiimine and adjust all cluims aud demands of all persons against Iho estáte of John Crundal, late of sniil iiir-iuy, düceaed, hereby [live notice that itix months froin date are allowed, by order of snid Probate ('ourt lor creditors to present their claims againetthe eutate of aaid eceased. and tbat thuy will mee', at. the rtsidence ol' William Murray smd county, 01 Frlday, the fnurrh day o!" MaTCli, and on Saturdav, the fourth lay of June next, at ten oYloek u. m. ot ench of siid d,iyB to receíve, examine and udjust lid claims. Dated Dtoembor 4th, 1891, WTLLIAM MURRAY, JOHN WATEHM S, CommissionO's. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY oí Wttshwofiw, Tbe uoilersiDecI ha ving heen appointefl by the Probate Court for t-uid County, Üomtnissionere to reeeïve, examine una ailjusi &] claims and demanda of M! persons apninst the estáte f Dwight (.. Tftte, ïateof s;ikl county. deceased, herebj alve nol ice that six iiioiuhs f rom date nre allowed ,by'order of safd Probate1 Court, for creditora tit present their claims agatnsl tbe estáte ofeftiddeeeased, and that tiiop witl meet at th icsiilenoe of Krarnet O. Al'eniu the township of BridewaLer In súá county, on Frlday j the fourtfa day o f ftlaroh, ana on Saturáay. the fuurth duy of June next, t tin o'clock A. jw. of eacb of snid da , to ruceivc, eXHiniTU} and adint suid claini. Dated, December 4„ 1891. .IA Mrs BENHAM, EMMET O. ALLEX, Corainipsiouorn. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF O Wiishteuaw, es. Notice is hereby uiven, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County ol Washtenaw, made on the thini day of December. A. 1). IS il. BtJÉ months froin that date wercallowed for creditors to present their clainiü aninsC the estáte of T. l)wif?ht Townsend. hite of s.ül county, deceased, and that all OreditOW of said deceasod are required to present their claim topaid Probate Court, atthe Probate Office in the city ut Ann Arbor, for examination and allowunco, on or before the lliird day of June next, and tb at guch claims will he heard before gaid Conrt on Thuiday Lhe thlrd day of March and on Friday, the thirü day of Jone sext, ut ten o'clock m the forenoou of eac of said days. Dated, Aun Arbor, December P, A. D 191. J. WU.LAIÍD ItAlïltlTT, Jiidc of Probnte. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, fs. Notice is hereby gtven, that by an order of the Probate Court for the Countv of Wushtemiw. made on the Sfltfa riayofOctobcr A. I). 1H91, six raonths trom that date wtre allowed t'or reditOï-H to present their chtiuiÉ apainrtt the estáte of Rebecoa Henriques, Ïateof ftrtid county, de.ceaned, and ihat all ereoitor of said decensed art required to present, t heir olaima to said Probate Court, at the Probate Oüice In the city oí Ann Arbor, for examioation aud allownnc;, on or before the 2 ttb day of Aril next, and that such claims will be ïieard before Baid court, od Tnesday, the 2öth day of Jauuary and on Tuesüay, thé 2i th day of April uext, at ten o'clock in me forenoon of each of said days. Dated. Aon Arbor, October 26, A. D. 1891. f. WILLAKD ItAIïBITT, Judeeof Probate. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY OF O Washtenaw. Tlie underslgned having beea appointed by the Probate L'ourt lor aid County, Comraissioners to rtceive, examine and adjrst al! claims and demands of all persons ugainst the estáte of Sery J. Hiclí man, Inte of anid County.deceayed, hereby give notice that ix inontha froia daie are allowed, by order of fiuïd Probate Court, for Creditors to present their claims agftlDSt the estáte of said dece-used, and that they will meet at the office of John P. Kirfc in the city of Vpsilanti, in baid county. od Wedneaday tbe LhiTd day of Februaiy and ou Tu68dy, tbe tblrddaj of May uext, at ten o'clock A. M. of eacb ol piiid days, to reeeïve, e.taiiiine aad adjust said clninjjt. Datad Ïiovcmb3r8d, iMt. JAMliS M. ( IIIDISTEK, JOUX P Kil'Jv, Comnoissioüere. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY I IO f Washteoaw, &. Notice ia hereby jjiren, ' tflfttby an order of the Probate Court for the Uounty of Wa&htenow. m;ide ou the l8t day of December. A. D LS91. 8ix montha f rom that d .?? were allowed for creditora tojreaent their claims ugainst the estáte ol M irj Cullínene, late ü czeditors of aaid ■! - ta ■■■ I are requir thelrclaims : i obal e '■ !otj rtk at tlie Prt ■ i in the cityol Ann Arbor, forVicaminntion and ülownnce, , on r befori day of June next, 1 and rhat euou claims win bt bi ard b sfore said Court "n Tuesday, Lhe irs! day ol Marcb, aud ou Wed nes day, tb-1 fin-t riay of Jane aext, at ten o'clock iu Ote forenooD ot f-aofi ot'nniddays. .. A mi Arhor, Decemher 1, A. D. ïyyi. J wi LA RT) li r,Lïï'rr, oj l'robate.


Ann Arbor Argus
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