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W. J. .Tuso, mw of Greenville, Jia been In tibe city tliis woei. Dr. M. C. Sluw ■lian, of Detroit, was in tbe eity, Mottiday, on lnniness. Mr. mrtl Jlre. M. C. .shcolian, ol Detroit, were ia tihe city, tibia weefc. Dr. H. GMbbee atteoded the meetIng of Mie Kalamazoo Medical Hocii'ty, thi.s urrk. I). e. Fall weul ii JlacJtson, 8uuibi.v, in attend tíhe hiraeral oía coiuán, Frani l'.acit. Trof. Deloa Fall, of Alblon OoUege, opent Beveral iiays lasl weéls wlth hla brotheire in Uiia city. Oitinai Ebea-bacii left Tuesday to attent 8 meeting of the State Board nf Pliüirmnc.v at Bay City. IMlas Ellfl Xaylor and Mise Wlnnle Hullck, &i Detroit, epent Sund'ay wit h the ioi-incv'.s parentB, n I Mr. and Sil Johia I'Ynlon 1 -íi lanl . v. ning tor Dcl.aa.l, Fia, Tiuy exjicrt tu !)( 'cinf utttll April lst. I E. B. Hall is ttOW so far rPtovm'ii rom (hijs irecent sickness as to be able to le at Ms o.'fico. a part of caen, day. Mis. Dr. J. II. Stevens, of Detroit, who lias beeo visiting her bother, Mrs. .1. Híungíterfer, returned borne Monlay. Miss Clellle Aoderson, a teaclier at ,oiiiii Iimikl, Ind., is spending a coupte iir inoiiMiw wtVti her mother m l'ackard street. OongTesainan Gorman was in the city, Mun lay. He has recovered irona ihc girfp aai 1 left later ta the week for Washington. ■ H. M. Royw anl wiic, o! Farwell, been lm üic city this week attending t.iir meeting of tius Prese a eociatlon and visitin.ií parents. .1. C. Watts sprnt Sunday and Monilay wlthWfi laniily In this city. He lalt om Tiii'sday for Knoxville, Tenn., omd othcr isouthorn points for a iiKiiiiJi's trip. Will K. Prico, toller at tlie Flrsl National batik, comiuenced a thrce monthK' leave oí absence on Tuesdlay. He Jia.s K'in' South and' will spend his vacatioo in tliat clinif. ('...Krank Allméndinger went to Lunini;, Tii'slay, a:nl judging from the numbar of mectlngfi that he expected fo attend, he will tic lacky if he geLs ]k k to A:in Arbor in a fortnigtht.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News