The Store
1892. A SURFEIT OF BARGAXNS. Vg&Jë4? GREAT PR1CE CRUSHXNG SALES. fjl NO HALT. ; ' jlfiJI NO LET UP ON TRADE. L tr is r-tst sus ''im':;::!;:;;:"::!;,,.., bn.neS. ta'i: .■. ircaPTd -.-sj? t; unaed at the extent of onr business and none more tha., ourselves. Forty sales-people unable to hand e the t ade .And ye "athelighi oiVZ we have been doing, the efforta we have made, the indneements we have offered, onr enormous hade L8 net to be wondered at. And now wc are confronted with the problem of - Thore is no time for delay. It must be solved at once- this is our first move. - CLOSE OUT OUR ENTIRÈ STOOK. LET EVERYTHING GO, NO MATTER AT WHAT PRIOE. Remodel Every Department to meet the requirements of onr trade- in a word, make room for a Stock of Spring Goods that will dwarf anvthing ever seen in Ann Arbor. DRESS G00D3. WE MAKE THIS OFFER GOOD ÜNTIL FEBRUARI 1. With every Dress Pattera of seven yards, costing 50 cents or more, we give Fkee 5 yards best Cambric, U yards 20c Silesia, 1 spool Silk, 2 spools Twist, 1 spool Cotton, 1 set Dress Stays. DRESS SILKS Wil! go at marked down prices witli the same indneements as the Woolen Dress Goods. 1-2 OFF. All our short pieces of Dress Goods, Silesias, Cambrics, Sateens, Ginghams, Prints, Oottonades, Shirtings, Flannels, Cassimeres, Etc., Etc., will be moved out at One-Half Price. One-Fourth Off on All Our Draperies. UNDERWEAR. ONE-FOURTH OFF ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK. All Goods marked in plain figures and everythiug goes as advertised. 1 Oft" on all our Ypsilanti Goods. Off on all our Ladies" Skirts. Off on all our Blankets. Off on all our Shawls. 100 dozen (big job) Men's gray all wool underwear worth $1.50, now 75e. 1-4 OFF ON ALL FASCINATORS. 1 lot Fasciuators, all wool, to close at 19c. 500 pieces Ribbon, Nos. to 16, 28c for ld yards. MiACK & SCHMID, .3XT3J ARBQR.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News