Anual Statenment
For tlie year ending December 31, A. D. 1891, of the FINANCIAL mm AND AFFAIRS -OF TUK - WASHTENAW Uú Flrs kuruco topaay, Located at Ann Albor. Michigan, Orsanized nncler the Laws of the State, Jan. Ist, 1800. and doing business in the Conuty of VVashtenaw. John F. Spafaüd, President, Wm. K. CHltps, Sec'y and Treas., P. O. Aun Albor, Micii. MUMHKUSim. l Number t' uieiubois Doe. ;ïl, 18.IO 2.41!' 2. Numiierol' inembers added m past year H8 3. Toml dowQ 867 4. Deiluct membore canoellod in past yeur 107 5. Number of membera nowbeitAgtag to Company 2,460 KISKS. 1. Amomit of property at risk. Deo. BI, 1890 ï4,7u4,4W) 00 a Amnunt ni risk nddcd durinir !. A mona t ot isk aoueu ourniK past year 246,66a OU ; Totaldown 85,001,125 Oí) 1. Dsdnet risk caneellert in past vear 2la,05 00 . Net amountnowat risk Í4.780.070 0 KKSOURCKS. 1. Afsessmentof past y car unco 1lected 2. Cash balance on band „-.IOS D. Capital stock ol the Company . $4,i8O.O,0 U0 $4,78(,L6 38 LIABIGITIUS. 1. For losses adj usted and estimated $ 20 IX) 2 For statnped envelopes ordercd, printiug, etc. 30 00 3. Total -I 50 00 INCOMK. 1. Frooi assessment of 181)1, (Kate $1.50 per $,00.00) $7,106 r.l :.'. Fr'om aeaessment oí 1890. 91 :5 3. Frota adiled and cancelad Insurance 387 91 1. From surplus froui oíd company 6S2 1 6 From borrowed money, per company notes 3,900 0U 6. From balance on hand, Jan. 1,1891 43 47 Total tacóme 12,211 38 EXPENDITÜRES. 1. Losses (37) actually paid durinfr the year of which $2 00 occurred in prior years) $6,335 '■& 2. Salaries and fees paid to oflicers and directora (Schedule A) 947 90 3. Fees retained ror remitted toaesuredj by agents or collectors... 4. Amount of premium or deposit notes returaed to merobers whose policies were discontinued or cancellecl (carrled inside) None. 5. Assessment charged off as uneollectable (carrien inside)... None. (i AU other expendituies 4.7SS 0 7. Total expehses actually paid durinjí the year - $12,i7i 31 SCHEDULE A. yame of Offlcer or Director to Wlwm Paid. J W Wing-, auditor.... S 4 80 Fred B. Braun, auditor i 00 lt C. Keeve, auditor 4 1H) H. O. Platt. director 18 00 John F. Spafard, director 70 40 A. T. Hufrlios, director 50 80 E E. Leiand, director 69 8U Wni.K Stockins. director 100 00 Wm. Ciunpbell, dlrèotor 125 20 Wnr. K, Ohilds. Sec'y óc Treas., director. 500 00 Total Schedule A $947 90 SCHEDULE IJ. Item of "All Other Expenses." Paid notes borrowed money(8600 for '!IO)$4,5OO 00 Paii interest on borrowed money !9 4!i Paid incidental expense accouut 18 sis Paid postagre account 39 80 Paid prntlnrand stationary account. . 65 :" Paid collector's commission and exclianye 48 54 Paid asscs.siuents reluudeil ; 00 Paid ollice rent 53 011 Total Schedule B 4,788 03 1 H(v,v many assessments have been made during the year? Answer, One. . Whatis thearnoimtof all the asiessments made dm ing the year? 7,122 80 ö. W hat is the rate per cent of sneli assessments on tUe property insured? Answer, $1.5o per S1.000. 4. What is tbe rate per cent of such assessments on the premium or deposit notes? 5. vhat amount was re-assessed for assessments that were not paid ! Answer, None. 6. What amount ot' losses are allowed to accumulate befove an assessment is levied? Ansswer. One year. 7. Does the Company, in makintr an assossment. provide theivin for any surplus fund over the aetual losaee aecrued ! A nswer, Yes. If so, how muchy Answer, Estimated expenses for one year. 8. What is the ag-gresrate vaUiation of real property insured by the comp-iny? Answer, Not footed separately. 9. What proportion of damaifeor aetual loss sustaiued on real property does the company payV Answer, Insured amount. 10. What is the aborrégate valuation of personal property insured by the eompany? Answer, Isof footed separately. 11. What proportion of damage or aetual loss susiained on personal property does the couipauy jiay? Answer, Two-thirds. State of Michigan, ) Ves. County oí Washtenaw, ) John "F. Spafard. President, and Wm. K hild-,Secre(ary olsaid Company. do. and oaeh for himself doth flepose and say, that they havi j read the foreroiu: statement, and know the conteuts tuereol', and that they have good ] eon to believe, and do believe, said statement to be true. John F. Spafard. President' Wm. K. Childs, Seeretary. Sworn and subseribed before me, at Aim Arbor oity, in saifl State and County, this iilst day of December, A. l. 1891. Fnui) H. Rüaun, Justiceof the Peace, Washtenaw Co.,
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News