The meeting of all tbc officers oí Mie ...
The meeting of all tbc officers oí Mie regiment was made the occasiou a social time by tlie Ypsilanti Ijjïht Guarda, tliat organizatioJi tendertng the oíficers a liauquet at the Occidental 'ïio-tel in the evening. The Bpread was a fine one and deraonstrated Uic litispitality of that compaay in a wíbefcantial marnier. Pol; lo.wiag 1 baaquel toaste were ]ropoéed by Ex-Captain Hemphlll, oí YpKilanli, -vvho acted as toastmastër, and responded to as follown: "Welcome," Capt. W. E. Sraitli Co. G.: "Oar (uests." Col. E. W. Bowen; "TheComma,nder-iu-Chief," Capt. Fred Shubel, jr., Co. E.: "Preparatlone ior War." Iieut. W. W. Watts. Co. A.: "Tbc Ladtea", Adjutant Eobert Darnton; The New Tacties," Capt. Howells, Co. B.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News