Real Estate Tranfers
W. E. & M. G. Collins to E. L.CuIver Ypsilanti ' {-luw Jolui (;nrier, etal.,toE. C. Green, et al.. Vork _ 1800 H. H Palmer to Mary A. Palmer, York 400 E. G.Oarrto T. J. & K. Thorue, Maachester ; oog C K Willooxon to Juliette Peck.Ypsilanti 2V Mary A Allen to O D Allen, Dexter Cora H Wallaee to Fred Strehle, Delhi 1 nou Fred Schill to F Schlll, Jr, Manchester ' a'400 John Kushton to F & N Wollwood, Mauehester 4000 F & N S Wellwood to F & E Üüshton', Manehestor 4 000 Wm Schenk to M Schenk, Sylran 7 '500 h Morton, etal, to L Richards. York.. '41.0 F Schriter to Geo Sehriter, Aufrusta... 53o Abram Maybee to F Schriter, Autrusta. 1,345 Corliss & McLaublin to Chas Staubenmair, Ann Arbor 95 E G Carr to Cornelius Carr. Manchester 1U0 C W Allian to Minnie Hissell, Autrusta .. 30U Ida M H Alban to Alüe E Henderson, Ypsllantl 1 nni) G W 4 M H Voorhels to H C McNIchoL ' Ypsllanti 600 Johu L Hufrtfe to Mary L Hoyd, Cholsea. 3,500 A U Draper to W B Draper, Ypsilanti 1 00 Earl Waieto Isaac Dunn, AnnArhor.. 00 F VV Mtiitb to John F Wellhoir, Sharon 80Ü Fred Kollawehr to John Hanes, Freeriom 2 400 .7 M It Sill to vv E Scott, Ypsilanti '825 F V Sinith to Sarah Scott. Yptólanti ;ü-, J D White to Amos Spokes, Anu Arbor 700 J (3 Schaible to V. ll Martin, Manchester 2,700 T MoKone, et al, to John Fuley, l,ima 875 Geo W Taylor to H S & s Dean. Milan 1 I, A Ilarris to H S& S Dean, Milan. ja I V Havlland to S & F A Bow. Ypsilanti .IJ Raferty to DNissley, Saline 800 Worden Woodlord to Kanette W00JfoM, Ypsilanti 1 Emma Smaller to Jacob Itothfuss, York, BOn J P. Woods to Woods & Kimball. Saline, 200 Elmina Fowler to Woods ék Kimball, Saline 330 Mary E. Cordon to Woods & Kiinball. Saline 200 A. S and O. li. Sherwood to Woods & Kimball, Salino 200 C J. McGuinness to ïhos. McGuinness, Dexter 2,000 John MeGuinness to Thos. Mcttuinness, Dexter 800 H. Haekelberg: to Samuel Martty, Manchester 500 Abrnm Mabee to M. C. Mabee, Analista, 100 Mary Conklinr to A. W. Bassett, Ypeilanti 1000
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
W. R. Collins
E. L. Culver
John Carter
E. C. Green
H. H. Palmer
Mary A. Palmer
E. G. Carr
T. J. Thorue
C. R. WIlcoxson
Juliette Peck
Mary A. Allen
O. D. Allen
Cora H. Wallace
Fred Strehle
Fred Schill
John Rushton
F. Wellwood
N. Wellwood
William Schenk
M. Schenk
L. Morton
L. Richards
F. Schriter
George Schriter
Abram Maybee
Charles Staubenmair
Cornelius Carr
C. W. Alban
Minnie Bissell
Ida M. H. Alban
Allie E. Henderson
G. W. Voorheis
M. H. Voorhies
H. C. McNichol
John L. Bugge
Mary L. Boyd
A. B. Draper
W. B. Draper
Earl Ware
Isaac Dunn
F. W. Smith
John F. Wellhoff
Fred Kollawehr
John Hanes
J. M. B. Sill
W. E. Scott
F. F. Smith
Sarah Scott
J. D. White
Amos Spokes
J. G. Schaible
Wells Martin
Thomas McKone
John Foley
George W. Taylor
H. S. Dean
I. V. Haviland
F. A. Bow
J. J. Raferty
D. Nissly
Worden Woodford
Ranette Woodford
Emma Smalley
Jacob Rothfuss
J. P. Woods
Elmina Fowler
Mary E. Gordon
A. S. Sherwood
O. B. Sherwood
C. J. McGuinness
Thomas McGuinness
John McGuinness
H. Haekelberg
Samuel Marty
Abram Mabee
M. C. Mabee
Mary Conkling
A. W. Bassett