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Real Estate Tranfers

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W. E. & M. G. Collins to E. L.CuIver Ypsilanti ' {-luw Jolui (;nrier, etal.,toE. C. Green, et al.. Vork _ 1800 H. H Palmer to Mary A. Palmer, York 400 E. G.Oarrto T. J. & K. Thorue, Maachester ; oog C K Willooxon to Juliette Peck.Ypsilanti 2V Mary A Allen to O D Allen, Dexter Cora H Wallaee to Fred Strehle, Delhi 1 nou Fred Schill to F Schlll, Jr, Manchester ' a'400 John Kushton to F & N Wollwood, Mauehester 4000 F & N S Wellwood to F & E Üüshton', Manehestor 4 000 Wm Schenk to M Schenk, Sylran 7 '500 h Morton, etal, to L Richards. York.. '41.0 F Schriter to Geo Sehriter, Aufrusta... 53o Abram Maybee to F Schriter, Autrusta. 1,345 Corliss & McLaublin to Chas Staubenmair, Ann Arbor 95 E G Carr to Cornelius Carr. Manchester 1U0 C W Allian to Minnie Hissell, Autrusta .. 30U Ida M H Alban to Alüe E Henderson, Ypsllantl 1 nni) G W 4 M H Voorhels to H C McNIchoL ' Ypsllanti 600 Johu L Hufrtfe to Mary L Hoyd, Cholsea. 3,500 A U Draper to W B Draper, Ypsilanti 1 00 Earl Waieto Isaac Dunn, AnnArhor.. 00 F VV Mtiitb to John F Wellhoir, Sharon 80Ü Fred Kollawehr to John Hanes, Freeriom 2 400 .7 M It Sill to vv E Scott, Ypsilanti '825 F V Sinith to Sarah Scott. Yptólanti ;ü-, J D White to Amos Spokes, Anu Arbor 700 J (3 Schaible to V. ll Martin, Manchester 2,700 T MoKone, et al, to John Fuley, l,ima 875 Geo W Taylor to H S & s Dean. Milan 1 I, A Ilarris to H S& S Dean, Milan. ja I V Havlland to S & F A Bow. Ypsilanti .IJ Raferty to DNissley, Saline 800 Worden Woodlord to Kanette W00JfoM, Ypsilanti 1 Emma Smaller to Jacob Itothfuss, York, BOn J P. Woods to Woods & Kimball. Saline, 200 Elmina Fowler to Woods ék Kimball, Saline 330 Mary E. Cordon to Woods & Kiinball. Saline 200 A. S and O. li. Sherwood to Woods & Kimball, Salino 200 C J. McGuinness to ïhos. McGuinness, Dexter 2,000 John MeGuinness to Thos. Mcttuinness, Dexter 800 H. Haekelberg: to Samuel Martty, Manchester 500 Abrnm Mabee to M. C. Mabee, Analista, 100 Mary Conklinr to A. W. Bassett, Ypeilanti 1000