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i " WOETH A GUINEA A BOX." [ ; i 5jL Blind. (tJÁf ti They are blind who will 5 -Cp' nt try a box oí im BEEGHAM'S 1 í PILILO i: ti i y "CVorthedisorderswhichgrow; J ' B ) outof In'piirtil ])t'r.' (i LL&i ítomiioh,'oiitlpat mi L IlUordereU l.lver, Si=U lleuducbv, % nruny Billouasintl Kervoua iillmriit, $ they take the place of an entire medicine { chest. Lí Of all druggists. Price 25 cents a box. N'ew York Depot, 365 Canal St. 31 WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. WANTED- A irirl to lean) tiiiloring. ddress, Wagner & Co. , A n n A rbor. 3-S POR SALE- small house on south Uní versity Ave. One-third cash and balance on timo. Inquire at 46 South University Ave. of Hudson T. Morton 3-5 VlANTED,- Unfurnished room or suite. ' Addrpss stating size, location and price, P., A rjrus Office. 1 : Í-6) POR R.M,T- A Jersey cow and heifer, two yeiirs oíd, for sale very cheap. Apply to Mrs. Israel Hall, 43 Wa9htenaw avenue. 3-5 FOR SALE.- A very good cutter. Also flve orsixifood horses. James C. Alien, two miles north of City. 3-5 FOK SA1.E.- Thirty acres peach and berry landsnrclty lirnits tuken for a debt by a non-resident. Easy terms, lonjr time. Also residenee half hlock froni Museum building' A fonil invpstmcnt. .las. H. McDonald, Atty., 42 Sloftat BldK , Detroit. 3-5 ll'ANTED.- A company of abont a dozen "" young senttemen wish to ttnd a frond cook who will take a boardiug club. Adórese Lo.k 148 2-5 TWO FA KMS FOK SALE OK RENT.- One contains 1U0 acres, the 01 her 240 acros. Soil, ímprovements aud buildings excellent, Terms easy. Price very I ow. Enquiro of J. Q. A. Sestsions. Ann Arbor. 1-3 FOR ENT OH ON SIIARES.-My farm of 450 acres, of whtoh 250 acres is plowed land. Situated on the bise line between Web ster and Hamburg Inquire on the larni of Mrs. John Dunlavv or ol Thomas G. Wallace, Section31,Norlhtield. 73-78 TWO NEW Milch Cows for Sale. James O, Allen, 2 miles north of City. 73-75 LOST- On Sunday eveninjr, between Hang;sterfer Block and M. C. depot, a roll of bilis amountinpr to about 980.00. Finder will receive liberal reward by leaving them at the Argus afflee. FOR SALE- Three new and desirablehouses cheap. D. A. Pray, ofüce C. H. Kliue, 3ity. 72-74 FOR SALE- Five acres on West Huron street. Goood house, barn, orchard. Beautiful location. Will sell 011 easy tevms. Apply to or addrees E. D. Davis, West Hurou street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 70tf FOK SALK- 4 Horses. 3 Cows, 3 Wagons, 1 Doublé Carriags. 1 Bufrgy, 1 Holler, 1 Horse Rake, 1 Drill. 8 Pioughs, 2 Drusrs, 2 Oultivators, 1 Cutter. 1 Bob Sleifih, 2 Doublé Harness. 2 Sing-le Harnees. Iinquire at, ' Manu's Druif 9tore, Ann Arbor. 70tf A GENTS WANTED.- Gentleman or lady, In every city, and villapre in Michigan, where not represented. to buy anrl sell our fnmou? Organs, Symphonias, Pneumatic Symphonys (8elf-PlayiDg Organs), eic For oür Organs, catalogues, or an agency, only addres our ÍState Agent, N VanDevwerken. Manchester Mich. THE WILCOX & WHITE OKGAN CO Please mention thls paper. WANTED- A girl to help a pants-maker. Wagner & Co., 21 South Main St. U4tf Y farm at Seio of 200 arerrs lor sale. I v have tio boys that wili work the ranch, and I am to old 10 farm. If not sold before the flrstof March next it is to rent. Geo. A. Peters. 1 82tf rpO KENT- Hou-e, just outside of west city .1 limits. Inquire at 72 S. Main street FpOR SALE.- Farm of forty acres at Whitmore Lake. Mich. Good house Fiveminutes' walk from hotels and post-cffiie. Excellent JOil. Apply to Waker L. Tnylor, 91) Broadway, Ann Arbor, Míen. M)-tf ANN ARBOR NURSEKY- Fruit and ornamental trees. Peaeh and pear a specialty. Grapo vines, berry nlants, etc. Prioe low. Jacob Ganzhoru, head of Spring street. f) jrf SiSALSS . , 15 Wilcox Ava., Dstroit, Mich. Educates youn men and woroen to maintain thcmselves in indepcndence, save moncy and accumulate weallb. Business, Shorthantl, Pennianshíp. Enelish, Languaire, Elocution and Mechajiical Drkwing Departments. Illustrtted Catalogue tree. W. I-'. JEWELL, Pres't. P. SPENCER, Sec'y. % % % $ 19 i i the Larnest Gold Mine . Mñfllüflñ PIS? the LargestSilver Mines. Has Extensivo Grazing Ranges, Fine Timber Belts, Wide Agricultural Valleys. Ia larper than New England, New York, Peunsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware combined. Tlie Great Northern Kailway is thedirectline from St. Paiil and Minneapolis to Great Falls, Monarch, Neihart, Barker, Helena, liutte and othev Montana points. Apply to your hcnne raiiway agent l'or tickets over the Great Northern. I do not wish to blow iuto 1 FND theni, hut merely whisper that the Red ltiver Valley otters flne inducements for home seekers, MP as also the entire región alorw the Great Northern Hailway throufrh Minnesota, North UaYOUR kota and Montana. Kor Maps, UuideBooks, etc, apply to F. 1. Whitnev, G. P. & T. A., st. EARS Paul, Minn., orto your nearest ' raiiway agent. In sonie states the I TH F YDIING i ratio is two and ' nu iK'SfiSoï. YOUNG WOMEN, Theesttefrojn MEN rr. olis, Duluth and adpoiit GO West Superior to AKtuul the Northwestern tucdc wpcti and Paciflc States is mcnc vla the Oreat wnw thern Raiiway. JNUW. Farms can be had in Minnesota and North Dakota on erop mand other plans to snit purchasers. No failure of erops in twelve years of 6ettlement Large yields of wheat and other DL'n staples. Fine stock región. ntlf Good schools and ehurches. Healtbful elimate. Great Markets within easyreach. Farms RIVER Pai(1 for fronl tlie P'Oceeds of ■ il i uu one crOp_ Highest prices paid for products. The Great Nor_,. thern Raiiway has three linea VALLEY through the Valley. Address inhkbn w w Braden Lami Commissioner, St. Paul, Mlnn., for particulars. ABOUT A GREAT COUNTRY. Maps and publieations sent free, and letters asking iuformation about travel and settlement in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana answered by F. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A., Great Northern Raiiway, St. Paul. Tickets to all points in the West. Lowest rntes to the Paciflc Coast. fe & d & & b


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News