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Words That We Appreciate

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The Ann Arbor Argus, last week entered upan its 58th year as a weekly newspap_er, and celebrated its birtüday with a doublé edition, and evidentes more vim, vigor and real jourmilistic vitality and energy tihan at uaiy farmer blrthday. The Argus ivas Ijarn in territorial duys, and Mr. Gardner was its first editor. It has Been tlio forefits fiul áway, Dlu Indian and liis sijuaw aneak o!ï to Petoskey, the town of Freed'om aettled wft.1i Irish, (born In tíerniany), the Unive;-. ity grow from nothing to a 2,500 people power, and Ann Arbor floarislli and thrive on bhe strength of the boarding lio:ses, aaid tüie abílity oí some oí its residents who (have won the highest honors the the state coukl givo and at leafct one of whom still lives, to be hehl in loving esteem and r5pect by every resident oí lkliifsan and o-prcially by every democrat. It lias asen days of perity and also much "hard sledding." It has been in new clover and it has had to take up with potatoes and salt, but it always lived. In 18-54 E. B. Fond became its proprietor and lie "let her go Gallagher." It was just after the war when the Argos feit the effect of competition. Thé first thing he knew another democratie paper was bom, and, though lie put more strength iuto his editorials and was recogni.ed as possessing marked ability in expounding democratie doctrine, he flnally put the editorial quill into other fingers, and surrendered the sanctum splint-bottom chair to a new proprietor. The sea of journalism was very rough all this time, and the Argus was sometimes with stern down, and at others with the bow looking toward China, but it never lost its rudder though its main mast was badly demoralized, and it made its weekly voyages with regularity. Finally, Bro. Beakes applied for the eommaml and took the helm, with a determination to steer clear of shallow water and submerged rocks and to use proper ballast. He painted 'er red, and put on new rigging, and the old Argus lias been sailing along steadily ilrnost ever sincè, ,and has borne the democratie standard into almost every nirbor of the county. The Argus seems to have escaped the journalistic grip, and is iiow in good battle trim, and our friend Beakes thinks he can guide the craft into action for many years to come, and here's hoping that ie may ever be on deck and meet with succes. - Adrián Press. The Yp-ilf.v i ni giTj i: "Were the tonner days botter tiian these Uays? Tüie Argns gave laat weck, the basis for 'n.n aapwor to f: at quotlon by gOtng Ik'.c!; to t'.o ■ ; - ::i 1 jüiving mw.h Interoeting matter coijeernlng the on-goSiigs of the public burdeü bearea-s 'Of those days.' ' youngeiit but veu-y spiiglity coutemporary, t!h,n Oexter Xcivs, says: The venerable and; vcry weloome Ann Arbor Argus oomes to our table tlbts week, , 16-page paper ta honor of the 38th ajiniversary of its (■pttoti. May your p-o p -rity long continu-, Bro. Beakes. And U" liext - ron1 tupo - ury, the Fowlerville Obaerver, ohs rves Iha.-: "The An:i Arbor Argua was fltty-3even years old last Frlday. liditOl1 Bi'ilk ï KU:-(1 11 Kixíe 11 [IH: pap T in honor ■ Mi a Oícasion, Altüiougti the Argus is nearing the ;illottcd time of man, yet it appears ,i 'young :is it Qsed to be.' 'hi' Cllinton Lotal piühily remark : "The Ann Arbot' Argus is 57 years üld u.nd i ono of onr best exchangest " , . . . . ïïic Tecumeeih Heralil also oot'ea large pdition: "The Ann Arbor Argos Is 57 years old. It made its 57t;i annual bow laet week, and celebra! il the event vritih an extra number o; ! pages, contalnlng bright reading ter." Tlie Anii Arbor Register read Uu; paper with interest and remarks: "Tlie Argus cclebrated its fifty-eighth birthday last week by printing a nixteenpage paper. The issue contained many Lnteresting reminiscencep." The Teeumseh News comments as follows: "Tlhe Anu Arbor Argus is no infant. It was 57 years olil laai week and celebrated the event by the issue of several additional page.s of good reading matter." The PlymoutU Mail pays the Argus the following: "The Ann Arbor Argus is 57 years oíd, a most excellent paper and etill improving wiph age." That excellent Ghelsea paper, the Standard, says: "Tlhe Ana Arbor Argus, oae oí our best exchanges, started on its iifty-eighfch year by issuing a sixteeo-page paper last week. May tïte aext half oentury of the Argus be more prosperous than the past." The Soutfa L.yon Pieket eays: "On Friday last the Aan Arbor Argus ir sued the tfirst number of its 58tii volume. Starting in 1834, bsfore even many of us older onea were Born it has been a etauneh old democratie 63ieet during all these years, and even nuw threatens to continue in tlhe same line of work, bat, laying asile all its wealuiess in tdiis direotion, the Argus is a most ecxellcnt newapaper. We first knew it during E. B. Pond's managemeint. Although it doesn't alwoys agree with us, it is Iioaie3t and fair in the discussiou of tlie quegtióna anÖ men of the day. We wLsh Bro. Beakes unbounded suceefs and hope 'lie may live to celébrate the Arg-us ('ciitennial." ü The Livwigston Democrat, ïtstl: 35 years ■! age, says: "The Atm Arbor Argus can lootk back over its record of fifty-seven years with very little regret. It has always been a goou newspaper, and always on the riglit side of all moral and political que tiwns." Tbc Grass Uake News: "The Anii Arbor Argus Jias entered on its iiftyeighth year. It is one oi Michigan's very best newspapers. Wheu Bro. Beake started the Ai-gus ha was just 43 years oli. and tilie iaterveniïig 57 years brings his ag exactly up to 100. Btill, he does not use spoetacles, ctin write a leader witli ono leg tied bühind liira, and swings Uis toddy up to the hatehway with a precisión that far youaiiger men might envy. May tlie Lord bless you, Beakes, RTr emotiher hundred years! Heiv's oiir


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News