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Rev. Sana Smul! at üniversity Hall to-night. Overbeck & SUebler now have telephone Ko. 149. Frank Minnia has been granted a patent on his new razor strop. J. R. Bach is acting as city clerk duriiig the absence of City Clerk Miller. Several runaways have oceurred on the streets this week, butnone of theia serious. Dr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Nancredê gave a reception Monday evening in honor of Dr. Gihon. The eleetion of directora of the Am Arbor Fruit and Vinegar Co. will b lield Mouday evening. Charles Stollsteimer, of Miller ave nue, died Weduesday morning, agec 70 years, trom the grip. Dr. and Mrs. L. P, Hall gave a pleasant card party to a number ot friends, Saturday evening. Morgan Williams has resignad f rom the lire department service and Robert Koss appointed in his stead. Clarence, the eleven months old child of Jacob Stollsteimer of Scio, died Monday of convulsions. Joe's Big Steere made a great buil for the newspaper men at Ann Arbor last week.- Cedar Springs Clipper. Mrs. John Burg entertained a large party at a reception Monday evening, given at her home on Jefferson stieet. Jethro Mabee, adrayman in thiscity for a number of years, died Tuesday, of pneumonía and grip, aged 48 years. Mrs. M. V. Beard, of the Sixtli ward, died on Sunday. lier remains were taken to Jonesville for burial, Monday. The Ann Arbor Liglit Inf'antry entertainment at the opera house, next Tuesday, promises to be a great success. Ann Arbor is to be treated to two of the best,theatrical entertainments on the road- Salvini, Jan. 28th, and Modjeska, Feb. lst. Stewart Knight ciied at his home on Spring streef Saiurftay, at the age of 81. The funeral exercises were held at the residence Tuesday. The ladies' society of the Presbyterian church, held their annual election yesterday and gave a very pleasant tea and social in the evening The complaint of burglary against Bert Jones was dropped last Friday, and one of larceny made. His examination will be held Mondav. Rev. Al. A. Bronson delivered the second lecture in the Tappan training course last Monday evening, the subject being "Jonathan Edwards." William Hender, a cigarmaker in the employ of Chas. Kaiser, died yesterday, aged 36 years. Ilis death was caused by pneumonía and the grip. A water-pipe in the second story of J. T. Jacobs & Co. 's store broke, Wednesday night, and ilooded the store below, damaging considerable stock. The Knights Templar gave a pleasant social in their quarters, Friday evening. These socials will be continued every two weeks during the season. Mis. Catherine Brokaw. for many years a resident of the township of Northfield, died at her home on Sunday, of pneumonia, aged 82 years. (íeorge Laubengayer plead guilty to Justice líutts, Wednesday, to the charge of being intoxicated and vvas flned $2 and $5.05 sosts, which he paid. The lecture on the "Inns of the Court," deliveied at McMillau Hall last evening, by Prof. Abbott, was highly entei'taining and largely attended. Miss Kate Jacobs sang a jólo in the Congregational chmch last Sunday luorning, it being her tirst appearance since she returned from Enrope some time ago. The Washtenaw Farmers' Association will hold its second animal meeting in the eourt house in Aun Arbor, 011 Wednesday, January 27th, at 10 o'clock a. m. Mrs. Caroline Gwinner, widovv of the late Jacob Gwinner, died last Saturday after a lingering illness of over a year. Two children, Robert and Emily, survive her. Miss Caroline S. Downer, the Chelsea girl of ponderous weight who advertised í'or a husband and ünally became an attraction ' in Geary's Museum at Grand Eapids was married Tuesday in that city to Thomas J. Warren, before a large audience. Mr. Warren will still continue to "have her pictures for sale" at Geary's. In case of war witlj Chili and i cal made on the regular troops, Capí Hiscoek thlnks it possible that Cqrn pany A inay be obliged to garrisoii one of the i'orisof the state. Asleighing party of '-.,d folks," 42 in number, went to tija lióme of X. E. Sutton in NorthfieW,'Vednesday .".,-.,- ing, and enjoya themselves - they Hd in their yoiinger days. Prof. ITeiniequin has been appointed a member of the committee on dramatic art lor the World 's Fair. Ilis (kities wil] oceupy alxnit six weeks' time during the big show. Rev. W. D. Sexton, of Detroit, will deliver the next lecture in the ïappan Training Course, at MeMillan Hall, next Monday evening, choosiiij; for his subject "David Brainerd." Something has turned up! Tlie golden opportunity has arrived. The tide of fortune is at the flood. The- in short, the Dickens Party next montli will be the sport of the season. To-day and to-morrow Prof. M. E. Cooley makes a test on two 220 horse power Sterling boilers at the Edison Light Company's plant in Grand Rapids, at tlie request of tlie Chicago company. Rosina Ilaab, of Freedom, has commenced suit in the circuit courtagainst John Staebler, wliom she claims nsed language imputing to her a want of ïood character. Five thousand dollars is what she asks. Randolph Hogers, the great sculptor, to whom the University of Michigan owes a great debt of gratitude for his munificent benefactions to the art galery, died at Rome on last Friday, at the age of 66 years. The Ann .Arbor Sporting Club have elected the followinHr offlcers for the ensuing year: President, Titus. F. HutEél: vice-presideht, Eli S. Manly; secretary and treasurer, Miehael Fritz! steward. Warren E. Walker. The funeral of Ilenry Krause, of Ioseo township, was held at Zion churcli, Tuesday, the remains being interred in Forest Hill cemetery. The deceased was 55 years of age and was the sou of Ilenry Krause, of Lodi. A nuinber of owners of fast horses, ogethei with a number of friends, went to Ypsilanti, this morning, to est the speed of their horses against he trotters in Ypsi. Six matches will )e made, the races taking place tliis fternoon. Just think of this! The citizens of Ypsilanti have been paying the same price for gas that is paid in this city, and yet the Ypsilanti Gas Co, lias just annóunced a voluntaiy reduction of 20 per cent., makiug the price $l.G0 per 1 ,000 feet. The Ann Arbor Banjo and Guitar club have secured the, town hall in Chelsea, February 2, for a musical entertainment in which they will be assisted by Harkins and' Granger. Needless to say, a good entertainment will be given. The alumni of Ilamilton college held their annual banquet last Thursday evening, in Chicago. Martin Clark, lit '42, of this city, was one of the invited guests. It might also be re" marked that tickets for the banciuet were only $4. A petition has been filed in the Circuit by the Auditoi General asking for the sale of lands owned by 47 delinquent taxpayers of this county. Quite a small number when the population of the county is taken into consideration. Mrs. Minnie McCloskey, whose husband was killed at Baron Lake, Cass county, while in the discharge of his duties as brakeman of the Michigan Central railroad, has commenced suit against that Corporation, elaiming $20,000 damages. At the meeting of the Michigan Engineering Society at Grand Rapids, this week, the following from this county were elected directors: Proís. J. 13. Davis and C. S. Denison, and ïïtu. Appleton, of this city; J. K. Yocurn, of Chelsea. The Courier invites the Argus to verif y its statement and wants to know ' when Senator Brice was a student in the U. of M. Calvin S. Brice was a student in the law department 1805-'6, at least so the general catalogue states. Come again, Bro. Courier. The Michigan Furniture Co. elected the following offlcers Friday evening: W. D. Harriman, president; L.Gruner, vice president; C. E. Iliscock, secretary; E. E. Beal, Moses Seabolt and A. W. Ilamilton, directors. The capital stock was inereased to $60,000, At the meeting of the Michigan Engineering Society at Grand Rapids, Wednesday, Prof. W. H. Pettee reada paper on "Michigan Building Stone." Prof. M. E. CooleWSs appointed on the cominittee to prepare an engineering exhibit at the World's Fair. ii te boítor to rejolae iín trlbulatloi ttoan mot, lo have any tiibulation ti (jalee i".. The devil ntver ge'ts a cliance to irest in ttc nei,niiboaiiood of where a goocl man lives. Miss Olive McFarlaiulof S. University avenue, had her leg broken and was otlienvise injured, while eoHsting on the Madison street hill, Fiïday even ing. Slio was kuocked down while walklog up the hill and was run-over by a bob which was coming down . The sixteen editors of the college daily published at the Michigan University, are learning something new abont journalism every day. Each and every man of the sixteen is now threatened with a large and impressive libel suit.- Grand Rapids Democrat. At last Tpsilanti concedes the euperiority of Anii Arbor and Uie higber value of property in this city. A mil estáte dealer of tliat place adverlises "Lots as well located as these in our sister city (Ann Arbor) sell for more than four times thia price." Xobody will dispute this. Ilarriet Groves, the wife of Wm. 1 Graves of Northfield, died on Monday of paralysis, agexl öl years and 11 months. Mis. Groves, with her busband, liad been a resident of Northfield for many years and was'higlily rcspected. The funeral was held at the residence, Thursday morning. The conflding reporter of the Times bas been -'Laken in" by the reports of the formation of a democratie club ii this city, with a large membership, a treasmy f uil of money, etc. No such club has yet been organized, but it is likely that one soon will be and wtaen it is, it will be all that the Times reports it and more too. The direetors of the Washtenaw Agricultural and Ilorticultural Society held a meeting in the court house yesterday and elected Fred.Schmid treasurer of the association. A few minor changes were made in the by-laws. A good spirit prevailed and everything betokens a push for a big fair next year. Some of the premiums have been increased. The 'festival of Days" will be held next month in Ilarris Hall. The Ladies' Aid Society of the clnuch are inaking preparations for it by mee ing oveiy Monday afternoon, when the articles wlrich will make the booths so attractive are plaimed and made. The ornamental is so often up fer exhibition that it is designed this timeoto give the prize to the useful. The University has three specimens of the recent flnds of what was reported to berich archseological deposits near Wyman, Mieh. They are a sphinx, a vase and a tablet with inscriptions. After a most caref nl investigation and comparison witn specimens of undoubted antiquity Professor Kelsey pronnunces them forgeries of the rankest kind and states that they have not been buried two jears. The Aiin Arbor Arbeiter rcnin elected the following oflicers Monday evening: President, Christian JMartin: lst vice-president, Titus F. Ilutzel; 2nd vice-president, John Meyer; treasurer, William G. Dieterle; recording seeretary, Emanuel Spring; corresponding seeretary, Eugene Oesteiiin; cashier, William Feldheusser; color bearer, Christian Bowen; steward, Henry Binder. The citizens of Ann Arbor have been liberal to the University, Mayor Doty giving the following as the soms contributed to the institution: Forty acres of land by the Ann Arbor Land Co.; in 1852, to the library, $1,500; in 1859, tor Randolph Rogéis' "Hydia," $1,700; in 1864, for addition to medical building, $10,000; in 1865, for observatory, $3,000; in 1875, for old hospitals, $4,000; in 1890, for the new hospitals, $25,000. Total, $45,200 and forty acres of land. The Andrews Opera Company met with a railroad accident last Friday in Minnesota. The special train which was conveying them was derailed and the car took lire, resulting in the death of the manager's wife and a leading lady of the company. Among the members who escaped uninjured was JayTaylor, brother of Wal ter Taylor of this city. He wasobliged,however, toremain out in the severe cold which prevailed in that región, for 1 able length of time. Nine candi dates received the SStb degree in Masonry at Ann Arbor a few days since. The 33d degree is about all that the outside world knows anything abont, but in Ann Arbor they have no limit. A man can go up as high as he desii'es, and there are still ; left Ann Arbor Masons who can take them a degree higher. They have ' more degrees over there than 1 heit thermometer, and the higher they go the hotter it gets. The eountersign j of the 35th degree is not secret. It is "High Ram." The secret consists in ' the method of givingthe eountersign. - Adrián Press. Ilorse thieves ;ire reaping a harvest in Lodi. Last Friday night s valnable aai mal belonging to a Mr. Drake who was attending a party at the liome of Albert Blaess, was taken liotn the barn and led to the school near by wbere the cut'ter was also drawn and driven away. The thief was tracked for a considerable distance but traces of him were fmally lost. The vicinity presents a good field for Sheriff Dvvyer to duplícate bis f ormer work. Mrs. Elizabeth Mary Schleede died "VVednesday morning oi' la grippe, aged eiglity-seven years. She was bom in Gerniany and eame to tliis country in 1857, and in 1868 she moved to Ann Arbor. She had resided with her son, Fred J. Schleede, since 1861. She leaves two sons and three daughters. The funeral will be held at two oclock this al'ternoon, at the house of John Karberg on North street, and at half past two at Bethlehem church. The editors of the U. of M. Daily each reeeived a eonimunication from Trof. J. B. Steere intimating that a retraction of the editorial in that paper which denounced the. professor's address on "Arm Arbor and the Saloons" as flMpd with untratbs and exaggeratiim's, would be acceptable to him, or thal a imniber of libel suits might follow. The Daily intimated yesterday that if tlie professor would produce his documentary evideuco to prove his statements, the paper inight retract. When our readers think that the ) Akgus items are unworthy of a place in its olumns, we commend theni to the follovving, taken from one of our exchanges as a specimen of what is necessary to use as a filler when news is scarce: "Oh, say! did you hear how the boys for a hom did go, all safe and sound they marched to the house but when sorae caine out, and said get back in the road, for we wouldn t care wasn't for pa. But pa was frightened and was glad to get back, as the cannon did roar." The following ofticers of J. T. Jacobs Camp, No. 90, S. of V., for the ensuing year, were installed last Fiiday eventog by Past Capt. E. E. Ilallett: W. II. Krapf, capt,; II. M. Perkins, Ist lieut.; G. II. Allinendinger, 2d lieut.; G. V. Coats, C. F. Gage and D. A. Porter, camp eouiicil. The stafï are F. D. Coats, chaplain; C. F. Gage, lst Bergt.; Frank Fields, q.-m. Bergt.; G. V. Coats, color sergt.; C. Z. Strong, chief musician; 11. H. Dugdale, sergt. of guard. Elïorts will be made to make NÖ. 90 the fciest camp y Michigan división. At the Unity Club on next Monday evening, Prof. Dewey will read a paper on P.sychology and History, and Mr. Eugene G. Fassett will giveatalk on Fencing, with illustrations. Musie will be f urnished by Miss Kate Jacobs and Miss Luey Cole. The Club wishes to cali attention to the fact that on Feb. lst, one week fioni next Monday evejiing, Mr. E. N. Bilbie, assisted by Mr. Seyler, Mrs. W. F. Edwanls and Mr. Win. Sinith, give a concert. An especially line program has been preparad and it is expected this concert will be one of the best of the season. Further particulars regarding this meeting will be announoed next preek. Three Years' Prices Farm Produce. The Michigan erop report of Jannary 1, 18Ö2, issüed from the office of the secretar-y of state affordssome interesting comparison of prices of farm prodncts. The average price in thesonthern four ties of counties on Jauuary 1, 1890, 1891 and 1802 was as iollows : 1890. 1881. 1S98 Whent T.i . KT Shclled corn :!T 5!S 4" Oats : 18 3 Hay 8(iii I. 9.71 VuLcatilc perewt :;.rn i.tíi 8.9T Fat hojr-' per cwt ü.iv S.10 :.-u Oressoö l'ork 4 15 U8 4.;r Morsos, under ono year old. . o'..!1.' :í;n ;ïl.7 Horees.overthreeycai'S 115.18 106.67 ÍIT.-15 Mileh raws :5:4 5.(19 80 W Sheep.underoneyear :l.:M 2.40 ?..M Bheep over ooe year w 3.32 3.00 The decline in the value of hordes is quitti noticeable. The average price of wheal uní corn in the fourtiers of counties, Jan. 1, 1801, isstiven .'it 2 cents lower than in Washtenaw, while haj is reported worth oiily $8.(5 a ton liere, fat cattle are quoted at $3.17. hogs at $3.33 and dressed pork at $4.ü. EJorses nnder one year in Washtenaw average $30, between one and two yeara old $4ó.72: between two and three, 964.72; over three, $93.42. Milch cows are quoted at $29.88, and sheep at Í2.89.