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Estáte of Donald Mclntyre. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY of Wabht?nftK,sa. Ata session oí ihc Prohatt Court for the Uoimty of Washtenaw, holden atthí Prob.ití Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. od Saturday, ' the ifith day of Do-ember, in jetir onethousaud eighlhundred and mnety one. Present. J. Willard iiabbiu, Judjreof Probate. In the matter ot ihe óslate of Donald MolDtyre deceased. Oü reailing nncl fllinff tlie petilion, duly verifled, of Anua E. Mclntvre, praying that a certain inHirumenl. now in fiie iu thi" (O'iït, putprrtin; to b ■ rbi' will Mtid testament of s.dcl de-ased, may bsadnihted toprobati-, and that admimstration of said estáte inay be grantoi to KdBrd I). KiniieHnd Henry S. lieau, the executors in 8aid wiil namedor, to some oth -r suiiable person. Thereupou it is ordered, tbat . Moniiay, tbe 2 tli day of Junuary nxl, al ten o'cloek in the forenoon, be ass.iirn1 lor the hearinif of s.iitl petition, and that ihe devisees, k-gateta and heirs-at-law of sald deceased, ;uid all oiher persons nieivsted iu aid estáte, ure required to appear at n eesHion of said court th il to be bolden at the Probate office m the cityofA.nn Arbor, and ah"w cw, if nny thero be, why tüe prnyer of the peütioner hIkiuM not bc (trnnted: And it isturthei ordered that said petinoner t'ive notice lo Ibe peraou inti-rested in tiaid estáte of the pondcncy ol sai'] letition, and the hearing thereof, by eansing acopyoflhis oi-der to be publisbed in the Au Aitnou AKOt:s,;iuewapapcr priuted and circiilnteü in saidcounty, three successlve weeks preTtoua Éki said day of hearing. J. WII.LARD BA1ÍB1TT, A trae copy .] Judge of Probate. Wm. U. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Ernst G. Haarer. CTATEÜF MICHIGAN, COUNTY - nf Washti-naw, ss Ata session of the Probate Court fortlic (Jou'Hy of Washtennw, hol (en at the Probate Office in the city ot Aun Albor, on Monday, the llth day of January, in ihe yeur oue thousatid eiuht hundred and ninety two Preseni, J. Willard Babhitt, Judjre of Probate In the mattfr of the estáte of Ernst (i. Haarer, deceased. On roadingand nlim the petition, dnlv vcriBed, of John Jaoi Knapp, praying that a cjriain iustruuieut now on ñleinthis ci.urt, purponing lo be ihe last will and tcstnmcnl of s id leceased may be admilted to probate and that adwinMration ofsaid estáte may be grauted lo hiroself. the t-xecutor in said will named, or to omeother .-íuitable person. Thereupon it is oidered, that Tuesday, the 9th day of Pebruary next, at len o'c'ook in the lorenoon, be aincd for the hcariug of said petition and th'at the devisees, lctttees, and heirs ar l.iw of said deceasud and all other persons ïuteresled in said estat e are required Iu ■ ppmr al a session or tnifl court. then to In' holden at ihe Probate Office in the city of Ann .Albor, and show canse it any thcre he, why the piayer (.f ihe peiitioner should not hc granted: Aud il is f.utheror dered that said ix-titiunerjjive notice lothe peraona 'ed in said esliiti: of the pendi'liey oí sald pciii i 1 1 ii aml tlu hearintr thcreof ry canslngaoopy (.1 this urdex to hii pnblished in ihe Ass Akbok Argus, ii nepaper printej and circuljneti in said county, ihrec succesbive. weeky previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD B A BBITT, [A truc copy.1 ,i udge of Probate Wm. G. Dort, Probate Redsttr. hstate of Thomas Culhnane. STATK OF MICHIGAN. COUNTT OF Washtenaw, es. At a session of the Probate Court. tor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofttcein the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesd y. the Bth tay of 'January. in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judsre of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Culi inane, deceased. i n and illing the petition, dulv verified, of GvfOrge C Page. administrator w'ith the will annexed. prayinsr that he may be licensed to sell the Heal Estáte wheieof said deceasert died 8iezed, to pay legaeiea, Thereupon it is ordered that on Tuesday, the second day of Februury nexi, t 10 o cloek in the forenoon, be assigned fnr the beai irm of said petition, and that the devisees. leñatees and heirs at Iaw of sald deceased, and all other perpons intereeted iu said estnte, are required to appear at a sespiou of sald Court, then to be holden at the Probate Offloe, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show oause, il' any there be, why the prayer of tho petitioner should not be granted Aml it Ia furthor ordered that said administrator glve notiee to the persons interested in said estáte, of tbc pendenoy of said account, and the hearing tliereof, by causing a eopy of this order to tie published in the Ann Ai hor Argus, a newsimper printedand eireulatind In said oounty, thN iccosaive weeks preTioua to said day of hearing. J. WILLAKD BABHITT, Judge of Probate. LA truc copy.l Wm. G. Uuty, Probate Kegister. TONY SCHIspPACASSh, NO. 6. X. MAIN STEBT. FSUITS, NUT8 and CONFEÖTIONEKY TOBACCOSAND CIGARS, Oysters and all kinds of fruit


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News