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Special Session Of The Supervisors

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A short time ago County Clerk Brown received notice from the superintendent of the Detroit House of Correction stating tüat tlie coni ract, made live years ago, between this county and that institution for the care of the county prisoners, had expired and no more prisoners would be received there until the contract was renewed. This could only be done by the Board of Supervisors, and several menibers belng notified of the condition of affairs sent the following petition to the county clerk, upon which he issued a cali for a special meeting of the board ta be held in this city on Friday, February öth, at 10 a. ra. 'In Aiihur Brovm, Counti Glerk: Siu: We, the undersigned, stipeö visors of the County of Washtenaw. respectfully request that you cali a special meeting of said board of super visors oí said county, to meet at the court house, in the city oi' Aun Albor, on Thmsday. ihc Ith day of February next, at 10 a. m. of said day, for the pvirpose oi' enteiïng into a contract with the Detroit House of Correct ion for the custody of prisoners of said county. Dated, Jan. 25th, 1892. Edwin Bai.l. Jamks Kearns, A. T. Hughes, Jno. R. Minkk, JnO. W. IUíXNKTT, John Baumgardnku, Thomas Spjskchly, eugenk öbbtelik, James L. Gilheut, Al-FKEI) DaVENPORT. In accordance witli the above petition, County Clerk lirown has issueil the following notiee: Pursuant to tlie above, a special meeting of said board is hereby callee! to meet at the time, place and lor the purpose above mentioned. Akthi'i: BbowK, CouDty Clerk. Datkd, January, 27tli Isü:.'. calliug this s; thVV4l t will resnit in some expense, it V.ill be far eheaper to cali the board togetber and tnake the coctract, than to seml prisoners to the eounty jail until the regular meeting of the board next Oetober. This appears to be the opinión of those supervisors wlio signed the petition, irrespective of jarty, as of the names signed five are democrats and (ive republicans. One of the local papers endeavored tolay the blame for the expiration of the contract without the knowledge of the board upon County Clerk Brown, but in tliis the paper only exposed its ignorance of the inethod of caring for such business. The contract is not, nor never bas been, in the custody of the county clerk, and it is doubtful if he ever saw it, as it is in the charge of the county treasurer. The fault, if any, lies with the superintendent of the House of Correction, and was a niisunderstanding on his patt as to the time of meeting of our board, he Bupposiug that it niet in January of each year instead of in January of each altérnate yeár.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News