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Successful Above Anticipation

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The entertainment by the Aim ArboF Lightlnfantryon Tuesday evening was a genuine success all around. Hardly had the doors been opened wlii'ii it was necessiiry to announce 'standing room only" below and before the cuitain went up not a seat was left unoc'cupied in the entire building. The attendance was a surprise to the members of the company and was an ovation which was entirely unexpected to tbem. Bnt if the at. tendance was a surprise to those in charge, the entertainment was a stiM greater surprise to the audience. Many had come merely out of friendship to this popular organization, expecting to be bored by a long, dull, amateur performance. But in this they were happily disappointed, for from the minute that the curtain rose until it was rung down for the last time, there was not a hitcli 01 wait and every moment was filled by au entertaining program. Many were the compliments heaped on thosewhotook part, as the audience passed from the hall. To attempt to speak of eaeh part deserving of mention would be mily to reprint the entire program, so that the Argus will give but a general outline. The first act opened witli a new scène representing a military camp, painted for the occasion. Guards vyère marching tlieir beats, and after recal] by the bugler the company marchedon the stage from drill. After breaking ranks, one of tlie prettiest of military ceremonies, guard mount, was gone thxough with in a mannev that braved criticïsm, even man being in theright place at the proper time. The new Light [nfantry band took part in this tony, and added materially to its toe. Ifarkins aml Granger gave fciusing skit entitled "Trouble i the Guard," which kept the audii'iiee in a raar of langhter. and ended witli a süiip and (lance by thee elever niiatenis. members oí the eompany then lu-red around the oilicers' tent, as is pyery evening in camp, and prel'oi- an evening'senjoyiuent.eaeli si contribnting sonie part, The as a medley by Fred Mcümber, s piccolo, and the Ann Arbor Club, which was greeted by applause by the audience. Captain 0. E. Iliscock then gave an excellent recitation, " The Hnssian Soldier's linrial.As Captain Hiscock started for his seat, something liappened which was not down on the program. Mayor J)oty stepped upon the stage and callng the surprised captain to the front of. the stage in a neat speech presentad Mr. Iliscock with a handsome swonl, in behalf of the members ol the1 company. Recovering himself, the captain managed to make a creditable acceptance of the gift, the company giving the A. A. L. 1. yellas their comaander concluded. J. E. Harkins sang "Only a Letter," af'ter which Messi's. Fislier and Cooper gave a harmonica duet. The next part mi tlu' was another surprise to the andience, to see flve of our prominent young men, Messrs. Duffy, Quarry, Clark, Harkins, and (langer, give a song, "The Ilose I've Cxive to You," concluding with a specialty dance which would have done credit to professionals. 80 wel] did fhgy dance that they were called out again on an encoré. The'-Ann Arlor Giütar and Banjo Clnb-.tSsu carne forward and played a umi were called out agam dience. Eoss Granger danced 11 r:iBffi.clog :iiu' w:is enchiei' i)ut' 1 sent out a darkey, George FiJHln was fonnerly with l'levewho treated tin pcinian ol "bucle' illed back and mal to repeat ■ it unlil lie was nearly fea, to drop. A farewell song by the coni pany closed the scène. At the opening of the second scène. .1. E. Harkins gave Scanlan'a "Swinj Song," a beautiful selection whicli wa appreciated by the audience. Sixteen members of the compon; then gave a faney exhibition drill, ander command of Lieut. Armstrong, and that offleer as well as the members of the drill corps are tobe complimented upon the great propfleiency attained and the perfection of the drill. Witli the drill corps lined up on each side of the stage, two little tots, 'iola Sorg and Bradley Granger, canie in and danced the "Flag danee," as the closing of the h'rst part. Too much cannot be saidof the kirniess whieh followed and the wonder of the audience was how Mr. Graager COUld have instrucled and how the yonng ladies and gentlemen eould have learned the niany difflcult and intricate dances in the short time tliat they have practiced. Every dance passed if without an error, and at the conclusión of each the audience called the dancers back to repeat the performance. The dancea were earried out according to ttie programme published last weck. and the audience was sorry when the last number on the programme closed. Theco8tnmea worn by the daocers ere worlhv of special mention. Each cöstume was correct in the nation represented, even in the minor details, and all were of the richest and best material. Following tlie entertainment a social party was given to those who took part. at the arinory, refreshments being served by Hangsterfer, and it was two o'clock before the evening'senjoyment iinally ended. None but those who have had an affair of this kind in charge have any idea of the amount of labor involved', and too much credit cannot be reflected npon the committee who planned and earried out this entertainment. The conaniittee consisted of the following: Koss Granger, James E. Dufly, Fred McOmber, James J. Quarry, John C. Fisher and James F. Breakey. The committee spared no expense in puttingou the entertainment, the expenses amounting to about $300, but thanks to the splendid patronage and interest taken by thecitizens, the company ti-easury wil] net f rom 125 to $150 trom "Nations in War, Dance and Song."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News