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'VORTH A GUINEA A BOX. 1 AÍNLESS-EFFECTUAL 2 S FOR SfUOUSINERVOUS DISORDERS, 5 tich as Sick Headache.Wind and rain n the S i ?,t0!"ach' G'd!mess, Fullness, Swelhng aer m, Di2Ziness, Drowsiness, Chills, Flush-g ■"Í3r 4u?f Loss of APPeWe, Shortness5 -reath,CostiVeness.Scurvy.Blotches onthe Z ib, dsturbed Sleep, FrighHui Dreamsandg a. wervous and Trembling Sensations. Every 4 g siifiercr ís urged to try one box. í S Of all druggists. Price 25 cents a box. New YrlL Depot, 365 Canal St. 32 f WANTED, FOR SALE. ETC. ANN AKBOK EEAIi ESTÁTE KOU SALE, LES8THAN OOST I intenrt to remove to my farm in the Spring and vcill sellmypropertyrcn N.Main Street at abtirwiln. Twobrick dweiimg-s; vacant lots. Cali and see John J. Kobison. ff J?OH SALE CHE AP.- A fine colletioD conl sisting-of abont 40 .American birds handsomely mounted in a glass case. Apply at the salesiooms ut tho Anu Arbor Organ Co., 51 oouth Main streef.. Man to drive laundry wagon. AddresaP.O. box No.llJ, city. 4-11 A NEW MTLCH COW-For sal'e.ïTnquire at ■■ Knul Buur, West. Huron Street. 4-0 IJITANTED- A p-irt to learn tailoring. Ad drees, Wagner & Co., Ann Arbor. 3 5 POH SALE- A. pnmll house on pouth Uní1 versity Ave. One-third cash and balance on time. Imjnire at 46 South University Ave. t Hudson T. Morton :i- r fAflTY.n.- l'nt'urnistied room ov suite. 1 Addrep s stating sizc, location and priec, P., Arjrus Offlee. (3-4-5) POR SALE- A .Jersey cow and heiler. two yesrsolrt, for sale very ebeap. Apply to Mrs. Israel Hall, 43 Washteiiaw avenne. h-r, FOR SALE.- A very good cutter. Also flve or six rond horsf-s. James C. Allen. I o miles north of City. :i_,r) FOR SALE.- Thuty acres peaoh and berry landsatcity limlt.s taken fora debt by a non-resident. Easy terms, lontr time. Also residenee half bloek trom Museum building. A ftond investmenl. Jas. H. McDonald, Atty. , 43 Moffat lïldg:, Detroit. 3-5 VirANTED.- A company of abont a dozen " younp' gentlemen wish to flnd a rood cook who will take a boardtng club. Addross I-ock Box 146. 2-6 TWO FARMS FOH. SALE OK RENT.- One contains 1Ü0 acres, the olher S4 aeres. Soil, ïmprovenients and buildings excellent, Terms easy. Prloe very low. Enqulre of J. Q. A. Sesöious. Ann Arbor. 1 - 'd FOR itENT OK ON SHARES.-My farm of 450 acres, of which 50 acres' is plowed land. Sltuated on the bise line between Web ster and Hamburg. Inijuire on the farm of Mrs. John Dunlavv or of Thomas U. Wallace, SectionM.Northtield. 73-78 rilWO NSW MUeh Cows for Sale. James O, - Allen, 2 miles north of City. 73-75 FUI! SALE- Three new and desirablehouses chertp. D. A. Pray, oihce C. H. Kline city. 72-74 FOR SALE- KI ve acres on West Hnron street. Goood house, Ijarn, orchard. Ueautiful lpoatiOD. Will geil on easy terras. Apply to ov address E. D. Davií, West Huion streel Ann Arbor, Michigan. TOtf FOK SALE- 4 Horses, SCows, :! Wagons, 1 Doublé Carinase, i Buiíí-'v, 1 Holler. 1 Horse Rake, 1 Drill. ;í Piouphs, 2 Drairs, 8 Cultivator. 1 Cutter. 1 Bob Sleifrti, 'i Doublé HarneSH, 2 Sinsde Horness. iïncjuire at. ' Maan's Drug store, Anïi Arbor. 70tl 4 GENTS WANTED.- Gentli min orlady, in -f every city, and Tlllage in Michigan, wbere not represeoted, to buy and sellour l'amous Orjians, Symphonius, Fneuuiatic Symphortys (Self-PlaylDg Org'ans), eie I'or oiir OTgans, cataloirxies, or au ageacy, only Kddress our State Airent. M. VanDerwerken. Manchester Mich. THE WILCOX & WHITE OiiüAX CO Please mention tlils paper. WANTED- A Hïrl to help a pants-maker. Waaiicr i Co., :!l South Main St. C4tt' MY farm at Solo oC 200 arcra lor sale. I have no boya that will work the ranch, and I am to oíd io farra, if not sokl before the flrstol' March next it i3 tu rent. Gen. A. Petera. ! 1' rr"O KENT- Houte, just ontsldeof west olty X limits. rnquire at 72 S. Main street F OU SALE.- Farm of forty acres at Whltmore Lake, Mlch. Good house, t'ive minutes' walk t'rom hotels and post-t-ffice. Excel' lent ■Kul. Apply to Walter L. Taylor, 90 Broadway, Anu Arbor, Mich. fi9-tf AN'N ARBOE NURSERY- Fruit ana ornamental trees. Peach and pear a epecialty. Grape viues, berry plants, ete. Price low. Jacob Gun.born, head of Sprinsr street. ■ 1 i i the Largest Gold Mine . MflflfSRÍI flflü the LargestSJIver Mines. Has Extensive Grazmg Ranges, FineTirnber Belts, Wide Agrricultural Valleys. ís larper than New England, New Fork, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware corabined. The Grent Northern Railway s thedirect line from St. Paul and Miuneapolis to (ireat Falla, Monarch, Neihart, ISarker, Helena, Batte iiud other Montana points. Apply to yonr home railway agent for tickets over the Great Northern. r myn I do not wisn tO blOW inío LLIND thém, l)ut merely whigper tliat the Red River Val ley otters fine indueements for home seekers, MK Bfi.al80 the entire reglón alotu thfe Great, Northern Railway thro]frli Minnesota, North üaYÜUR kota and Montana. For Maps, (inide Uooks, etc., apply to F. 1. Whitnky, G. P. & T. A., st. EARS. Paul, Minn., orto your nearest railway agent. In souie states the I xhp YOIING ratio is two and oí■ nc i ten three to one Ín vniiMn _„„_. í favor of the men. YOUNG WOMEN, The best route f rom mpm St. Paul, MinneapWItlN rA olis. Duluth and arfoiit UU j West Superior to AKtuul the Northwestern tmppp WEST' and Pacifle States is 'nene. thern Railway. NUW. Farms can be had in Minnesoia and North Dakota on erop i ] and other plans to suit purebaslli ers. No failure of crops in twelve years of seltlement Largc yields oí wlieat and other DCn Staples. Fine stock región. "tU Good schools and churches. Health ful climate. Great Markets within easyreach. Farms RIVER 1:licl 'or lrora tlie proceeds of ni ii.ii one crOp_ Highe6t prices paid for producís. The Great Nori w-t thern Railway has three lines VAL EY. throug-h the Valley. Address W. W. uraden. Land Coinmissioner, St. Paul, Minn., ior particulars. ABOUT A GREATÍOÜNTRY. Maps and publlcations sent free, and letters askiiiff information about travel and settlement in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana answered by F. 1. Whitney, G. P. & T. A., Great Northern Railway, St. Paul. Tickets to ftll points in the West. Lowest rates to the Pacifle Coa8t. d d I I d


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News