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The New York .Musical Courier oí Jan. 20tli eaye editorlally: "Mr A. a. Stanley, at Ann Arbor, with that characteristie energy for whlch he is noted, has secured Paderewskl, for u concert In önlverslty Hall on Feb. 15, Tlüs is In addltion to the regular Choral Union series, whlch Includee the Detroit Phllharmonie Club, Fannie Blpomfleld Zelsler, Musln Concert Co., Mockridge Concert 'o., Concert ly Choral Union, 300 volees, Mrs. Bishop and Max Heinrich, soloiets; with iull orchebtra, Boston Symphony OrcheBtra, and Berlioz b Dnmn ition ol l'anst, wlth Dippol. I'rof. Stanley is dolng much to advauce the musical Intereste of Aun Arbor and has Just succeeded in securing a guaranty fund from 100 of the beat cltizena for the establishment f a school of Music, which, wlth himself as director, wiill be au assured success. He is already negoiatlng wlth ■ome of the best known teachers and the outlook is most encouraging. We bellere Ann Arbor is the only city of ils size in America whlich is favorecí witli such concerté and lectures as may be enjoyed therè eaeh year."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News