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There were frwo runaways on the streets, Saturday. The airaual report of the Penlnniai Soap Co. has been Hled wlth the counfri clerk. Incandescent lights are pioce n the building to be occupied by tin Times. Tue contract for decoratin St. Tlimuas' hall has been lot to Charles Stabler. Mrs. Dr. McLachlan gave a ph-a.sant reception yesterday afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock. The slelghlng eouldn't stand the hol sun on Sunday and Monday and took its departure. The Electric Light Co. placed 170 Incandescent lights in the University Hospital on Monday. On every fourth Sunday hereafter the services at Zion church will be conducted in Engiiah. The roof of the court house is again in bad shape and there is talk of replacing it with'a copper roof. The young child of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. .Selunidt, of Volland street, died Monday evening of brain trouble. The board of director oí tho German Farmers' Mutual Inpuranee Co. met Saturday and adjusted a small loss. Nicholas Reilly, of N. Tfalrteenth at., an aged resident of this city, died of grip and pneumonia, Snnday, ase 80 years. Rev. Henry Tatlock preached (at Detroit, Tuesday, at the quarterly convocation of the Episcopal churches of that city. On Friday evening a reception was given by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Whitman to the Theta Delta society. in honor of their son Rossi The Ann Arbor Banjo Club, -vith J. E. Harkins and Ross Granger, will give an entertainment at Chelsea, next Tuesday evening. The independent military company is arrangement for the annual mask earnlval to be giren on Washington's birthday. County Treasurer Guet-ave tirehm was married on Saturday to .Miss Kittie C. Taylor, of this city. The wedding was a quiet one. The funeral l Mrs. Rosina Drake, of W. Huron street, who died on Jan. 21st, was held on Sunday, the burial taking place at Saline. Ernest F. Lathrop, of street, died on Monday, of typhoid fever, aged 21 years. He was the sou of Mr. and .Mrs. Orlando Lathrop. ïhe special meetings by Rev. Camden M. Cobern have been faontinued at the Methodist church, each evening- this week excepting Monday. On Friday, Feb. 5th, at one p. m., the personal property of the late Chas. Stollsteimer will be solrt at auction at his former home on Miller avenue. J. C. Warner, of Perry, Mich., idled i the fourth ward on Saturday, of Bright's disease, aged 42 years. His remains were taken to Perry tor burial: The county treasurer luis received notice of the following extensions of time for the collection of taxes: Ypsilanti township, thirty days; Augusta, ten days. The damage by the bursting of a water pipe at Jacobs' clothing store, last week was nol :is serious ;is ,-it first thought, but i'cw goods being damaged. The Michigan Central believes -, in "making hay while the sun shines." A gang of 75 men was employed all day Sunday in euttiïlg iet' on the (niwell dam. Daniel Healy died on Saturday. of consumption, at his home on X. Ashley street, aged 40 years. The funeral as held at St. Thomas' church, Tuesday morning. Judge Jared Patchin died in Detroit., of paralysis, Saturday, atter having served many years in Ui ecourts of that city. He graduated from the university in 1853. The eotmty treasurer paid $170.60 to the Detroit House of Correction for the care of fourteen prisoners in that nsriiution lási quarter, eleven males and three females. The additional topics for the Washtenaw Hrticultural Society meeting will be: "The lessons of 1891," "Spraying for insects and fungi," and "Should we discourage the overdrawn pictures and statements in catalogues, and how?" John Tice, aged 77 years and 7 months, died Wednesday, of pneumonía ir grip. He was the father of Patrolman Tice and had brei n re I deñt of Ann Arbor 86 years. There wüi be a vaca .v n the aldermanship of the Fourth ward, Ald. Frank O'Hearn ha decided to remove to He i ni billiard rooms to John Reynolds. WUliam Campion ji-., was drunk and .smasl)p(l a light of glass n the At-ft-us offieo. Monday nlghi . An officer took him to Jail and on Tuesday Justice rond sentenced him to three days In jail. Thnt beautiful "fake" advertisemeni on tlit! corner by the Farmers and Mechanica bank. in Which Our business" Inrested about $S00, is a eorpse and there is llttle hopes of lts going igain. An injunction has been Isaued by Judge Kinne, at the request of Marcella A ,0'Conner and James Earle, estraining Mary Ann Earle, pi al. rom cutting timber on certail land in Vorthfield . A sparring exhibition was billed tor Ue rlnlc, last Friday evening, but it lldn't come ,iï. Thr marshal nptiied the parties that it would not be permitted, as it was in the line of a prize fight and was tor a pursr. In the petition of Chas. E. lïreenè to dissolve the Ann Arbor Tanning Company, the petitioner has filed an affidavit stating that he had served notice of the suit upon such Btockholders as he cou) . i the county. Monday evening. Caspar Bohn, an old resident of this city, died at his home on W. Liberty street, after a long illness. He Was born in Germany in 1814, and had been married 52 years, leaving a widow and alx children. Since Saturday the electric cara have been making only occasional trips east of State street on the Packard street line. The company may have the right to run cars whenever they please but the prevailing sentiment appears to be Otherwise. The county paid the Eastern Michigan Insane Asylum $1,122.44 for the care of inmates in that institution during the past quarter. There were thirty patients there as county charges during that time, nineteen of whom were males and eleven females. The ladies ot the S. C. A., assisted by Mrs. Pres. Angell and the wives ot the members of the faculty, .trive n tea and social at Newberry Hall tuis evening, the ïii-st table being set at six o'clock. A general invitation a extended. Admission fifteen cents. The celebration of St. Patrick's Day on March lTth, will be a memorable occasion this year. At tlio banquet to be given many tioted men will be present. Rev. l'r. Kelley has already received a response from Gov. 10. 11. Winans, who says hé wil! Be present. A the charges against the county nt the insane asylum lasi quarter, were the follcnvins' for clothing supplied the patients: Overeont, $4.67: suits, $5.50 and $5.84; boot. $2.42; slioes, $1.10; hat 58c; socks, 19c. The county pays 48 cents a day for board of each patient. local horscincn l(io] their trotters to Ypsilanti. last Friday, for the purpose of showing the Ypsilantians whai fast horses really were. There was a mistake somewhere and they came back vanquished, Pred Jerome being the only one from Ann in the several raeoH which were held. Thft February meeting of the Washtenaw Horticultura1 Society will be luid at the court house. Saturday, Feb. 6th, at 2 p. m. The topics wlll be "Lesson of tho past season," paper by W. F. Bird; "Wha1 trees to plant," by Jacob Ganzliorn; questions answered. Exhibit of (ruit. drled fruit, jellies and vegetables. Wm. A. Clark, aged 70. who has practiced law the past fiity years, musí oí the timo in Saginaw, and is w.ii fenown throughout the state, died last Thursday morning, ot apoplexy. Mr. Clark formerly lived in Ann Arbor, where his sisters i-onductêil a ladres' academy oí wide repuiatlon in former days.- Tpsilantl Sentlnel. Ann Arbor has ai present nlmost a eoal lamine, owlng to the Inability of the railroads to move the largc aiiuiniil oí oidcrs uiveil, on account of the sneiv sioruis. until the eoal yards of our city are nearly exhausted. im' large firm received three ears ui coal last Monday and the vvholé was dlnposed of in less tlian i' I nours. The representatlves of the varlona Patrons of Industry assemblies in the county. met at the couri house, Wednesday and elected the (ollowlng officers: f. W. Boyntón, Sylvan, president; . L. Gage, Ljfedon, vice-presldent; W. F. Fowlev, Saline, secretary; Willis Dexter, York, treasnrer; W. E. Stocking, Lima, delégate to state convention. One of our prominent eiitlzens, who ; makes a practice of wearing n lighi skull cap whlle n hls offiice, mirprised nis wtte by walking [nto bia house the otlier everiing with nothlng bnt thissili cap tor a head eoyerlng. thought this a little remaraWc a i it was eleven o'cloek ar nlghi am the thermometer registored aboul tei in-luw zero. - _ One r.i i;,,. best advertisements iliat tl"1 city and Üntversity ever recelve is thai resultlng from the recent meeting of the Michigan State Preaa Lssoclatlon In this city. Nearly every paper of note in the state publlshed longthy descriptions of Ann Arbor and the Dalverslty, IHustrating the articles with the cuts of public buildings furnished the editora while here. A runaway on State streel made thingH yely, Friday afternoon. A horse driven by a young lady became unmanageable and daslied down the stveet, narrowly uscapïng n collidon with several cutters. The horse turned down Liberty street and the cutter striking a u-ee, the occupant was thrown om and the hors,, ran down the street. The young lady picked herself up uninjured and the horse was eaught spon aftep. The contract between the board of supervisors of Washtenaw county and the Detroit House of Correction, lor the keeping of prisoners, has expired and prisoners will have to be kept in the county jail until a new contract is made. An Ypsilanti rteputy took n sentenced prisonér there last week, and the superintendent rel'used to take him in, as he had no contract wlth the county. Xot knówing what else to do with him, the deputy turjifti this prisoner loose. - - T At ij-.íiO o'elock Tuesday mornlng, Deputy-Sliei-iffs Schott and McCabe responded to a call for officers at Harris Hall. Taking a hack and gom thei-et he yfound a drunen.k half-bozen man luin on the steps, whom they took to jail and after thawing hira out recognized him as an old offender, Jesse Seaburn, who luid been seYeraJ times arrested for horse stealing. Later in the day was taken before Justieo l'oncl, who let him go on payment of the costs. John Van Atta, a prominent young farmer of Salem township, died on Sunday, of typhoid fever, after o month's sickness. The deceased was t son of James i!. Van Atta and man igcd the large farm which his father owned. He was also one of best known liorae dealers in the seUhig ;i large mimber of horst's poch j-ear in Detrcjü aad mini places. He was well known in Ann Arbor and had many friends íiere who learned of his death with regret. A series of sermona to young men has been arranged to be given at St. Andrew's church on the lasi Sunday evening of eaeh month. The first oí the series will be given next Sunday evening by la. Rev. Bishop Daviés, oí Detroit. The other uoted divines who made arrangements for the series are Rev. Mr. McDufí, oí Flint: Rev. Dr. Prall, St. John"s church, Detroit; Rev. Dr. Holland, St. George's church, st. Louis; Rev. Dr. Greer, St. Bartholomew's church, New York City. Mrs. Mary Calkins, mother of Mrs. John Moore, of this city, died at Greenville, .lan. 15th, Mrs. Moore returning from the funeral last Friday. Mrs. Calkins was 94 years, í) mónths and 13 days of age when she died and carne of a lón-lived family, one brother being !7 and six Oí the íaniilv aearly 90 when they died. She was siclv but ten days before her death, which was caused by the grip. She had seventèen grand-children, geventeen great-graad-ehlldren and one ffreat-great-jfrand-ehlld. At the Cuity Club on Wednesday eveoing next, Mr. E. N. Bilbie, assisted l Mrs. Carrie Ball-Evards, soprano; Ml'. .1. V. Seyler, r Detroit, pianist; Mr. V. s. Sniiili. vloloneelUnt; and Mis.-, Fannie I. Gwinner, iccomlianist. wíll gíve a eoncer.1 . Au exceptionally fine programme has heen prepared and everyone should attnd iiiis conceri ir possible. x Those who hcard the concert glven on Oet. 26th, 1891, uili remember what a u-rat was offered the public. Xhls musical recital u-ill probably li' a greal deal better as lic programme shows greal pare in solectioa and arrangement. On Tursdny mörning a1 10:30 u'elock the wedding of M. V. Grlffiin, ol Grand Rnpids, and Miss Gertrude Claney, daughter of Eümund Clanpy, oj La-wrerifcc street, took place m si. Thomas' church, in presence pi :i iiuniber o( frienda of both porties. The ceremony -;ís a solemn oue, ánd wraa performed by Rev. Fr. Grtffin, ol Cuba, X. Y., a brother ui the groom, witii Elev. Fr. Kelley octing as deacon and Elev. l'r. Ooldrlck, oí Northfleld, fllling the-posltion of sub-deacon. TUegroom is ;i gradúate of the law department, Clase of '90. and is pructieing at Grand Rapids, whcre thp young couple will makc thoir home. The school board met -esterdaj inoiiiiiiR. The oíd Bfficera of the Ann Arbor Organ Co. were re-elected, Tuesdaj cvening, The eommon counoil at n meeting last evening set t led the sewer qu' and decided to allow the taxpayers ti vote on raialng $25,000 on Peb. 29th Wllltam i Gates, of thia city, and Mlss CallIe E. Helmuth, of South Lyon were married yeeterday afternoon at the residence of Z. Sweet, on . Ashley Btréet. Miss Anna Clinton was yesterday temporarlly appointed by the school board as a teacher in the Flfth ward school, viee Miss Hattie Haviland resigned. Yesterday morning, Fred Collum had gome words in Mathew's meat inarkct and one ol the clerks, aamed Dubois, knocked him down. Dubois was arrested. It has been decided to postpone the Dickene' Party, as there are to be so nany other attractious following onè ifter tho other, in the short tim h be I. enten season. E. v. Hangsterfer's norse .decided ioi to walt for its driver, Wednesday mening, and made a lively run down Main street. He was caught at the lostoffice, no damge being done. John Noll, ni ola resident of 8cio, dled al In home this at three o'clock, of asthma, apred about yeara. Ilis tunera] wiH be held at the Scio Germán church next Sunl;i. . I he directora of the A. A. & Y. Street Kailway held a meetiiií; and decided ñot to invest any more niouey in tliat road and tlieir decisión was that the line should be abandoned unless the present trouble can le settled up without expense. The appearance tere of Salvini last evenlng marked an epoch In the theatrlcala in tliis city. The play was a eomedy drama and hardly suited to display hls most powerful actlng, but enough was seen to prove thai he is n wonderftü uctor. Dr. w. I!. Smith's horse .became frightened at an engine near the T. & A. A. bridge, mi x. Main Btreet, Monday mornlng, and ran away. Tbs doctor was thrown out and painfully Injured, his fead being cut and two ribs loosened. Hls injuries are not serious but wlll confine ïiim to the tiouse. Among i!u appointments madi the state Board of Edneation oí visitors 1 the various edncational Institutions are the following from Ann Arbor: Albion College, Prof. CaWn Thomas; Home and Day School, Prof. W. v. Beman; West Michigan College, Prof. W. S. Perry; Michigan Military Aeademy, s. W. Beakes. .ei Sunday mornlng at the Onltaiian church Mrs. Snnderland will li-eacli (in the absence ol Mr. Suuderland,) on "What to ünitarians h the essence of Christianity?" In the evenlng Rev. A. F. Prost, minister of the New Jerusali m church at Detroit, wiU speab on "What Swedenborg lias to say about educatlon." Chelsea La ha ving n hard time witli the grip, ïuaiiy cásea proviug fatal and the phygicians there liave more than i if.v can attend to n that viclnit.v. The wifc oí John A. Palmer died there ycsti-nlay, his mother ín the same house has but a bare chance, and .Mr. Palmer himself is so low that liis íririids fear lor hls Ufe, all froni the grip. oíd Company A, independeni military compahy; lias made arrangenii'iiis to üivi' its animal magquerade un Peb. i'i'iid, and the following eoraoiitteea have been appointcd: Arrangemeute- Oscar Burkhardt, S. V. Schuh, J. F. Hoelzle and Michael Brenrier; l'i-css- I.. J. Liesemftr, .1. !'. S;-]iiili and Williiiin Goetz; V.ttraction George Apfel, Oscar Burkhardt, Fred Weinberg, O, O. Sorg;, !■ r.ccchlci-. William Gerstner and i harl 's 1-uU: Decoration- Paul Tesmer, A. Glatzel and John eWinmann; imitation oscar Burkhardt, George Apfel, Wiiliam Gerstner, Paul Tesmer William (oetz.