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Estáte of George Sutton. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJmí W&shten&w, s. At h bession of the Probate Ct.uri for Ou,-CouTity ot Wiwhtennw, holden ut'the V robalo Office Ín the ril y ol Ann Arbor, on Monday, the eiglile. nth Uay of Jtuuary in tbe ve;ir on; thonsaud ( igut luindred aud nlnety-two. Preiwnt, J. Willard BabbiLt.Judge of Probate. Intbo matter of the eetate ot George Sutton, decfsed. Natbati K. Sutton the ndministrater of said eHtatc, comes i uto court and represent, that he is now prep'-irt'd to read r his íioitl account as tueh iilramísi nitor Thereupou ít fs ordcred that Mondar, the 15th dy of Ft'bruary next, nt ten o'elockin Ttie fon noon, be usstgned for examimugand allowinfreuch account, a ml thatthjs bcirsat iiiw ot ttaid deceumü Htid all otbor persona interented in sald estáte aru required to appear at i session ot'snid court, theu to be balden at the Prob t OHice iu the city of Anu Avbor, in sald county, and show cause, ií anv theru btf whv tlie saul ai'count ahould not. be allowed. And it íb further ordered that said administra tor pive notice to the persona interexied in suid estáte ot thtr pendericy ot suid account and tl-e hearing thereot by causing a copy of this order to be putilishei iu ttie Ann arbor Aunes, ft iiowspaper printed and ciroultitít.g n suid county, three Buccsesire week? nrevious to said dav ot" hearing. J. WJLLAUÜ HABlilT'l', (A trae copy.j Judiíe ot Probate j Williauí Gr.LOTY.Prfbate Kegiitor. Estáte of Peter M Burlingame. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wanhlenuw, 8S. At a session of the ProbatP Court for tlie County of Washtenaw. holden at the I'rnbate Office iu tüe City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the fifteemh day of Jinuary, in the yt'arono tbounaud eicrht hundred and nlnety-two. l'reaenl.J. Willard Uiibbitt, Judse o! Probate. in thn míitter of the estáte of Peter M. Burlin guillo, deceusttlUn readine and flling tbe petition.duly verlíied, of Cathciine M. Burlingame, praying that administration de bonisnon with tlie will annexed of 8H esiatemay be srrauted to NatnanE. Sutlou, or some other suitable person. Tliereupon it ia ordered, thnt Monday, the lBth day ol February, next, at ten o'clock Iu the fortnoou, be asaigned tor tbc hearing of said petition, %nd that the deviseea, Uigattes and heirs at law of sald üeeeased and all otuer persons mtereatedin8ttideBtate.avi: reguired to "appeat at a Beesion of eaid Court, theu tojbe holden at tho Probate Otfice, in the city of An n Arbor, and phow caupc, if auy thei'e be, wby lbo prayer of the petitioner should not be ranied. And it la further ordered, that said pelitionr give n ttloe lo the pcrevin inlercsted ia wiid esinte ol the pendency ot said peliüon, and the hearing ihereoi, bv causin u copy of thie order lo bc published in Ihe Ann rbor AKGtY, a newspnper pnntedand circuiatcd in snid County. tl'ree succeesive week previotu to aid dny of neatint. J. WILLARO BABBITE, A true co;)y] Jude ol" Probate. WZIXJAM G. iïüTV, Probate Rejiistcr. State of Michigan, County or Washtenaw. The Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, in ChanceryErarna Mathewa couiplainant, vs. John Mathews, derendant. Washtenaw County ,88. Upon due;proof by afiicUvit that John Mathews defendantin the above entitlGd cause, is conof-aled withiu tbe State, aml that process cannot be served upon him. on tnotion of Orftiner & Oramer, 6Olicit(ir6 for thf romplalnant. it ia order-d that tho said defendant, John Mathews, do uppeur iind answer the bill of complaint flled in tho eaid court within threo uiouths after the date oí thie order, else the said bill ot cimplaint shall be tAken as confessed. and furtuer, that this order be publlshed within tweuty days trom tuisdate in the Ann Arbor Arus,a newspaper published in the saidCouuiy f Washtenaw, and be publi6bed therein once in eaeh week for twelve weeks in succession. Sueh publication, however, shali not be necessary in case a copy of this order be served on the defevdant personally at least twenty days before the time here'in preeoribed for nis appearance. Dated this 2Ist day of December. A. D. 1891. E. D. KINNE, Cuamer & CnAMEit, Circuit J udge. Solieitors lor Complainaut. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF o Wuihtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of nenjamin l'ryor, deceaseri. Notice is hereby priven, thnt la pursuance of an order iviv.nti'd to tho undersigned ewntor of the lust. vnll and testament f said deceased by the Hon. Judge of Probate foi the Couoty of Washtenaw, on tbe twenty-ninth day of P.-pternber. A. D. 1R3V, there will be ?olc! at. 'public veudue to the hitrbest bidder, at thu enst frontdoor of the Oourt Hout-e in the city of Ann Arbor in the Couutvof Washtenaw. in said Suite, on Monday, the flret day of February, A D. 18D2, at eleven o'clock in the foreiioonof that tlay (subject to all enoumbrances by uiortgasre or otherwise existing at the time of the said sale the iollowintr described Real Estáte, to wit: The West half of the Southeast and the East half of the Southwest quarter of Section Three(3), tu the Townshipof Ann Arhor, Washtenaw County. Michigan. Also a pieceof land in the Southwest corner of the East half of the Northwest quarter of saidsectiou wbich lies South of the hirhway, running the last described pieco of land coutiiiningauoutone acre more or less. CHARLES A, PRYOR. December 15. TSTU Exocutor.


Ann Arbor Argus
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