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Estáte of Mary A. Ottmar. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY oi Wastenaw, as. At asession of the Probate( ourl for the County of Washtwnaw, holdenat the Probate Office in the Ciiy .if Ann Arbor, on Monday, tin: lsih aay of Jaauar? in the one thousuud eigbf luindied and ninety-tivo. Preseut J. Willard Babbitt, Judgo of Probate. In the matter of tlie Estáte of Mary A. Ottuiar. incompetent. Coui6tock K. Hill, ihe Guardian of said ward, comes into court aml representa that he is now prepared to rcudor bis aunual accouut as such Guardian. Thereupon Itisordered, that Tuesdav, the Ifith day of Febrimry uext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assi:mjl tor examinlng and allowlng such account, anti that the nextol kin of said ward and all olhcr pereons Ínter osted in eaid ostate, are required to appear at aeeBSlOnof sni'i Court, thrn to lie holden at the Probate Otlice, ia the City ol Ann Arbor. in said Oqunty, and show cause, if auy there be. why the said account should notbeallowed : And it is furthor onU'roil that suid guardián (Tive notice to the uersons lnterested in said estáte of the pendency of said account, and the hearinsr tbereof, by oauslng acopyof ths order to bc publisned in the Ann ABBOR Argus, a newspaper prlnted and circulatin In said oounty, three suocesslve weeks previous toaaid day of hearing. J. WIÜABD MAHUITT, 1 a i rué copy.l Judito of Probate. Wili.iam (i. Doty, Probate Resistor. Estáte ot John R. Clancy. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 0OUNTV of At a seasion of the Probate Court for ihe county of W ashtenaw, holden at tlw Probate Office, in the city ot Ann Arbor, ri VVedueiday, the sixth day of Januiry in the yuiu onethousaud eiüht hundred and ninety-two. Present. J. Willard Babbitt, .Ftuijïe'of Pn bate . Tn the matter ot the estiue oi' John R, Clancy deceased. On reading and filhitf the petition, duly vcrified, of Matgeret R, Clnncy pmying1 that a certain instrument now on tlleinthia Court, purpurtir.g to be thelut wi 1 and testament of said deceaeetf mav beadmitted to probute and thal administration with the will annexed ofsaid estáte may bc granted to herself, there bei' g no executor iu said WÜI naiupil or tOBome other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monlay, th? lst day of F. bruary next. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, oeasslened tor the hearing ofsaid petition and thut the devisees, legatees and heira at law ot said r1cceated, and al) other peruotu intrreptfl'l in aaid estáte, are rtquired to appenr ata eea&ioi) of aid court, then to be holden at the Piotmte Office IQ the city of Ann Arbt-r. and showcaurtc, if any there be, why the pmyer of the petitionr sbould not be grn nted , And it is further ordenxl that said petitioner srive notire to the persons interested in said eatate ot the pendency of snid petition and the h carina cauidoK copy of tliisoider to be pnblinbed In the Ann Atibob Aruub, a newepapei prinled and mrculated in saJd county , three succesHive weeks previoiu to tald day of hearing. J. WILÏ.AHD HAbBITT, (A truecopy) Judgeot t'robatt Wiu.tam W.Dotv, PVnbute Roir titer. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHCGAN, COUNTV OF 3Washtenaw. The undi-rslnec) lm ving buen appointed by the Court tbr suid ('ounty. Commissioners to rceive, examine and adjrst all elalme and dcmamls ot all persona Hgtiinst ihe estateof Scary J. Hiokman, late of snid Oounty.deceasedt hereby give notice that ix inontha froni daie are allo wed, by order of S'iid Probate Court, for Creditors to present tlu'ir oiaima against the etate of said deceased, a mi that tney will meet at the office of John I. Kirk in the city of Ypilanti, in aaid county, on Wednesday the third day of Februaiy'and on Tuesdy, the thirdda of May next, at ten o'clock A. H. of etich ot safd days, to rcceive, exumine and adjust said claims. Dated November 3d, lt9I. JAMES M. CHLDISTEK, JOHN P. KIKK, Goramiasiocers. Estáte ot Leonora Kelly. UTATSOF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ol Washtenaiv .88. At a se8ion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city nt" Aun Aruor, on Motiday tlie llth day of January iu the year one thousaiid plght hundred and niuetytwo. Present,-). Willard Babbitt, Judge oi' Probate. Jd the matter of the esiate of Xeouora Kelly, im'oinpei i u . ËÜsaoetb L. Kendallttbe guardián of suid warJ, rotni into couri aud represtrnta tbat shc is now prepartd 10 rendei' her iiual accouut m auch ; irii.irdian. Thereupon it is ordcred, tbitt Tuosilay the 9Ui 1 day of Kfcbruary aext n.t li-n o'i-lot:k in rlu forenoon, be nssigned for examinin and al'owing such account and tbat tliü uext of kin ot said ward mid alt other per sous intere&ted in Baid eaiuue are required to flppear at a sessiou of aaid toMi-t, iban to be holden atthe Probare Office in the city oi Ann Arbor, in Balt couniy, and show cause, "ií any therc be, why the said account shonld not bc allowed. And il is further orderea.thut said gufttdiuu give notice lo the Rersons iutcrestod iu s;iid tstate ot the pendency of said acoount and the huariup there f, by a copy of this order to be publighed in the Ann Arbou Argls,;i newypaper printed und irculating in said county, three successive weeks previous to sid day ot hearing. J WILLAHD BABBITT, [A truecopy.] Judge of Probate. Wm. Ü. Doty, Probate Register.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News