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Miss Agnes Wnhr is vimting a) Ö;iline. Miss M.-iry E. I'Iviüi pent SunUay a1 Dextor. Mr. iiil irs. W. 1. Ail.iiiií are visltiiy; :i Tecumseh. M. Q. Le Beau, of Detroit, wa.8 In ih.' city Tuesday. George Bush, of Detroit, v-isited reial Ivés befe, Monda; . .luliiis V. Seyler, of Detroit, wmk in the city over Sunday. Mrs. John Moore returned from Greeneville, last week. GJlberi Steffey, oí Chicago, spent Suiid.iy uilh lii.s lii-otlicr, M. M.S, G. F. Grubeivformer-ly of tuis city, luis iici'ii vlsitiug friends here this weekl Charlea Jacobs, í Detroit, speni SuBday witii iii.s párente in tliis city. 8. M. Calklus, of Madison, Wis., is risJting Iiis sister, Mrs. John Moore. Hudsou T. JCl li.s. of Detroit, spent SuikI.-i.v uitli his mother on s. Main street. Milton Shaffer, law '9jB, of Flndlay, O., is liore attendlng hls brotlicr, wlio s sick. City Clerk W. J. MUler and wlfe returoed from Rocheeter, ,. v., Taesilay evening. Mrs. P. A. Cooper and daughter, f England, are tho famlly of of William Bigg.s. J. G. Weitbrecht, ol Detroit, formerly u resident here, liaa been visjtMig fririids here tlus week. Mr. and Mrs. John Mclntyre, ot Grand Rapids, Uaye been visitllng W. H. Mclntyre, tlii.s week. &frs. A. I). TourtiUotte, o! San Francisco, i.s the guesi óf Mrs. a. m. Tourtilíotte, oí s. i'iíth Avenue. Ex-Senator McCon Wahb, is expéeted here oexi weeJs fro visit hta un, a student in the láw department i-'n-u-v Lathrop, of Detroit, l.a.s been in the city tor a few days, being ealled here by the death of hls nephew. Mr& James Kearns retürned 8aturday, from Port Huron, whcrc die as ra 11. mI l,y ,l„. (,.;llh r)f ,„,,. brother_ Mrs. AMn AViis.y retwned Saturday frora a visit to Jackson. Her mother, Mrs. N. Sheldon, rbturned wlth lier. John M. Cutting, who is v-ery busy on the rpad at this seiwfon o) the year penl Sunduy win, bis family on Mouröe street. ''vid h. Codfrey, of Ann Arbor townahip, u.,, i„ the city, Saturday, fot the first time tiftr a f,,ur weeks' wreefle wlth the grip. Fi-ed J!. Wood, quarterniaster-genr J M. S. T.. of Aörian, vvas in the city, Wedneaday, .-111,1 spent a plea a nt da.v witü ÍHeiuls berc. Johu Pinnegau aud E. vv. Mooi -eni to i.aj.cei-, Wednesday, to a tend ,to a case wliidi the Ann Arbo Agricultura] Co. lias n the eircu! eouri there. John K. Robisoii, grandsou of Joh I. Roblson, of this city, cade office on the flagshlp "Chicago," passé, through the straits of Magellan with 8blp this week. Dr. Daniel Oeborne, who lias spen several years in China, was in the citj yesterday. He has purchased a piao in southern California and wn mab liii home there in future. !' F. Watts went to Detroit, Tuesiay evening. While there he, wiih ■i party ,,i frfenda, "rode the eamel across hol sands" and now -ritos "Noble of the Mystic Shrine" a'fter bis aame. W. ,1. Booth leaves on Aionday for ■ni extended nip abroad. On Saturdya lic sails froni New York witli a. party of Wends for Italy, and after spendlng Borne time there the party wlll travel through Egypt. Robert 1!. Cuthbert, W. ai. „f i:t,u'ii Rule Uílge, and Charles I!. sou. W. M. of Fraternity Lodge, rep' ni, mi their respective lodges a1 the meeting of the Grand Lodge, (■'. and A. M., al Detroit, Tuesday an'd Wed nesday. Mrs. O. I!. Huil expects bo leav;e within a few dayg tor an extended western trip. 8ae win meel her two daughters, Mrs. Walker and Urs. Eastman, and her Bister, Mrs. Phillips, afc' El l'.-iso, Texas, trom nrhict place they II go to California and then to the Sandwich Islands.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News