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WANTED, FOR SALE. ETC. = ___ __ FOK SALE- At the house soine verv fine pure hrod Black Lansslmn cociereis Fgfrs lor hatching In season. 10:3 Wosl Llbertj St. A nn A rbor. ["OUND- A (folrt watch and chain nu the n streets oi Ann Arhor Owner cali :it Argus office and prove property. F OH SALE - Farm of 'M ffres in Lodi liwnslijp, one tnile norili of UrinVewatêr stutlon. Ciood house, well, cistern. Willbe sold at a ro-isomthlo prk-e. Address. Míir.tí"arct iiauer, llridüowator, Mich., orealloo peevnises. 4-10 LOST-- 28 1b woitrht l'or horses was lost on the Whitmore lake rond over a weck apro. If had a heavy stmp attaché Tho lotier P is cast on opposite sides. Will the finder picase return to ,T. A. PolhemuR atablo or let us know wtarre ii is. .los. A. Polhenuis. 5 T C1LOTHING Sales Agent waDted for Ann J Arbor and vieinlty - unprerpdentod o}portunity to a man of pluek and push. Comniisslon8yield$2000.roucome'o the rlg-ht man in the right place. Wanamaker & Urown, I'hiladelphia. Pa. FOK SALE.- Lumber and wood business; Rtock, team, wasdns, office and sbeds. Grounds can he rented for a term of yeius :it reaaonable rates. As I intend changin? my business, the above is offerod for sale at once. Also bnnpes and lots lor sale in the city. H. Richards, No. 9 Detroit st., Ann Arbor. 5 7 C0U SALE Oli RENT-New house, ten rooms, r with all modern conveniences, on Forest avenue. Apply to Henry Kichards, Detroit street. 5-7 ANN ARBOK REAL ESTÁTE FOK SALE, LESS THAN COST. I intend to remove to my farm in the Spring and will sell my property on N. Main street :at ahnrfrain. Twobriek dwellinifs; vacant lots. Cali "and see John J. Robieon. tf. FOR SALE CHE AP.- A fine collpction consistinsr of about 40 American birds handsomely monnted in a jflass case. Apply at the salesrooms ot the Ann Arbor Organ Co., Til South Main street. WANTED- Man to drive humdry wajronAddressP. O. box No. 111, city. 4-6 FOR SALE- Pi ve acres on West Huron street. Goood house, barn, orchard. lieautiful location. Will sell on easy terras. Apply to oraddress E. D. Davis, West Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 70H' A GENTS WANTED.- Gentleman] or lady. ín every city. and villase in Michigan, where not represented. to bny and sellour famous Ortrans. Symphonias, Pneumatio Bymphonys (8elf-Playing Urgans), e'c ['or oitr Ortrans, catalogues, or an ajrency, only addrctís om State Aaent. N VanDerwerketi, Manehcstcr Mich. THIí WIU'OX i WHITE Olfe AN CO Please mention this paper. MY farm atSeio of 200 aer4 íor sale. I have no boy tht will work the ranch. and lam toold to farm. IÍ not. sold before the tirstot 'Murch nexi it is to rent. Geo A . Peters. '-'t f TO HEXT- Houi-e, just outeide of west eity limits. Inquire at 72 S. Main street ÍT'OR SALE.- Farm of forty acres at Whitmore Lake, Mieh. Gooq house. Fiveminutos' walk trom hotels and post-c.ffi;e. Excellent üOil. Apply to Walter L. Taylor, 90 Broadway, Ann Arbor, Mich. 59-tf ANN AKBOR NURSERY- Fruit and ornamental (rees. Peaeh and pear a specialty. Grape vines, berry olant-s, etc. Pnce lov■. Jacob Gan.horu, head of Sprinfr street. EBERBACH & SOK. AND PHARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street DEALEKS TN yi edicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuflw, Artist's and Wax Flower Materials Toilet Articles, ïrusses. Etc. PlJIUi Vffi&UQliillÜi Special atlcntion paid to tne turnishinj? of Physi cians, Chemists, Schools, etc, with philosophicai and Chemiciil Aparatus, Hohcmian Chemical Glasware, Porcelain V';iru, f"re eaiíeiiíts, etc. Phyeicians' í'rescriptins Ciretullv Hropareil a bours. UI UI UI FRUIT FOK. Pears and Grapes a Specialty Fruit, Ornamenta! Trees and Flowers F rom Ellwanger & Barry. Order Early by Mail. SYRUPS, MEDICINAL WINES HASPBERRY SYRUPS, BONESBT., DANDELION AND OTHER DOMESTICGRAPEWINES Prepared Especially for Invalide. {3T" Pure Plymouth Koek Egg-s.S E. BATJR, West Hnroa St. TONY SCHIAPPACASSt, NO. 5. N. MAIN STEET. FEUITS, NUTS and OONFEOTIONERY TOBACCOS AND ÜIGARS, Oysters and all kinds of fruit A.L-WA.YS Ö1ST ZK-A-ZEsTD MARTIN & FISCHER. PBOPBIETOHSUF ÏHJE WESTERN BllEWERY, ANN ARBOR, MICHBre'wers of Pure Lasrer Beer.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News