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(PU íiüG iÜ LAN KETS Ncnrly cvery pattern of 5a HorSB Blankst is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it liasrit the warp threads, and so lacks strength.and while it sella for onlya little less than the gctuir inc it isn'tworth one-half asmuch. Tlic fact that sA Horso Blankct.s are copied is strong evidence that thcy are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the CA trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. j Ë3KÊÊ f _ Five EVJilc for g Jf_M Electric NORSE iLMEIS ARE THE STRCP:GLST. 100 5 A STYLES ■t prices to suit evcrj'hody. Ifoui ; them from your dealer, write i the5'L r..-. ■' . Von tan WM. AYRES C: SONS, Plii'.adelphia. ! THE CREAT i Germán Remedy 3 TRUTHS FOR THE 31CK. 1 For those tleathly $1,000 will bo paid JBi liona Spells depend for a case where Kulion SULi'IH It PHUK BlTTEÜS WÍ11 1 TERS, it will cure yon, not assist or cure. It J' nn v,,, i, ■"■■ ''"■" ■ ttaattired and alimone cieanse the Titiated ífeclmp:? It so, use blood whcn you see JSülphur Bitters; t8 impurities burstit will curo yon. illff throngh the skin m Operativos wSo are i Pimple, Blotchee, Jclwelyconünedinthe ad 8ore8. Hely on milis and workshops: Bolphdr Bitters, Jclerks who do not "! Health will folV procuro safflcleut }mmmm Jercise, and all who Si i.i-mn Bitters "lare oonfiiied indoore, wiII clll.e LiverComJshouldusc, m r.i-m n Don'tbedisJBlTTBRí. Jlicy w.l co,,rílged ; it will cure ■ not then be weak and you " ' 39ÍeUly. llillllllnniwn , i, iiimiimi J If vou do not wish ?,"-I'I;V': 1!liTKK? atosuhVríioinltlieumml 1""1'1 "" "I' and Jatism, use a bottle of ;nal,ce -volí strongaud TSulpiii:r BlTTEBS; PW""?JUneverfailsto cure. BüLPHDR BlTTBBS í Don't be without a will make your blood bottle. ïry it; you pure, ricli and strong, iwill not reg'rel it. ' and your flesh liard. 4Ê Iulie3 iñ delicate Try ScLPRtTR BiTJhealth, who aro all teiís to-nlght, and '■run down, pliould use yon will sleep well OLPIIüuBitteus. and íeel better for it. Do yon want the best Medical Work published? Send three 2-et. stamps to A. 1'. Ordway & Co.i Boston, Slass.j and receive a copy íree. CAfïïËÜ] CURE Blek Headacho and relieve all tbe troublas lncfflent to a bilioua of tho systeru, such aa Dizzincss, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress aftec enting, Vainin tho Sido, fcc. While theirmoafi renaarkablo succees has boen ehown ia curing SICK Hoaíacho, yet Cartcra iáttlo Livor PU19 ara equal! y valuablo i a Consüpation, curing and prevt'ELint thisannoyinpfcomplaint.whilo thcyalso DOrrecilül disorders of thestomachtimulato th Hvcr and rogulate tho bowels. Even if üiey ODl J c5)e thoy would bo almoBtpricolesa to those wha euler fromthiadiBtressiDgcompiaint; butfortunatoly thoirgooduosB does notend here.and thosa Whooncetry them will flnd these littlo pilb! valuablo In so many ways that thoy wiU not be willing todo without them. But af tor allsick hea4 ACHE ís Bio bano of bo many Hvea that hero ís whera wemakeourgreatboaat. Our pilla cure itwhila Others do not. Carter"s JLittle Llver Pilis are very small and vory easy to take. One or two pills mako a dose. Tuey are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or pnrRo. butby üieir gentle action pleaseall who usetlieni. In vialsat 25 cents ; flvofor $1. Sold by draggiata everywiere, or sent by maü. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE TRUCK l STORAGÊ C. E. GODFREY. Residence and Office, 46 Fourth Ave., North. 'i'i'li'iiliiiiii' 82. BEAL So POND Insurance Agent No. 4 South 2Lain St., Ann itbor. The oldest agencv in the city. fis tablished a juarter of a century ago itepresenting the fnllowing tirst-elass companies. Homeins. Co. of U. Y.. - $7,000,000 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y. 4,207 ,20t Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y. - 1,735,563 Uirard Ins. Co. of rhila. - 1,132,486 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford - 1,419,522 Commercial Union of London 12,000,000 Liverpool, London and (ïlobe33 'kto.OOO tgHates loro. Losses liberally adjustea and promptly paid. BEAL L POND. [y g. Burrs, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Kcal Estáte and Collection Agent. Office: In Masonic Block.


Ann Arbor Argus
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