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Wm. Reinhardt & Co., annarbor, W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. It is made of the best leather produced in this country. It is a calf Shoe, made seamless, best dongola tops. It is as smooth inside as a hand-sewed Shoe. It is equal to other makes costing from $4 to $5. It is stylish, durable and comfortable to the feet. The Best Shoe ïn the World for the Price. FOR GENTLEMEN. FOR LADIES. &S 00 GENUINE jÉF' f f% ññ HAND-SEWEI) SHOE, )LJhSEWED. V J uu s made of the best pprted Frcncli shoes jétÊ' UJcJa l"??o!a; stylish, durable froni $8 t( $12, and m$Êm' % (rB and easy llttingr. Eouals cannot be duplicated at this % importcd French shoes from ft A OOlIAXD-SEWKI) WÊÊÊB % iftft Ril EST DONGOLA, per3)B WliLT.' The flnest calf, 3WBSaËg X # fect '" crery waJstylish, comfortable and tH_a Success has attended our durable, and the best dress shoe ËKF fe: lïiOitó. rii gffoits to produce a flrstin the country for the price; &ÊÊ fcv li class shoe nt this popular price. same grade :is custom made fiwSP ■ jJKmSP; ffifWfcil shoes costiug from $O to $9. f &,■-' - ""- fofö Ril L0W IN PKICE, but % L ƒ lU' not in quality. No tííQ 50 PÓLICE SHOE, for wl L" llll hoe at this price has given j)Oa farmers, railroad men, y&jm rmmm better satisfactfcn. &c. Best calf, seamless, iE ":&aÉfe,: A. -- _ -,_ „rtY, „.„„„j, .. „ smooth inside, three heavy soles :ISL 4 7 K FOR MISSES, combines with extensión edgre. One pair %-- jÊMmXÊÈk . ' style with the hygienic willdofora year. %$é-' „ml K-v 1 ■11 1 . principies so necessary iu ÍM -Smtk W&lÍ l(r ■ ■ the footwear of inisses and L9 50 FINE CALF. .No ÊU you„? ladies. iJSdmm better or more fflBp enD DAVC :ille Shoe was ever ■ . ;f PUK BUTb. fered at this price. One trial Jt%4% flfl inH C1 7R SCHOOL will convince. V# OlilJ SHOES iü HIb ■ m6 minir of the bost mate" 25 and $2.00 0Êk JÊÊÊk' JrfciE r.,i throuhoiit; will (. Ptee JNGMAX'S Shoes. Êm JÊÊÊÊÊÊföllh rip, and will stand more hard usage Equal those of other Z%ÉEi gj T - S%? than any other shoes sold at these makes costing from $2.50 to - llilï&: prices. $3.OO, and are the best in the WËËÊütn m M SPECIAL, world for the price. w.L.noimAS'3.ooe.u.psuoE WËÊÊËÊËËÊÊÊMW WÊ?', POBLADIES.ndSLÏSCALFSHOK SÏ'IÏOIuiïLXj. WÊmÊÊF WIÊÊÊmk W FOROIRI-Shavejuslbeenperfccted. VV L oiiri 4S' 17= dra. WmMM? WImÊIW WWÊÊÊm "WmWThey are made seamlws, of seleeted VV. L. DOUCLA5) 51.75 BRO" 'Mf1 W?Êmmêzmm% calf , witli fcaiutaroo calt top, and peCAJi. The best BPOgan ÍOP the price ever : !(r WÈÊÊÊti - -Im clally snitable for outUoor wear and placed on themarket. Solld leather : ■i#i mm aíibmímimpim _, school shoes. Keep tle f eet dry, without, very stronsiy made, and wil! not rip. ' 5. rAKs, b'30 3U ISSTí TUTES. -3! ont the use of rubbers. CA B H ""r U í''v í5 These Shoes are made and guaranteed by the manufacturer to be-price-worthy gdbds, and all have ÊFhM ff S wlwB the prico iind niuii" of W. I,. DOÏTOLAS stampwl ön bottoni. lío su re yon are not dewived lv inferior articles, and carefully examine bottom of cach shoo for stamp Before purchasiVi V. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News