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t Notice of Chancery Sale. In pureuttnee and bj virtue of a decT f tue Urouit UiuH lo uouuty dj Vva naw. in rh, ii, e, ,_.. . Ki. ulo umi ontered uu the eleveutli ilaj 01 Jui ry, A ii„ ni:,,a,t certaiu causu Iheiviu pfU iig whorein t nnsuau Jlaok, irederiek 8. bmtdt ftbd Daniel Hisoouk ure coinpla nantí, and Jo:m Al Swift. Heurikiu Swift, Mary fi. Lootuis and iiuoj s. Bournsare defendants, uotic-e is hereby glven ttiat I oball -■I! ai publlu auctioo or vendue, u toe bighesi i'iiidiT. !,t the soutii 1 1 out door oí tbe ooart, in the Uiy of Aim Arbor, Cuuiuy of ssbtenaw. Statu of Miouigan. itliat boing the ?lacf: of boidiiiif tbe (JjiOuit Court of suid county).oti Wedueaaay, tbe :juib day of Maroh, A. l. IS'.).,, ai ten o' dook in tlic foreuoon of laidduy, aii thac ourtaln pleoo or pm-uei of and simato auil liemg m ibu City uf Ann irJOl-, Uounty of Waslilenuw. and State ot Micll.gan, knowu and desoribed as toUows, to-wit: All lauds, rljfhts, tlties, uitui-ests, water power indpiivik-gealionuum aller the date uereof wbiuti have been acq ulied by lliu said John 11. swift and Henrlkla Swlit, lus wlfe, Marj E üoomla and Luoy S. tJourns, uuderand by viruie of tlie deed üeuiiutr date on the eigbtécmh dny of Ueeemher, A. ü. eitrbteen buudred and tblrty-eigbt, made und (iceuied by David fase and Caleb Oi insby, and Uieir wivet. to iilmin il. binclair, and reioxad m the ollice ■ t ifie Keirisier of UeeijB of Vv'ashteuaw ..ounty, M cbigan, iu Liber O of Doods, mge 15);ftnd undar ibe deed tnndu by Jobu Deo, .0 n illiaiu M. ölnelair, bearïuu date ou the ïourteeutli day of .lauuary: A. D. (1856), eihteou aundredaud Öft-Bix, and roe 11-ded m the ollice of the Kegister ot oi saai üouuty, in Llbur thuiy-uiueof ueeda, on page T,ti', and Under tbe deed mud byOlemeut li. Thompson audnl8wlle 10 Wlillam .vl Sluoiair btjanug late tbe tlrst day of October, v. i eig-hceeu bundred umi üliy-nlne, und reeorded in ihc oftlceol tbe sald hejrister of Deed, in Uberforly-flveof Ueedö ou mnc BSO, subject to ihe lease in.ulc Lij tliesain Wiüinin Al, Sinclair to saidCleuieat R. Thompson, baariug date od the Hrsi day clOOiober, A. U, eigbteen liundied aud üfty-unio, und reeorded 111 the oliiue oí bald btesidtei of ueeds, In Uber torty-Hve of Ueid-, mi 1 .fin. o.-tiaud ti7); and by deed of v iluam M MiK-lui, and wile to Kranidin 8wlf( and Wiihani Deubel, buarlUK date April thirtieth,(lHtiV). 1 :gluieu bundred aud stxty-seven, and reoordeü in ihe offloe aforcsaid ia Lioer sixty-oueol ueeds, on page 46U; aud br deed of WUllatil lieubel miu wile to John M.' Swift, fca'y E. liOi.mis and Luoy B liourne, bearing datuOetober iweuty-elght.lghteen bundred andseventj four, inoludiug herein the gridt and mili, cominonly kauwu as the "Sincitiir Mi a," and all the maoblnery and uppaiatus. imi.lemeuts and ntensils erected or oommonly udedtherelo iureeeiving, weiürbiiiK, elevating, removini, oleauing griudiiiB, tloa--. ing or packinir grain, corn or tiour, aud all the appurteuauces tnercumo beiontiing; hereby iniendmjr to rell and OOBvey all tiie ught, title and interest 01 the said John M. Swift, Mary E. Loomls and Lucy ö liourus iu the premieesas uciiuirtM by iheuirsubjuut totiie lease aloresaid,) f rom th date atoresaid, excenting and reservtug uil nghta horotofore gruntmg to Clement H. Thompson or hls assigDs to take ice trom his unü ponds desuriued in lus deeds and i" !me access to them lor that purpoae; aud aláo. the engine house in Ulerear ot the mili office. Datedat Ann Arbor, tbisllthday of Pebruarj , A. U. Km;. PATHICK McKEKNAN. Circuit Court Commlssi 'lier, Waslilenaw County, Michigan. J.C KKOwrroM, Solicitur lorComplainauts. State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw. The Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, in Chancery Emina Mathews complainant, vs. John Mathew8, deieudant. Washtenaw Couuty ,S8. Upon dueproofby afliduvit that John Matliews defornlnntin the aboveentitlod cause, is eoneealed within the State, and thal procesa cannot be served upon ' him. on mol Ion of üramér & i'rnmer, sollcitors for the oomplalüant it 6 orderedthat the said defendant, John Mathews, do appcar and answer the bill of complntut tlled in the ?aid nourt within three months after the date of tliis order; eise the snid bill ot oumpl&lnt shall be taken as confeBsed, and further, thnt this order be publlsbed within twenty rtays fiom thisilate in the Ann Arboi' Arus.a ne8paper pnblished in the said Coun y oí Waslitenaw. and be puhlished tberein once in each week for twelvt! weeks in snccession. Such publicalion, however, shall not be neeessary in oase a copy of this order be served on the defevdant personally at leust twenty daytt before the time herein prescrlticd for hls appearan b, Dated this 21st day of December. A. D. 1891. E. D. K.INNE, CliAMKIi & CltAMKIt. CilfUlt Jlidge. Solicltore tor Complainant B THE "AC ME" ff A.GRICULTURAL jpUi H BOILjER. For Cooking Feed for Stock, Heating Water, ,' I I and Generating Steam ffiSB I or ar'ous Purposes. í Ift Ml , For Deseriptive Circular Bb& flBJHI and Price Fist, address the sffla HBWBSÜ manufacturer, SÊÊrMS C. H DICKINSON, KlaiuünüwS- ■ mazoo, Mich.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News