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Estáte ot E lij ah W. Morgan. STATE OF MICHIGAN, OOUNTY of M a senioo ot the Probate Coun fur IN" coiinly ofWushienaw, holdn at tht ; Probate Uflioa, in ihe riiv ol Aun Arbor. r.n Thursdy,tbe fuurih day of Fehtu rylntheyeai - oneihousand eiiiht huudred and ninpt'v-two ' ■ Preiwul. J. WIIIaid.Babbitt. .lmlc.-'nf 1-n.hate ' lu tbe matter ot tbe estáte of Elij-ili W. Morput, deeeased. On readinjr and lilincr the pctition, dulv vcri6ed, ot J ucy C Eanieh, pravinir th.u ailmlnitratioa of said in.iv !. grantod to WUfred Eames, or some olher Mutable person. Thoreupon it i ordored, that Monlay, the 29th day of K.bruary next. at 10 o'clock in ' tbe foienoon, opasU-ned tor the hearing of said patition, and that the htirs al luw ol suid deoeased, : and all olher persom interest"1! in snid eetate, me nquired to aipenr at a sssion of said court. then Í' to be holden ut the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbir. and showciiuse, if áuy there he. wliy Ihi' pruyciof the petitiouershould notbegrnntcd' . And it is further ordeml that said petitiuner : give notice lo the persona interested in said j' estáte ui the penduncy of smd petltion and the nearina thereof'. by eauainx a copy of tliia order lo be published n the Ann Arbok Aboub. a ' paper primed and cneulatcd in said cnunly, three [ suceemive weeks previouB to said dny of hearing. J.MXI.ARL KAKIHTT, (A truBoopy) .liidireoi ('robatf, Wu.r.iAM B. Dotv, Probate Ileiiiler. ! _ ! Estáte of Eliza Koch (now Rasch). TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY , of Washtcnaw, sa. At ;i spssioii of the Probate Court for tha.Countyol N ahtenaw, hoidrn at the ' Probate Office in the city of Amii Arbcr, on c .Monday, the pijrhth dny ot January, in the J year one thoasaoa eight hundrod nnd nfnety-woi '■ Present, J, Willard Babbitt, Jude-e of Probate ' In the Diattur ut the estáte of Eliza Kuch (now ' lïasclij, mi DO1 . Cumstock F lhll, the Guardian of said ward, comes into court and i epresents, that he is now prepaied to reader bisan nu il account as such Grnardian. I Tucrenpon it is ordered that Tuesday, the 16th ' day oí Fcbruury next, at ten o'clotk intheforec noon, be assigned for examinlng and aUowinjj sucli account, and that the uext of kin ol said ard ( and all other persons interested in daul estáte. ' are required to i'ppear ut a 8e-lon of said 1 court, then to be holden nt the Probate office, in tbe city of Ann Arhor, ín said COUüty, and show l cause, lf any tliere be, why the said account should not be allnwed: And it is furthei ' ordered, tbat said Uuardiau ivc notice to the persons interested in said estáte of tbe pen dency of said account, anl tbe hearing thereof, by ' causmg a copy of this order to be publisbed in tbe : Ann Arbok Aik;uh, a newpaper printed and clr( culatiug in said couiity, three üuccetHiive üeki previous to said dav o( hearing. J. W'101-ARD BABBITT, IihIl'c "f Prohata. [ true copy.] Wii.i.iamG. I)ó iv, Probate Reeister, Estáte of John W. Van Atta. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF 1-7 Washtenaw, ss. Ata Bession of the Probate Court, for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Utiice in the Citv of Ann Arbor, on Wednesclay, the Brd day of February, in the yintr one thoiistmd eight huudred and ninety-two. Present, J. Willard Uabbitt, Judvc of Probate. In the matter of the esuitc of John W. Van Atta, cieccased. on reading nnd filing the petition. duly verified, of Phebe E. Van Atta. praying that admlnistrattOD of said estáte may be granted to her8elf or some other suitable porsun. Thereupon it is ordered that Monday, the th day of February instant, at 10 o'cloek in the l'orenoon, be assipned for the hearine of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate 1 Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show uause, it' any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition. and the hearinjf thereof, by a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Albor Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previou lo said day of hearing. J. WILI.AHD BABUriT. of Probate. LA true eopy.l Wm. G. Duty. Probate Kegister. EJilLBIEJiolmsl Pupil of Ss.-u.ret. After three years' study ai the "Stern Conservatory." Berlín. Germany, under eminent ' teachers in Solo, Ensemble, aud Theory; also under professors of the "Berlin High School" is now prepared to takc pupils at nis rooms in the Ann Arbor Organ Companfs Building, Cor. Main and Liberty Sis., J3T" Tertns made known on applicaiion. _LJ


Ann Arbor Argus
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