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I GRAND OPERA HOUSE ANN ARIiOK. One NighjtOnly. Tuesday.Feb. 16,1892. The World's Greatest Minstre! Organizaron ! all the Lights of Min' strelsy. THE FAMOUS BARLDW _ SI AMMIÏI w. minimi Under the direotion of JO3EPH II. AliTHUlt. THE SAMK BIG SHOW That so recently channed and dazzled New Torfc. niHcafro. yt. Ionis. San Prancisoo, New Orleaiiö, and all the eines. A Night of Mirth and (eiody. AU the Lates t Sones. Jokes, Bunces mul Music. Prices, 35, 5O, and 75 Cents. Seiils on sale at P. O. News Stand. -J Estafe of Benona Pryer. CTATEOF MICHIGAN, (JOUNTY " Atusession of the Probad fourt fortheConntyof Washtennw, hoMeu ai the Piohate Offine in Iho city ot Auu Arbor on Thursday, the lith day of February, in the vem onu thousand eiirht huudrrd and ninety two " Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judae of Probate In the maltfr of tho estato oí Benonn Pryer deceased , ' On roadinsund lilinïthe pctitinn, duly vcrilietl of Harrietta li. Powell, praying tl, at adininistmtiou of said estáte may bc grantecl to Evurl n Scott, or MOmeifther suitable peraon. Thereupon it is oidered, that Monday, tlie ith day of March nest, at ten o'clock in the lorcnoon, be assigned lor the hearing of sa'cï petition and that the hcirs at law of said diceised and nll othcr persons interestud in said os. tateare reqnirvd to uppear at a session of eaid coun, theu to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Anti Arbor, and show canse it any (here be, why the prayer of the petitiouer should not ba granted: And it is further or deredthal said p titiouer fjivc not ice lo the persons interesled in said estatu of the peodeney of aaid petilioD nnd thu hearinfr thcreof by causingacony oí tbl order to ho published in the Ann Akbor A kous, u newspaper pnnteJ and mroulaied iu said ci.unty, linee successive weekí previous to said day ot heiiriüii. T. WILT.AKD BABBITT [Arruecopy.1 T Judge of Probatf . m. G. Dotv, Probate Reuister. Estáte ot Emeline Pryer. ÖTATE 0F MICHIGAN, COUNT Y K'oí Washtennv . es. At a. sessiou of tho Prob nCourt fo; ihe Cuuuty of Washleuau-, holden al tbe Probate Office in the oitv of Anu Amor O" Thnrsday Míe llih day of Februnry, Ie the vear tliousand i-ipht huudrcd uurt niiit-ty-two Present,?. Wiílard linhhitt, Judp ol' Prohn In the maller of the cstuce ol' Emeline Prver deeeaycd. On readlngaad filiiiK the pelition, dulvvorifl. d of Ilirnetui K. l'owell, praytni? thnt adniinlslta lii'ii ol aai'ie late niiiy be grantod lo Marl II Soott or soiij'! otlier suúa-.Io person Themupou it is ordered, u,„t Monda; tl.o 7th day of Msivh neit ut ton o'clock in uil fureaoon, be aaslffned Sor üm hc.iriu of áaiifm'tí tioo and thut the hciri al law, oi mild deoauswl und all otber parsous ln:ereted iu Kiid esiate are requirad u uppKir at a sflssion of mui1 to'u-i, i beo to be holden at the Probate Offi-e In the city ot Ann Arbor, ma show cause if niiy ih.-r,; be, wliv the prayer of the petlliooer sljonid not boRnin'tit. Anditlrt lurtner I uulcit-(l,tl:;it saiil t)litioMer 'ïve íi(i(i,_.í. .otncitr ! sona interested tn said tstate oí the peiidem .■ uf ' Miid iMMitiou und the hearius theru f .-■;;■. ', a ■ ii i n ihi nrder i. ,.i_ibllheii i '■■■ -■'.i'.u ■w-,,ip" iirlntpil and aiiluUKiiii ald comit). inrcasiiu evi we , topaid I i ) WlbLAKO HAM : IA i .Ilir;:,. , ; i-r,, POK SALja.-ifariii oí B3 arres, tour miles' "■ somh of Áon Arbor, ia I'ittsfleld towiisüiri ' fpr sale, whole i.r 11 jini-r. Inquirí of W Norgate, 89 Packard 8t. , :a ' i i


Ann Arbor Argus
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