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Gymnasium for Univsrsity cf Michigan. TENDERS WANTED. Proposals wil] be tendered by the Board of Kefri-nrs of th University of Michigan up to and the tweutv-second day of February, IS9:i. for ttio Crecttöa aud complelton of a Uyrr.namm liuildinir on. the University irrounds al Ann Artior, aOcordtDg to Plans and Specitteations made üy K. W. Arnoid, Esq., Architoct, 67 Buhl BXmsk, Detroit, Michigan. Plune and Speeiüoations ;an be .een ar. the office of the ScorotHrjQf lbo l'niversiiy or at üce office ut the Arohjtect. Proposal8 must lx s.'akd ftod ind irsed "Proposals ior Gymnisimii ISuiUijnji." and addres.sed to James i-I U'ad'ï, Seeretary of Board of' Regenta, Ann Arbor, Mieiiisan. Baoh propos;.! must !; acoompanied by an aecpptcd bond or eeitifled clieek for One Tbousand Dollars ($1,000) made payable to the order of tho S8cretary or thn fioard of Keg-ents, as suiety thut the })iirt!ts wiu citer into a coutiaet and tive all neceseary bonds. The lioard reserves the ñght to peject any jr itll bici.s Rlonk öchedules wül be supplied ïipon anplicatiori to the Sccretary. JAMES H. WADE, See'y üourd of Regenta. Dated, Ann Arbor, Michigan, February b, 1892. TheNext Number Especially Good. TALES KROM TöwmTöpiqs READ BV ALL MEN ANO WOMEN. FubliBbed flrst day of December, March, June and September. DELICATE, DAINTY, WITTY. INTENSE. Every reputable news and book stand bas it, Price, Blngle number, 50 CENTS. S2.00 PER ÏEAK, postage FREE. This brilliant Quarterly reproduces the best stories, sketches, burlesques, poems, witticisms, etc., f rom the back munbers of that much talked-about New York Society Journal, Town Topics, which Is published weekly. Subscription price, $4.00 per year. Tne two publications Town Topics " and " Tales from Town Topics " together, at the low club-price of $5.00 per year. Ask your newsdealer for them or address, TOWN TOPICS, ai West 23d Street, N. Y. City. MMEI á SEABOLÏ'S AAKERT. &R0GEBY AND FLÖ );; AKïi FHÖ STOF [, BREAO, CRACKERS, CAKES, &o. o Wuoidsuio or B,otail Trade. 'A t shitM algo keep a supply ol GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift & Oo.'a Bost White Vheat Fleur, Kye Flonr, Buckwboat Elour, Corn Meal, "ed, &.C, &c, &c, At Wholesale snd Ketail. A general stock ol 8B0GER1ES AND PK0VÏ8Z02JS consta ntty on hand, which will be sold on hs reis onable terms as ut ;m other house in the city . L$?"Cash paid ior KutLer, Epgs, and Country Produce artnerallv. j EjyGonds Deli vercel to B.rv part of thy city wlth j out extra charge. Rinsey & Seftbolt. '


Ann Arbor Argus
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