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The new piano for the Choral Union has arrived. The Democratie state convention will bo held at Muskegon, May 4th. Ground has been broken for the hu-ge addition to Luick Bros.' planing mili. Wm. Hobbin, a vagrant, was sent to jail for flve Justice Butts, Monday. ïhe Wolverine Cyclers gave another of their pleasant hops at the rink, Tuesday evening. Wm. McCollum was sent to jail for flve days by Justice Pond, last Priday, for getting drunk. Rev. Dr. Cobern will preach on "The Divinity of Christ," in the M. E. cburch, next Sabbath morning. Edward Welch and William McCarthy were sentenced to jail for üve days each by Justice Pond, Monday. Just one year froni to-day a new president will be seated in the presidental chair at Washington, lle'll b8 a Democrat, too. L George Buil was put in jail, ètaturday night, for being drunk. On Monday, Justice Pond sent him to jail for ten days. The animal reports of the Ann Arbor Oigan Co. and the Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule Co. have been iiled with the county clerk. The roads are now in an altnost impasaable condition, and as a consequence bnt few farmers have visited the city this week. Justice Pond sentenced John Frank to jail for twenty days and Nicholas Reed for five days, Wednesday, for being intoxicated. The Ann Arbor Brick, Tile and Sewer Pipe Co. has purchased thirty acres of tire brick clay land from Emory Leland, at Leiand station. At the Unity Club next Monday evening, Dr. James Martin will give a paper on "Travel in Europe," and Mr. Frederick Janette will read a story. A large dog tried to stop one of the electnc cars on Main street, Tuesday morning. He was unsuccessful, however, and now sleeps in an honored grave. George II. Barbour, of Detroit, has been appointed Michigan director of the World's Fa:r to íill the vacancy caused by the death of Hon. C. II. Bichmond. Workmen set the Qrst sgan in the T. & A. A. bridge a week ago last Sunday. The span over the street will be set Sunday and in a few weeks the bridge will be completed. The large safe bought by Watts, Bacli & Whitmarsh with the Bliss stock, was shipped Saturday to the Feabody Normal College at Jiashvüle, Tenn., to which it had been sold. The animal banquet of the Kentucky Club of tne University will take place at the Cook house, to-morrow evening. The honored guest of the evening will be Iloir W. C. P. Breckenridge. The Choral Union has decided to accept the invitation of the music committee of the World's Fair and take part in the grand concert in 1893, provided the proper arrangements are made. Workmen have beem engaged for a couple of days in tearing up the motor line track in front of the Nichols property and relaying it in the center of the street. It is expected that trains will be run regularly in a few days. The Democratie Club of the . sity will celébrate Jefferson's birthday in a truly democratie marnier. The club will co-operate with the citizens in a banquet at which a number of the most prominent western democrats will be invited to attend. The monthly meeting of the Washtenaw Horticultural Society will be held at the court house on Saturday afternoon, at one o'clock sharp. E. H. Scott will preside and the meeting will be given up to the discussion of the "Improvement of Country Roads.'' The Detroit Josrnal is now in the hands of ex-Senator Palmer, coming into his possession at i mortgage sale for $46,000. The paper was taken in the name of William Livingston, who will have charge of the paper, and its irüprovements are already noticeable. There will be a prohibition county convention at the court house, Monday, March 7th, at 10 a. m., to elect delegates to the state convention at Grand Rapids, March lVth and 18th, to consult about acting with the People's party and to transact other important business. There should be a large attendance, as National Chairman Samuel Dickie will be present. Members of Industrial orders are especially invited. Infant twin children of Fred Strieker, of the Soeond ward, have died this week. Tlie Ann Arbor Agricultura! Co. will ship a car-load of hay tedders to London. Eng., Mouday. Mrs. C. M. Cobern's class of the M. E. Sunday school gives a, social at the parsonage this evening. Trof. Adams has an able article on "The Farmer and Railway Legislation" in the March Century. Twenty Maccabees took the Oriental degree last evening. Tlieir physicians think that they niay recover. An agent of the Thonipson-Houstou Electric Co. has been here this week inaking a test of the system in this city. Kev. J. F. Nugent, oí Des Moines, Iowa, will speak in University Hall, Tuesday evening, March 8th, under the auspices of Foley Guild. Subject: "Columbus." Adrnissiou tree. On Wednesday, Marshal Murray took an old man named Brundage, who was crazy, to jail. He was wanderiag around all the night before ia the fit'th ward, where he lives. The many friends of Itev. W. S. Studley, of Evanston, 111., will be pleased to hear that he is to deliver an address before the Wesleyan Guild at the M. E. church, on March 13th. Mrs. Caroline Walker, widow of the late Gottlob Walker, died Wednesday morning at Pontiac. Her remains were brought to this city for interment. The funeral will be held at two o'clock this afternoon. The Times Co. is moving into new quarters in the Dnffy block and within a day or two will have everything running in good shape. The offices vacat" ed by the Times will be fitted up tor the editorial rooms of the Courier. The Light Infantry has commenced drilling under the new U. S. tactics, although the state militia ha,L not yet adopted them. The commissioned and non-commissioned offlcers are now holding special schools of instruction. James Caramella was arrested on Friday ckarged with selling cigarettes to Charles Bridgeman, a minor, eleven years old. The complaint was made by Sylvester Armstrong,the boy's stepfather. The trial has been set for April 13th. The junior hop was given at the rink on Friday evening. Over 200 couples were present, the decorations and appointments were perfect, and the class of '93 now has the reputation of surpassing all of its predecessors in the social line. Deputy Sheriff Peterson returned from Detroit, Tuesda3', having in charge Frank J. Ilaney who was arrested on the charge of not supporting his ianiily. Ilaney has agreed to support bis family, and the prosecution has been dropped for the present. Louis B. Roepcke wishes to commence suit against the Michigan Central for damages for injuries received through the negligence of that company, it is claimed. As he is a minor, Judge Kinne has appointed Frederick H. Koepcke as his best friend to act for him. Mrs. Sarah Ann O'Connor, wife of James O'Conner, formèrly of Northfield township, died at her home in ííew Boston, Wayne county, on Saturday, of stomach trouble, aged (il years. Her remains were brought to this city, Monday, and on Tuesday taken to Northfield for burial. James S. Schoonoven, who was brought back from Elgin, 111., by Sheriff Dwyer last week, to answer to the charge of perjury in connection with a divorce suit in the Circuit Court here, was brought before Justice Butts on Wednesday. Ile waived examination to the circuit court and was admitted to bail. James Blythman and Chas. Bridgeman, the two juveniles who robbed Kinsey & Seabolt's store last week, were before Justice Pond, Friday. Blythman was sent to the Reform School until he is seventeen years of age, and Bridgeman was let off on suspended sentence, he being under twelve years of age. Mis. Potter Palmer, president of the Board of Lady Managers of the World's Fair, has appointed Mrs. James B. Angelí, of this city, on the following standing committees: Fine arts and sculpture work, liberal arts. higher education, art galleries and public libraries, and ethnology. The jury in the case against A. A. Bedell for assaulting Dr. William E. Meade failed to agree in Justice Pond's court, Saturday. Another trial was to have been had yesterday, but the case was dismissed,the complaining witness failing to appear. Both are Ypsilanti parties and their trouble resulted over the presenting of a bilí for settlement. The regular monthly social was given by the ladies of the M. E. eliurch" last evening. Miss Catharine II. Carroll, of E. Ann street, died on Wednesday of consumption, aged 24 years, 6 months. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. The affliction falls heavily on the family, as it is but a few weeks ago that a son died trom the same cause. Officer Eaton, of Ypsilanti, was in the city yesterday lookirig after a thirteen year old girl who had left her home in that city and started out in life on her own account. The girl's name is Jennie Stephenson and her mother lies almost at the point of death. The girl was seen in the city Wednesday night, but yesterday the oflicers could find no trace of her. The docket for the March term of the circuit court, which opens on Monday, has ninety cases on the calendar, as follovvs: Criminal, 7; issnes of fact, 49; imparlance, 2; issue of law, I: chancery, iirst class, 10; chancery, socond class, 1; chancery, fourth class, 14. There are eleven divorce cases on the docket. Paul Schall, jr., was badly bitten by a dog belonging to Charles Zuern, Saturday evening. He went to Zuern's market to get some meat, when the dog jumped on him, biting hisleg, cutting it in fourteen places. The boy is in a critical condition and the physicians do not yet say what the result wil] be. The testimony and arguments in the now famous Antcliff estáte case, the application being to remove one of the administrateurs, was finished Wednesday. Mrs. Antcliff havhig delivered one-half of the personal property to the other administrator, the judge of probate took the matter under advisement. Edward H. Johnson, of N. Fifth avenue, died on Sunday, of consumption, aged 09 years. He leaves one son, Frank Johnson, of Denver, Col. Onè son died a few months ago and a danghter several years since. both from this same disease. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon,. Rev. C. A. Young officiating. James 8. Schoonhoven, of Elgin.Ill., who was arrested by Sheriff Dvvyer last week, was bef ore Justice Butts, Wednesday, for examination on the charge of perjury in connection with a divorce in the circuit court last fall. Ile waived examination and gave $2000 bonds tor his appearance for trial at the May term of the Circuit Court. Otto Eberwein, a clerk at Hutzel & Co. 's, was seriously burned about the face, neck and hands this morning at right o'clock. He went to the cellar to draw some iron varnish, which in 3ome way caught lire and exploded. Eberwein, although badly burned then, fought the fire until he had it extinguished, receiving several other burns. Fortunately, his eyes were uninjnred. A worjd of truth is found in the following clipping: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and all things therein. He then created men and women and lef t the loafers on the corners and in due time they multiplied and spread into the depot, post office and stores. In the latter place they sit and explain state aud national problems that have vexed great minds and exist by partially sainpling goods. While he is thus engaged, his wife is out washing for his neighbors and the poor, helpless children are left at home to care for themselves as best they can." Alexander, the Nast of the Ann Arbor Argus, presents Cengressman Gorman in the act of placing a ladder against a tall tree, from a high limb of which swings the proposed new government building, like an oreole's nest. Gorman is going to climb tlie ladder and pluck down the building for the Ann Arbor people. There is one trouble about the cartoon - the ladder is too short to reach the limb, (which, by actual measurement, is an inch too high, he is going to lose his balance, strike the earth with a "dull thud," and break his neck. Hut suppose he doesn't, how in the name of the saints is he going to hang on to things and pluck the building too. liaving but one arm? Mend the illustration, Mr. Cartoonist. - Adrián Press. You are mistaken in your measurements, Mr. Press. That ladler is just the right length, and you'll ee Gorman br ing down that plum in vifety. One act transpired at the opera louse, Tuesday evening, which was iotdownon ,the programme, Sheriff Dwyer and several of his deputies ;aking the leading parts. An attachnent was sworn out against Mr. Cleveland by a man named Hall, who ïad been in his employ in another ;ompany for three years. The claim ander which the attachment was taken jut was a disputed one, aud neither party would give in. The attachment (vas served just before the curtain rose, the property levied upon being the handsome silk draperies which weie used in the lirst part. The. :ns tain rose, and the fust part was nearlj over, when Hall demanded that tb ofBcers take immediate possession oi tbe property. The curtain was lowered, the drapery removed, and the management making an explanation of the trouble to the audience the performance went on without further interruption. Mr. Cleveland furnished I bonds for the amount of theproperty, ; and it was released by the sheriff. The Rev. Sheldon Jackson, U. S. Commissioner of Education of Alaska, and a missionary of the Presbyterian church. gave an interesting account of the maiiHer of living, the belief, and the needs of the people of Alaska, at the Presbyteiian church, last Sunday morning. On Sunday, it is expected that Rev. Samuel Haskell, of Kalamazoo College, will occupy the pulpit at the Baptist church, so long fllled by him. Kalamazoo College, where he is now located, has just completed an endowment of $100,000, of which $1,500 was contributed by the members of the Baptist church of this city. A now system of voting goes into ei! 'ft ;it the coming election. The System is so radically different from the old one that many mistakes are hable to happen. A good scheme and one that has been adopted in manv places, would be for the council to establish sphools of instruction and demónstrate the practical workings of the new methods. St. Thomas' Music Hall was appropriately dedicated on Friday evening, among the pleasing features being the flnely rendered harp selections by Miss May Clarken. The reverend gentlemen present were Fr. Fierle, of Ionia, formerly pastor of the parish; Fr. DeBever, of Ypsilanti: Fr. Flemming, of Dexter; Fr. McLaughlin, of Detroit; Fr. Goldrick, of Northfleld; Fr. O'Rourke,of Wyandotte. Each of these gentlemen made happy remarks. Michael Schaible has purchased Werner's grocery stock.