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Nearly cvery pattern of 5'a l'c.rsc Bhnkei s imitatcd in color and style. In most cases the iniiiation look', just ás good as the genuinc, but it hasrit the warfi thrcads, and so Iacks strength, and while it sélls for onlya littlc less than the genumc it isn'tworth one-half asmuch. The foct tliat % Horse Blankets ar copied is strong evidence that thcy are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the rk trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. F&BÊ I J_ Five Milo for g I mjk Electric 40 1 J Extra Test HORSE BUNKETS ARE THE STRONGÉST. 100 5,'A STYLES at prices to suit everybody. If you can't gel them frora your dealer, write us. Aïk for thes4 Book. You can gct it without charge. WM. AYRES & SONS, Fhiladelphia. q THE GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIER ; KNOWN. m This Great Germán Medicine is the ' M CHEAPEST and best. 128 doses ■ ■ of Sulphur Bitters for $1.00, lesa 3 than one cent a dose. aHHMaMim ■ V It will euro the worst ín ,f kind of skin disease, if BLUÏ? é mDII , q „ J ple on the face to #„ 'fi m tT ,med'lsyour TONQUE 1 TO-Diï ftleBreath foul and of; J JAT. J fensive? Your Stom w1' ach is Out of Order. 3 Use Sulphur Bitters immediatciy. . 2 If you are Bick, no matter what m alls you, use Sulphur Bitters. ' 3 Don't wait until you are unable L J to walk, or are flat on your back, " 9 but get some AT ONCE, it will J cure you. Sulphur Bitters is i THE INVALID'S FRIEND. {■ 8end 3 2ent stamps to A. T. Ordwny & Co., Bortón. Mans., for best medical work imiiliaiied CARTER'Sl ■ w fa Pi YrSflrliHftBl Biek Headache and relieve all the trouHas incident to a bilious state of the system, buoq b& Dlzziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Diatress after eating, Pain in the Sido, &c. While thoir mosfi remarkablo euccess hos been sho wn in curicg SICK Hetflacho, yot Cartor's Littlo Liver Pilla OM qnftlly valuable in Oonsti pation, curing and pre venting tliisannoyingcomplaint,while they alaa correct all disorders of theetomachjaüniulatethf Zivor and regúlate the bo wels. JECren if they only HËAD ! Achfi thoy wonld boalmoitprioeleeato tbosawha uffcr from thiBiïistrcusingcomplaint; butfortuiSaiflly theirgoodnoaa does notend here.and thosa , whoonco try tham will flnd these little pills valabl In o mmy ways t liat they UI not bo wilaing todo without thom. Batafterallalckbea4 ACHE ils the base of bo m&ny llvon that hcro Is wbera 'Wmkeourgrcatboast. Our pilla cure itwhila Others do not. Cartcrt Little Liver Pills are Tery email and very easy to take. One or two pills makea doso. Thoy are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, butby thelrgentleaction pleaaeall wno osothom. Invialsat25cent8: flve forti. Sold by draggiats everywliuio, or eeut by maU. 1 CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALLDOSE. SMALLPR1CE TRUCK i STORAGE C. E. GODFREY. Residence and Office, 46 Fourth Ave., Xorth. Telephone 82. BEAL Sc POND Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main St„ Ann Arfcor. The oldest aeencv in the city. Es tablished a niarter of a century ago Itepresentin; the following ñrst-class eompauies. Home Ins. Co. of N. Y., - $?,üOO,()üO Continental lus. Co. of N. Y. 4,207 ,iiOt Niagura Ins. Co. of N. V. - 1,735,668 Girard Ins. Uo. of i'hiln. - 1,132,488 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford - 1,419,522 Commercial Union of London 12,000,000 Liverpool, Lomlou and Globes? 'iOO.OOO 3F líales low. Losses liberally adjustea and promptly paid. BEAL POND. TV G. BülTS, JUbTICEOF THE PEACE. Real Estáte nud Collectlon Agent. Office: In Masonic Ulock.


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