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%Fntiiess,8welttntr af Ier meáis, ZHaeineáhi iDrotesiness, Cold. Chills, jrivsMngs ojj Ëaeat, Short nesH of Breath, Coslivrnesx.Z tches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep.i t all nervous and trembling sensa-t are relteved by using tlvese nila.% l all druggists. Price 25 cents a box. New York Depot, 365 Canal St. ?sS Q Galifoinia Fruit Laqd e Afast WhIWtr Land & Waier Co. E INCORPORATED IN CALIFORNIA, 1890. f% Headquartcrs at Wliitticr, Los wG LAngelos Co., California, for the pur pose of selling fruit lands and water ■ I tor irrigatin purposes. This H ECoinpany has for sale sotne two thousaml acres of cholee fruit lands, snbdivided into live, ten and twenty acre traets, with a soil of great Fdeptbandrtchness, thatforyearshas J raised great crops of wheat, barley " and corn without any water ; a O reiion practically frostless, whcre heliotrope grows the year round. It is the most desirable acreage m propertv in Southern California for 9 Rhome-seekcrs. The propertv wiU I not be aold to speculators, Dut to ■■■ those who will improve it at once. Bk These lands are now ofïered at $00 A Nper acre, with some cholee lots at m $250 per acre, including water, k a You buy the land and water toIml Igether.and notsimply a water-right, la and you eet thefinest kind of cach. __ For further facts, apply to 8IM0N J. MURPHÏ, er A. L. REED. J f 0 Moff.t lluildint, Detroit, Mlch. Whlttler, Cal. O Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. T'iae Oird in íícrt Jnnuary 24, 1S92. Arnvul 01 trins at Ann Arbor only. 0O1NG f.'OBTH. So. 1. Mail aai) Kxpress 7 27 a. m. N'o. ;. VnpspK Ann Arbor Aceom. lZOOnoon ïo. 5. Mail Passenger 4 !25 . m. OOIKO SOOTH. No. 2. Mail Passender 1118a.m No. 4. Mnil Express.. , S 40 p. m. tío. ('. Passender, l'oledo Accorn 7 00 a. ra. Trains:) and fi run between Ann Arbor and foledft only . Central Standard Time. All Trains Daily oxcept Hunday. W. H. BENNETT, ü. 8. QREHNWOOB, Gen. Pass. Airent. i,oeiil Affent. Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway. Time tublr taklntr effect Ootober 1. 189L LeftvO Ann 4.ï'borfrom CtniH BToum Rt 6.16) f.80, 9 30. I0.5Ü a. in., and 12.50, 2.20, 8.S0, 50, 8.60, 8 20, SUS'', tl 20 p. m. Leavi I t 6'00, 7.16. 9.00, 10.80, a. m. 5.ÜI', '■ 80, D.00, 9.30, 11.00 p. ni 8ONDAT TIMK TABLK. TiOfii' -Mui -i.Vjnr irom Court Houw at -.0, 8 50, - . . D.50, p. iu. toiiii at 2.00, 8.80, 600, B.80. 8.00, 0.3ü, p. ni. Cars runonOlty Z'iUM. Coupon tickets, lü cents. i''or sale by couductors. ■ i i the Larprest Gold Mine . llMMTlS B8S the Largest Sllver Mines. TiBiiUUiilSl itóa the LaivcstCopper Mines. iltnittitw iiBH theLar(sestijCad Mines. Has Extensivo Grazmg Hanges. Fine Timber Belts, Wide Agricultural "Val ley s Ia larper Ihan New England, New Vork, 'enneylvania, New Jersey ánd Delaware eomincil. The Great Northern Kailwny is tliedirect line romSt. Paul and Minneapolis to üreat Falls, lonaroh, Neihart, Barker, Helena, liutte and her Montana polnts. Apply to your home aiiway aifent for tickets over the Great Norhern. r n.Tr, I T d nUt WÍsl' tO blOW' iut0 I FND them, but merely whisper that the Ked Kiver Valley oüers line indueemeuts for home seekera, MR as also the entile región nloiu #110 Great Northeru Raüway xiMT-r- throiKih Minuesota, North DaYOUR kota and Montana. For Ma;s, (Juide üooks, etc., apply to K. I. Whitnky, G. P. & T. A., t. lARS. Paul, Mimi., orto your nearest railway agent. in somesuuea tue THE YOUNG ratio is two aud of"7"1 u , teM three to one in vnilism „ I favor of the men. --"" WOMEW, Tbc best route f rom MEN St. Puní. Minneapmc rrl olie, Duluth and ADcnijT GO West Superior to AKLUUI the Northweatern Turpr urrcTi and Pacifie States is mtnE "LJ1 ' via the Great NorNOW thern Raüway . "UYYFarms can be had in Minnesota and North Dakota on erop mand otber plans to suit purchasers. No failure ot' crops in twelve years of settleinent Largo yields of wheat and other RPH ataples. Fine stook región. nCU Qood schools and churehee. Healthful cliinate. Great Markets within eaayreach. Farms RIVFR Paid for trom tbe Pr9ce-1(ls of 111 L-11 one erop. Highest prices paid for pruducts. The Great Northern Kaibvay has three lines VAL LEY through tbe Valley. Address " """-" VV. W. Braden, Land Commisaioner, St. Paul, Minn., for particulars. ABOUT A GREAT COUNTRY. Maps iind publications sent free, and letters askinK information about travel and settlement in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana answered by K. I. Whitnoy, G. P. & T. A., Great Northern Bnilway, St. Paul. Tickets to all poims In the West. Lowest rates to the l'iu'ifie Coast. i i I i i I I ";:■:■; transfer fatterns E enable ny lndy lo lo lirr own stampK ign at nominal cost. llluatrutrd (.aiu logue and 12 sample patterns malled to 18 imy IikIv on reoeipt of 1U cents G O. n t,, FOX. 230 Woodward Ave,, Hj Dertolt. TONY SCHIÍ PPACASSt, M I. .). N. MAIN STEET. PRUITS, NUTS and 00NFE0TIONEKT TOBACCOSAND CIGARS, Üysters and all kinds of fruit ALWAYS OUT HJmX)


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News