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An Ordinance Relative To Sidewalks

An Ordinance Relative To Sidewalks image
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Te Common Coancil of tlie City oí Aun jir ordaiu as follows: v J AI1 sicIewuKs hereafler j ! ;tli.jl . niutáed, repaired or rene wed 111 tüe oí 'jin Ai bor .sliull be i" coníbrmliy lo grade llneestabiished by the Cuuiniun i ounoil, uijdf material and of the width and in the íiiaier íi the íollowing seotlons, üescribed, 'I)-ik to pay : ' si 2. Un Main street, between CatherineJd William stieet, the sldewalk shall be irtecn (13; feet Ín wldih, 011 l-'ourlli aveie, beiween Calherine and Liberty sts , on B north sule of Aun street, between Mal streel and Kourth avenue, on Hurón stre between Ashley street and Flfth avenuen Washington Street, between Astiley fitrcaud Fiftli avenue, on L,iuerty streel, j betwn Asliliy street and Kourth avenue, the lewalUs shall be twelve (lk) íeet Ín wiri.'íuul on UI other streels and avenues i ni the city ihe sjdewalks shall be ílve (5) teet in width : Provided, however, thal the 'jnon Coiincil may at any time by resolulion ! order the sldewalks along any bioek or street ,ii unid citj lo be wider or narrower tUau ;ibovo described. SKc. ■ -'■ll Bidewalka liereafter graded, oooftruclcd, repaired or renewed ou the lölrówing named streets and avenues withiu tlic limas sjeciried shall be graded, coustructed, repaired or renewed, as the fase may be, with stone Sagglng and with no other material, to-wlt: Un Main street, be ' tween Catherine and Wllliam strerts, ou Kourth avenue, between Catheriue and Lib , ,tv streets, on Siale sire.i, between JMortn incl Packard streets, on Ann street, between Main street and Kourtb avenue, on Hurón ' Street, beuve n Ashley and State sireeis, on Washington street, between A-hley streei lid 1-iith ave., on 1H)erty streel, betwuen Asliley street and Kourlli avenue on the east lele of Detroit Street, betweeu í'ounli avernie and North street; also on the North, Kast and South University avenues, adjoinng Ihe University campus, ou tlie norlheast sitie 1 Washtenaw avenue, from Kast Universlty aveuue to Hill slreet. Iu or upoii all other streets and avenues, sidewalks shall be laidandconstri.cteilof stoneoí ptankas hereinafter provlded: Provldeu however, that ihe jaoard of Public Works may pennit tne contructlon ol cement or concrele walks, all work and material to be flrst class and subject to approval by tne Board of Public "Works. A Sec. 4. StoiW walks shall be constructed as followR : Ist. The stone flagging shall be laid upon lc;vu Band and in waterlinie, 'ind Said Ktone flagging shall have a smootli upper surl'ace, aml shall not be less ihau tliree (3) luches Id thickness, and uot less tlian lwo (-2) feetsquare and dressed even and Mjuure on the siues so as to orín close snd even Joints. Srd. Jld st ne flagging whpn good may be re-cntand laid next lo the carb or building, ■ut tlw.' central portlun of Míe -idewalk for not lt'Ks man six (U) luet in width shall be liiid wil h new flagging. 401. When curbbtones are sel they sball be iet perpendicular, mu 111 conlurmiiy to che esiaunsbed grade. At the tnteraecMon ol treets wltli otber streets or wltu alleys ilie curUKtonu shall be set upoti a proper curvo and to tlie salUI'.clioii ül the Board of Public Works. BBC. 5. Plank sldewalks shall be con■Iracted ol goud pintor beiulock plank, prupi-rly burfaeed and free froin sap, wbicb shall nol be less Ulan lwo (2) inebes iu tbickneas. more thn twelve (12) or less han live (5) Inches wide, and lald surface side up un oak, 4jedai, pine or heinlock sieepeis nol less Ihun lwo by lour (2x4) inches Ín size, to be placed n pairs ijol more than lour l'eet apari; Ihe plank sliall be laid leiigtbwise ol' tlie .street ,iiul shall be nailed willi nails not lessmai Iwenty (U) penny wiih at least two (2) ii acti end oí' each plank, and not less tlian lwo ;2) at eveiy otber bearing All sidewalk ha 1 be raisi-d from tlie curostnne in Itie pr. jiortion oí eiglit (S; inebes in twenty (2(i) íeet and conlorm to tbe establislied grade. BBC. (■ Wbenever Ibe Common Uounci hall order any .sidewalk to be graded or con Btructed, it si. all be tlie Uuly oï ti. e Board o Public Works lo notiiy (lie owner, agent o ecupant o I' any lot in fl'out ol or adjaeent ti which any sncli sidewalk is required to be graded or coiistrucied, to grade or build tile .unie wltllin tliirty (3U) days from the date o the service ol sucli nolice, whereupon It shal Ijctlie duty uf Micli owuer, gen , or oceupau to build, grade or construct suob walk in tlie lime reijuired by sucli noiice, and of tlie material and in tlie manne-r required by tliis ordinance. Ifsucli owner, agent or oceupan hall ueglect to grade construct or build any sucli eidewaik withiu the time required ii ■niicü-üuiice. and oí Mie material umi ju t)i marnier requlred in tb Is ordiuanee and shal niHke default therein, lt sliall tleu be ihe tluty of the Board o Public Works 10 at once causea sidewalk to be graded and constructei and ol the material nul in the mauner here in required, and the expense thereol' wilü sen (lu) per cent added thereto snall be assessed uiun and become a lien against the lot, land or premlees in front of or adjacent lo which sucb sidewalk is required to be graded or constructed. Bko. 7. All sidewalks in said cily shall be kept and malntalned In good order and repair by the owner, agent or oocupaut of the iionne, store, lot, land or premlses fronting ■on or adjoinlng the same, and whenever any ■sidewalk wllhin the limits of the said city Hhull become out of order and shall require repairing, it shall be the duty of the lioard of Public Works to order such repair to be made and to notify the owner, agent or occupant of any such house, store, lot, land r pre;ni8es adjacent to or Ironting on any snch sidewalk or part of sidewalk so required loberepaired by written orpriuted.or partly written or parlly priuted uotices, to repair the same wltliin forty-eight (48) hours from the service of auy such notice. Wliereupon it shall be the duty of any sucli owner agent ■or occupant to repnir any such sidewaik at the place and in the manner and of the material stated in uch notice and within Ihe time required tlierein, and if the persou onoUiied shail fail, makedefault in, or ueglect to repair any such sidewalk at the place ui m: iiííimji-i, wiLuiíi uie unie, or 01 me material required in and by sucli notiee tben it shall be the duty ot Hie Board 01 Public Works, forthwitn, to cause tbesaid repair to any sucb sidewalk tobe made in Ihe manner and of Mie material stated iu sucli dotice, and tlie cost and expense of all sueli repairs with ten (lu) per cent ihereof udded lüereto shall beassesised againstand becoine h 1 tei i upon auy sucli lot, land or(p remises m rroiii of willen or adjolulng to wli:ch auy sacb sidewalk sball have beun so repaired. 8ec. 8 The Common Council shall proviucaiul direct thal the cost and expense o' me building, coustructlon and repair o all sucn Kidewalks so ordered graded.constiucted ot repaired by ihe Board of Public Works ihall be andited and paid froin the street mud, and all such suims of money, when so 1'iinl, wiih teu Uü) per cent tUcreof added ■lüeretoshall beano becoine a Hen on anil againstthe lot or parcel of luid In front "I r adjaceut to wliich tlie satd sidewalk hali liave been graded, coustructed or repaired, winch lieu shall continue muil the said money eo paid shall be repaid utoorotherwise receiveo by the City ïreasurv. and wtien so recelved the same shall be oredlted w the street I'und. Sec. 9. The Board of Public Works shall 'fi' íuid cause to be entered, in a book to be piovkted for that purpose, memoranda wi:h ■ten. uumes and tlie particulars of all such ooiioes so served as aforesaid to grade conjruci, huild, repair or renew any such sidetilk, iind sball keep on lile a duiilicate of all uir not.ces so served as iifoiesald with a return eudorsed thereon of Mie tlrue uu! node of the service of the saine; and shall aso keep a Just and true account of all moneys paid, laid out and expended for the raaing constrnction or repuirs of any such mewaili.aH well as a particular description une lands, tenemenlH and premises in front f or adjacent to whl li any such sidewalks wan have been graded, constructed or reP red and on or belore the thlrd Monday of wiober in each and every year shall report neiwiKl expendmires In writing to the Oomraon Council so arranged that there will apgearfrom euch report the particular snmof ouey. wlucü Khall have been expended in niwigra,dlufV conslractfon or repair ot each Particular sidewalk in front of or adjacent to ich particular deseription of lauds, tene'iients or premises '■ ivff'i10' Wheuever auy such certifícate jnll bc; reeelved by the Common Council, ■ uiramuu Council shall at the same or the next meeting ihereof ppointandflx uaj nol later ihan the ihlrd Monday of ■V-vrinher next rollowlng when they will peet asa Board of Bevlew to pass upon and tenmue the ucciiracy of the sald ertittcate, i.i.i Ihe said couneil hall glve notice to all Jrarsorta uamcd in ihe sald certlfloate of the Urne when and the place wnere suoh meeting will he held, at which meeting, after hearluj; every person in person or by attorney win sball deslre to be heard, the sald couneil as such Board of Review, shall wilhoiKr-jidjoiirninent proceed to determine the trutli of such cerlirlcate. and shall have power and authority u change any sum of money stated therein, lo correct any üescription of land or preniises mentioued in the kiame, and to take any ol.her aclion to the nd that the sald certiiicate may iu all talngs ■sniadejust and true, which delermiaation ■ïüll be in all things final and conclusivo. Itersuchdeiermlnation.sald board shall by Jesolutlon certify lts determlnatlon to the mommon Council, and the Common Councll s'ionVu'nsï1,1!16 meetl"g or at an adjourned c nu'c i s sn 'eu"'"?y S( "uml the 8!"i r., , i, lg of anysuén sidewalk or éldewalks a ia aealnst the land, lotor pre!uS'-8 in fron w„ tP i y. the sald Board of Pnblio Works and sliall certify such detetmlnatlOQ T?.2Sm TflCïSf81"11?! to tlle uuy Assessor. Itiesald HyAsstssorshallon reoaípt thereof Prooeed to et dowu hi and assess upou u e general assement roll of the said city for the tlion ourrent year the sum or sums of money so eertifled agalnst eaoh particular lol or parcel ot land so In said order o" as sessineut inentioned against wiiich ihe sald sauia oí money are respectively cliarged by adding such buras of money to ihe general city tax. and sald suma ot money so sel down in said aseassnient roll sliall bsand beoorae a valid dcbt, dumand and tax agalnst the owner ol the lot, land and premlsesand a valid tax agalnst Mie Uu, land and premUes in front of or aojaoent to whlon any guob sidewalK may have bten graded. m structed or repaired by the. sald Board of Publlo Work, and shall be collected in the samo marnier in every pan ic-, .lar as the lax to wlnch it la thus added and as ihe other taxes set down In and spread upon the said asseasinem roll are collected. ice. 11. In case the iax assessed on any such lot, land or premisos cliarged wlth Ine expense ol grudlii. , cunxlrucli ng or repalrIng any sldewalk as provided by this ordinaucesbail nut be paid nrcollecied and any sucb lot or laudn aud premiaes shall be returned for non-payment ol' sneb tax by the City Treasurer, such lots or lands and preinises uuless soouer redteim d shall be sold lor - " - 'iii' v í mil j ij _, OW J W l V ) 1 sucli Lax by the County Treasurer at theaunual sale of lande lor delinquent laxes and in the sanie marnier as lor other taxes as provided by law. Sec. 12. All nutlces required to le Berved y ihis ordlnanoe sliall be served by ihe Street Uommlssloner, Marshall or any polieemanofsaid eily persoually, ou tlieownerof tae laudsur premises froiilingun oradjacent to wliich it is proposed to grade construct or repair any such sidewalk, 11 sucli ownor sliall be found within the eily. If such owiier shall not be found witlun Lheclty Uien sucli notice hall be served personally on the occupant of any such preinises.and il any such premises sball be vacant and the owner tuereoi shall not be found within the city theu all such notices sliall be served by posting the same in souie conspiciious place upou the said premisas; provided however, that the Dutlce of the uieellUK of the Common Council as n Board of Review may be given by publication in the ollicial newspaper or newspapeis of the said city, and one publication in such newspaperor Dewspapera sliill be detraed surtii'ienl, and the said board ■ review shall have aulhorily to proceed on Bling wiili the City (Merk due prooi by aili davit of such puhiic.-itioit Sao. 13. The Board of Public. Works is bereby authorlZfd lo gr.. de. constroct and repair sidewaiks ander the dlrectiou of the Street Uoiutnlssloner, on the del.iult of the owner, agent or oucupant of the fronting or aijai-ent lands and premlses; Out ijo sueh sidewalk -r eroxswalk .shull be graded, constructed or repalred where the coat and expense o( the labor iind material thereol shall be greater than Ihe Hum of live (8; dollars, unless sucli improvenient sliall flrst liave been ordered bj i,ue C.mmon Couucll. SKO. 14. It sliall be the duiy of every owuer, agent oroccupant of any lot or premises. who shall be nouried i y the board of Public Woiks lo build, construci or repair any sidewalk or sidewaiks Lu promptly coinply with such noiice, and a'ade, consiruclor repair Mie such sidewa.k as ordered, and iu case any owner. agent or occupuiit shall negleet to so grade, build, construct or repair any such Kid-walk or sidewalks withiti tne time piescnbed in the uolice of the Board of Publle Works, and In case the aity by any sult, a-tion or other proceedings shall be compelled to pay dam age lor injuries to any peis-on or property on account of such uegleet, such owner, agent or occupant, in addition to all other fines and liabilltles provided by this ordl nance shail be Hable to the elly for the amouutof all damages and costa so paid and the same may be collected if necest-ary iu an action of assumpMt in the proper coun. Wkc. 15. Any owner, aentor occupant of any lot, or any oLher person, vlolutins neg lecting or refusiug lo coinply wilh the condltlon of tliis ordinance shall, i n convletlon thereof, be punlslied by a lint: nol to exi:end twenty flve{25) dollars and the ooat of prosecutiou, and in the ImposlUon of any sach line and costs the coun may inake the further senteuce that the oftender be lrnprisoncvl in the coun ty Jai I of the countyol Washtenaw Mie payinent tiieieof. pro vided t.hat, the ter oi any ach Imprlsonraenl sllall nol exceed a period of ILiirly (80J days. MISCKI.I.ANKOUS PROVISIONS, Sec. 16 The Uoramon Oouucll sliall have power and authority to provide by resol ution lor the gradiiif; constraclion and repair of all such sidewalks by conlntct whlcn shall not have been graded, constructed or repaired by the owuer, agent or oecupaut Whenever any suuh Bidewalk Khall be graded, constructed or repaired by contract. Uien the lot, lands. teuements and prernises in front, of or a-ujaceut. 10 wnicn any sucn BiüewalK is ko graded, constructeu or lepaired shall be charged and assessed Ilie contract pi ice only. Aiid whenever the Common Council shall conclude any sucb contract, in the event of tin; failure of the owner, agent oroccupant to grade, build, consiruct or repair any sueh sidewalk, it shall tlieu be the duty of the Board of Public Works to forthwith notify such contractorof sueh del'ault Whereupon such coutractor shall forwith proceed ti grade, build, construct or repair any such sidewalk aceording to tliis ordinance and the order of the Common Council. Sec. i7 In the event of the fallure, neglect or refusal of the Common Council 10 conclude any such contract, it shtul be lawtul f ir the Uoard of Public Woiks tu make and ordain rules for the letting by contract the itradtug ouuBtractiou and rtpairs of sidewaiks and crosswalks so otdered to be constructed or repaired oy the Conimoit Council. and the work done and material furnished by any such coutractor shall be deeined to have been done aud t'urnished by tlie Uoaid ol' i-ublic Works. Sec IS. In ordering the grading, constiuciioD or ï'ppaiiiiia of any sldewalk, it shall besofflcleut in the resnlution or order iherefore lospeclfy the slreetand thesideof the Street upou wiiich said sldewalk is or sliall be loca led, and the name ol1 the owner, r sti'eet nuini)er of the property, house, store or premises in (V nl. of wluch any such sidewalk shall bi: oíd-red tobe gruded, constructi-u or repalred Sec 19 The Sne.t Coinmissioner by virtue 01 his oilice shall lie inspector of sidev Iks. It shal I be tlie duiy of such inspector of sidewalks tomake Inquiry In relation to i-ud at all tirmsto n Ie tüe conditi"n of all Ihe Bldewalks witliin tin? llnilis of the city. i il report all sidewalks in need of repnlr or re-construction lo the Board of Public Works to the end that the oondltlon and need of such sidewalks inay be relenxjd to the Common Council. Sec. 2J. All sidewalks within the limitó Of the city shall be graded, coustructed and repaired In the raanner and of the material jrovided for in thU ordinanee and on the 'raae esiaDiisnea or lo be etabiistieu by inc? (,'ommou Uouncil, aud not otberwise. Nn sidewalk shall be graded aod oonslruoted except by leave of the Board of Public Works. Ali sidewalks shall be fíraded, laid and construeted in the streel and on a line parallel wlth the property line of the adja:ent properly and distant therefroin as iolows. towit: All sidewalks of greater width -han six feet on and along Kuch property Ine. All sidewalks six feet in width, one 'oot therefrom. All sidewalks flve feet in width, oue and one-half feet therefrom. All sidewalks less than flve feet in width, wo feet froni such properly line Sec. 21. AU ordimincen or parts of ordimces contrHYeulng the provlsions of this ordinance ire hereby repealed. Sec. 22. This ordinance shall take effect and be enforeed from and after the expiraion of ten (1U) days trom the publlcation hereol'. Passed in the Common Council, March 7, 892. anuroved Mareh 10. 18!)2.


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